* This class was produced by PHP-4-Business.co.uk and is based on the classes from
* aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt> -- https://github.com/aur1mas/Wkhtmltopdf
* and
* uuf6429@gmail.com / contact@covac-software.com -- http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/wiki/IntegrationWithPhp
* Authorship and copyright of those classes is unclear - they both claim authorship although the code is largely identical!
* From:
* https://github.com/aur1mas/Wkhtmltopdf
* @author Aurimas Baubkus aka aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @license Released under "New BSD license"
* and
* http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/wiki/IntegrationWithPhp
* @copyright 2010 Christian Sciberras / Covac Software.
* @license None. There are no restrictions on use, however keep copyright intact.
* Modification is allowed, keep track of modifications below in this comment block.
* Manual for wkhtmltopdf 0.10.0 rc2
* http://madalgo.au.dk/~jakobt/wkhtmltoxdoc/wkhtmltopdf_0.10.0_rc2-doc.html
* Raw settings
* http://www.cs.au.dk/~jakobt/libwkhtmltox_0.10.0_doc/pagesettings.html
* This class allows to use either the binary program ( http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/ )
* or the PHP extension ( https://github.com/mreiferson/php-wkhtmltox )
* Note: to use many of the useful parameters (e.g. headers and footers) you need a patched version of QT.
* This is included within the statically compiled binary, but if you compile the binary yourself or compile the
* PHP extension then you must patch QT yourself before compilation (see http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/wiki/compilation)
* Written and tested on Centos 5.4 + PHP 5.2.12
* Sample Usage
* ------------
* <?php
* try {
* $wkhtmltopdf = new wkhtmltopdf(array('path' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/uploads/'));
* $wkhtmltopdf->setTitle("Title");
* $wkhtmltopdf->setHtml("Content");
* $wkhtmltopdf->output(wkhtmltopdf::MODE_DOWNLOAD, "file.pdf");
* } catch (Exception $e) {
* echo $e->getMessage();
* }
* ?>
* Alternatively
* -------------
* $headerhtml & $footerhtml will be repeated on each page
* <?php
* $headerhtml = '<html><head></head><body><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="100%"><img src="' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/logo.png" /><span style="float:right;font-size:12px">Some Text</span></td></tr></table></body></html>';
* $footerhtml = '<html><head></head><body><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="100%" style="text-align:center;font-size:10px;color:blue;">1 Anystreet, Anytown, Anycounty tel: 01234 567890 mail@address.co.uk</td></tr></table></body></html>';
* $wkhtmloptions .= '--header-spacing 5 --footer-spacing 2 --grayscale --margin-top 15';
* $pdf = new wkhtmltopdf(array( 'title' => 'Title',
* 'html' => 'Content',
* 'tmppath' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'tmp',
* 'binpath' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'bin/',
* 'header_html' => $headerhtml,
* 'footer_html' => $footerhtml,
* 'options' => $wkhtmloptions,
* ) );
* $pdf->output('I', 'document.pdf');
* ?>
* PHP extension
* -------------
* To use the PHP extension instantiate the object with the 'php' param.
* Note: when using the PHP extension you must use the appropriate 'raw' parameters (e.g. 'header.center') and NOT
* the binary ones (e.g. '--header-center').
* also make sure you put the param in the correct array - some settings are "global" and some are "object" (see the manual)
* $wkhtmloptions['global'] = array( 'colorMode' => 'grayscale', 'margin.top' => '15mm' );
* $wkhtmloptions['object'] = array( 'header.spacing' => '5mm', 'footer.spacing' => '2mm' );
* $pdf = new wkhtmltopdf(array( 'title' => 'Title',
* 'html' => 'Content',
* 'tmppath' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'tmp',
* 'header_html' => $headerhtml,
* 'footer_html' => $footerhtml,
* 'options' => $wkhtmloptions,
* ) ,'php');
* $pdf->output('I', 'document.pdf');
* When using output() the mode param takes one of 4 values:
* 'D' (const MODE_DOWNLOAD = 'D') - Force the client to download PDF file
* 'S' (const MODE_STRING = 'S') - Returns the PDF file as a string
* 'I' (const MODE_EMBEDDED = 'I') - When possible, force the client to embed PDF file
* 'F' (const MODE_SAVE = 'F') - PDF file is saved on the server. The path+filename is returned.
* But note that the user's browser settings may override what you ask for!