// define the class directory
define("CLASS_DIR", "../../../_class/");
// include section
// create a new Smarty-object
$s = new Smarty;
// set the compile directory for Smarty
$s->assign("form_action", $PHP_SELF);
// the form is submitted
if (isset($_POST["is_sent"]) && $_POST["is_sent"] == true)
// define the required fields in an array
$req_fields = array(
array("fld" => "username", "msg" => "Please choose in a username."),
array("fld" => "zipcode", "msg" => "Please fill in your zipcode."),
array("fld" => "email", "msg" => "Please fill in a emailaddress."),
array("fld" => "gender", "msg" => "Please fill in your gender."),
array("fld" => "books", "msg" => "Please choose a book."),
array("fld" => "website", "msg" => "Please fill in your website."),
array("fld" => "birthdate", "msg" => "Please fill in your birthdate."),
array("fld" => "date_01_01", "msg" => "Please fill in your day {foo}"),
array("fld" => "date_01_02", "msg" => "Please fill in your month {foo}"),
array("fld" => "date_01_03", "msg" => "Please fill in your year {foo}")
// create a new object
$vf = new validate_form($_POST, $req_fields);
// set the custom functions
$vf->is_length ("username", "The length of your username is not permitted.", 5, 20);
$vf->is_regexp ("^[a-z0-9_]+$", "username", "Please make sure your username only contains letters, numbers or a underscore.");
$vf->set_regexp ("url", "^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#\=~])*$");
$vf->is_email ("email", "Please fill in a valid emailaddress.");
$vf->is_zipcode ("zipcode", "Please fill in a valid zipcode.");
$vf->is_url ("website", "Please fill in a valid URL.");
$vf->is_date ("birthdate", "Please fill in your birthdate correctly.");
// define custom date
$vf->set_date ("date_01_01", "date_01_02", "date_01_03", "/");
$vf->is_date ("custom_date", "Please fill in a correct date.", "mm-dd-yyyy");
// activate debugging
if ($vf->is_valid())
echo "<P>-submit form!-\n";
foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)
$s->assign($key, $value);