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File: facebook.php

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  Classes of Viet Vu   Facebook Plugin   facebook.php   Download  
File: facebook.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: jxFacebook
Class: Facebook Plugin
Insert Facebook social plugins in Web pages
Author: By
Last change: # fix some bugs
- remove default opengraphs
^ allow adding multi opengraphs like og:image can have multi row
^ add close for meta tags
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 14,909 bytes


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<?php /** * Facebook library * This class provide method to work with Facebook SDK / plugins and Opengraph * PHP version 5.3 * * @author JOOservices Ltd Company * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012 JOOservices Ltd Company. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL license: */ ?> <?php /** * @role Always check class exists before create it */ if ( !class_exists ( 'JxFacebook' ) ) { /** * Facebook base object */ class JxFacebookObject { protected $opengraph = array ( ) ; /* used in <head><meta> */ protected $attributes = array ( ) ; /* use for Facebook plugins */ protected $app_id = '129458053806961' ; protected $admins = '100002155587121' ; protected $url = '' ; /** * Construct method * @param string $url */ public function __construct ( $url = '' ) { $this->url = $url ; } /** * Method to get singleton instance of this class * @staticvar JxFacebook $instance * @param string $url * @return \JxFacebook */ public static function getInstance ( $url = '' ) { static $instance ; if ( !isset ( $instance ) ) $instance = new JxFacebook ( $url ) ; return $instance ; } /** * Method to set opengraph * @link * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public function setOpenGraph ( $name , $value , $prefix = 'og' ) { $this->opengraph[$prefix . ':' . $name][] = $value ; } /** * Reset datas of an opengraph * @param string $name * @param string $prefix */ public function cleanOpenGraph ( $name , $prefix = 'og' ) { $this->opengraph[$prefix . ':' . $name] = array ( ) ; } /** * Method to get opengraph * @param string $name * @param string $def * @return array */ public function getOpenGraph ( $name , $def = '' , $prefix = 'og' ) { if ( isset ( $this->opengraph[$prefix . ':' . $name] ) ) { return $this->opengraph[$prefix . ':' . $name] ; }else return $def ; } /** * Method to set attribute use for plugin * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public function setAttribute ( $name , $value ) { $this->attributes[$name] = $value ; } /** * Method to get attribute use for plugin * @param string $name * @param string $def * @return string */ public function getAttribute ( $name , $def = '' ) { if ( isset ( $this->attributes[$name] ) ) { return $this->attributes[$name] ; }else return $def ; } /** * Method to set facebook appid * @param string $id */ public function setAppId ( $id ) { $this->app_id = $id ; } /** * Method to get facebook appid */ public function getAppId ( $def = '129458053806961' ) { if ( isset ( $this->app_id ) ) return $this->app_id ; else return $def ; } /** * Method to set facebook admins id * @param string $id */ public function setAdmins ( $id ) { $this->admins = $id ; } /** * Method to get facebook admins id * @param string $def * @return string */ public function getAdmins ( $def = '100002155587121' ) { if ( isset ( $this->admins ) ) return $this->admins ; else return $def ; } /** * Method to set url use for attribute & opengraph * @param string $url */ public function setUrl ( $url ) { $this->url = $url ; $this->setAttribute ( 'href' , $url ) ; $this->setOpenGraph ( 'og:url' , $url ) ; } /** * Method to get current using url * @return string */ public function getUrl () { return $this->url ; } } /** * Facebook class * @package * @subpackage * @uses * * @tutorial */ class JxFacebook extends JxFacebookObject { /** * Construct method * @todo Need use with pure PHP instead Zend */ public function __construct ( $url = '' ) { parent::__construct ( $url ) ; } /** * Method to get instance of * @staticvar self $instance * @return \self */ public static function getInstance ( $url = '' ) { static $instance ; if ( !isset ( $instance ) ) { $instance = new self ( $url ) ; } return $instance ; } /** * Get Facebook SDK class * @param string $appId * @param string $secret * @return \Facebook */ public function getSdk ( $appId , $secret ) { require_once 'sdk/facebook.php' ; return new Facebook ( array ( 'appId' => $appId , 'secret' => $secret , ) ) ; } /** * Method to get facebook scripts * @return string */ public function getScript ( $langTag = 'en_US' ) { $script = '<div id="fb-root"></div> <script> (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//' . $langTag . '/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=' . $this->getAppId () . '"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, \'script\', \'facebook-jssdk\')); </script>' ; return $script ; } /** * @link * @param string $langTag * @return string */ public function loadScript ( $langTag = 'en_US' ) { static $loaded = false ; if ( $loaded == false ) { $script = ' <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> if (typeof window.FB === "undefined") { window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ }); // Additional initialization code here }; // Load the SDK Asynchronously (function(d){ var js, id = \'facebook-jssdk\', ref = d . getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; if (d . getElementById(id)) { return; } js = d . createElement(\'script\'); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//' . $langTag . '/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=' . $this->getAppId () . '"; ref . parentNode . insertBefore(js, ref); }(document)); } </script>' ; $loaded = true ; } else { $script = '' ; } return $script ; } /** * Method to get facebook attributes for <html> tag * @return string */ public function getHtml () { $type = $this->getOpenGraph ( 'type' , array ( 'website' ) ) ; $html = 'xmlns:fb = ""' ; $html .='prefix = "og: fb: ' . $type[0] . ':' . $type[0] . '# "' ; return $html ; } /** * Method to get head <meta> tag * @return string */ public function getHead () { $head = "\n" ; foreach ( $this->opengraph as $key => $opengraph ) { $prev = '' ; foreach ( $opengraph as $value ) { if ( $value != '' && $value != $prev ) { $head .= '<meta property = "' . $key . '" content = "' . $value . '" />' . "\n" ; $prev = $value ; } } } $head .= '<meta property = "fb:admins" content = "' . $this->getAdmins () . '" />' . "\n" ; $head .= '<meta property = "fb:app_id" content = "' . $this->getAppId () . '" />' . "\n" ; return $head ; } /** * Method to get plugin html * @param string $name * @return string */ public function getPlugin ( $name ) { $class = 'jooxfb-' . $name . ' fb-' . $name ; $html = '<div class = "' . $class . '"' ; foreach ( $this->attributes as $key => $value ) { $html .= 'data-' . $key . ' = "' . $value . '"' ; } $html .= '></div>' ; return $html ; } /** * @link * @param type $dialog * @param type $obj * @param type $type * @return string */ public function getDialog ( $dialog = 'feed' , $obj = array ( ) , $type = 'url' ) { $fbDialog = '' . $dialog . '?' ; $defObject = array ( 'redirect_uri' => $this->url . '&fb_redirected' , 'display' => ($type == 'url') ? 'page' : 'popup' , /* */ 'from' => '' , 'to' => '' , 'link' => $this->url , 'picture' => '' , 'source' => '' , 'name' => '' , 'caption' => '' , 'description' => '' , 'properties' => '' , 'actions' => '' , 'ref' => '' ) ; $obj = array_merge ( $obj , $defObject ) ; switch ( $type ) { case 'url' : if ( $type == 'url' ) { $url = 'app_id=' . $this->getAppId () ; foreach ( $obj as $key => $value ) { if ( $value != '' ) { $url .= '&' . $key . '=' . urlencode ( $value ) ; } } return $fbDialog . $url ; } case 'json' : return json_encode ( $obj ) ; case 'script' : /* return javascript object use for FB.ui */ $script = ' var jxFacebookUi = {} ' ; break ; } } /** * * @param array $data */ public function setProperties ( $data ) { if ( is_array ( $data ) ) { foreach ( $data as $name => $value ) { $this->setAttribute ( $name , $value ) ; } } } /** * Method to set og:type * @param string $content */ public function setType ( $data ) { $this->setOpenGraph ( 'type' , $data ) ; } /** * Method to set og:title * @param string $data */ public function setTitle ( $data ) { $this->setOpenGraph ( 'title' , $data ) ; } /** * Method to set og:description * @param string $data */ public function setDescription ( $data ) { $this->setOpenGraph ( 'description' , $data ) ; } /** * Method to quick set OpenGraph siteName * @param string $content */ public function setSiteName ( $content ) { $this->setOpenGraph ( 'site_name' , $content ) ; } /** * Shortcut method to set Opengraphs for article type * @link * @param string $title * @param string $description * @param string $image * @param string $siteName * @param string $article * @return string */ public function getArticle ( $title , $description , $image , $siteName , $article = array ( ) ) { $this->setType ( 'article' ) ; $this->setTitle ( $title ) ; $this->setDescription ( $description ) ; $this->setSiteName ( $siteName ) ; $this->setOpenGraph ( 'image' , $image ) ; foreach ( $article as $key => $value ) { $this->setOpenGraph ( $key , $value , 'article:' ) ; } return $this->getHead () ; } /** * Shortcut method to set Opengraphs for blog type * @link * @param string $title * @param string $description * @param mixed $image * @param string $url * @return string complete <head> */ public function getBlog ( $title , $description , $image ) { $this->setType ( 'blog' ) ; $this->setTitle ( $title ) ; $this->setDescription ( $description ) ; $this->setOpenGraph ( 'image' , $image ) ; return $this->getHead () ; } /** * Shortcut method to set Opengraphs for website type * @link * @param string $title * @param string $description * @param mixed $image * @param string $url * @return string complete <head> */ public function getWebsite ( $title , $description , $image ) { $this->setType ( 'website' ) ; $this->setTitle ( $title ) ; $this->setDescription ( $description ) ; $this->setOpenGraph ( 'image' , $image ) ; return $this->getHead () ; } } } ?>