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  Classes of Timothy Edwards   PHP Excel to HTML   Download  
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Class: PHP Excel to HTML
Convert an Excel spreadsheet to HTML
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This is a class to read a Microsoft Excel XLSX file and output it in HTML format for the web


This php script will convert an Excel .XLSX file to html and display the resultant code (including images) in a web page. It will recognise nearly all the formatting, images etc. in the original Excel XLSX document including the more common Conditional Formatting styles. At present it doesn't support graphs and charts.

NOTE:- Needs at least php 5 and will run on up to (at least) php 8.1.

NOTE:- It will not read the older 'XLS' Excel format. In this case it will give an error message saying that it is a 'non zip file'.

I have a website featuring all my php scripts where you can also test this script with one of your own Excel documents - You can also contact me through my website.


  1. It replicates nearly all text formatting - font (so long as its a common font), font size, bold, italic, single and double underlining, superscript, subscript, strikethrough and colour. It will also support hyperlinks.
  2. It recognises and replicates virtually all number formatting, including %, scientific, currency, time and date etc..
  3. It will recognise how numbers/text are positioned in a cell - left, centre, right - top, centre, bottom.
  4. It replicates most cell formatting including merged cells - background colour, border lines in solid, dotted and dashed in three thicknesses and the correct colour. It can reproduce diagonal lines in all colours, but so far can only reproduce solid lines which are in only one thickness. At present it can't reproduce two diagonal lines in a cell to form a cross, so it reverts to a single diagonal line. It also can't replicate cell background patterns. (Currently no easy way to do these in CSS).
  5. It will reproduce most of the more common Conditional Formatting styles (either from a given number/string or the contents of a referenced cell):- Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less Than, Less Than or Equal to, Between, Not Between, Equal, Not Equal, Contains a Text String, Does Not Contain a Text String, Begins with a Text String, Ends with a Text String, Duplicate Values, Unique Values.
  6. It will just display the area of populated spreadsheet cells. Any blank columns or rows, either before or after the populated cells are not shown.
  7. It will display any images in the correct cell locations as per the spreadsheet. The images are also saved to the default folder 'images'. However this folder/directory name can be changed if desired.
  8. The results of all formulas/calculations are shown.
  9. It can display headers and footers together with any text formatting - selectable, see below.
  10. If the spreadsheet contains more that one populated sheet, then the default is to display them all in succession one after the other. However an option is provided to just display one, which can be selected by its sheet number.
  11. By default column widths and row heights are as per the original Excel spreadsheet. However an 'Auto' mode is available as an option where the browser is allowed to choose them itself. This option can be useful for wide spreadsheets and/or narrower screens.
  12. If the default 'Print' option is selected, it will look similar to a printed Excel sheet, with headers and footers displayed, but no row and column references.
  13. If the 'Spreadsheet' option is selected then it will display the name of the sheet at the top together with the correct row and column references in the usual gray background along the top and left hand side as per a spreadsheet. Headers and footers will not be shown in this mode.
  14. The resultant html code is designed to be used either as is, or (after saving) included in another html file.

If anyone finds any problems or has sugestions for enhancements, please contact me on


$rt = new ExcelPHP(false);
$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','');
echo $text;


Include the class in your php script


debug mode

Will display the various zipped XML files in the XLSX file which are used by the class for the document being converted and will also display the resultant HTML.

$rt = new ExcelPHP(true);

without debug (Normal Use)

$rt = new ExcelPHP(false); or $rt = new ExcelPHP();

Set output encoding (Default is UTF-8)

You can alter the encoding of the resultant HTML - eg. 'ISO-8859-1', 'windows-1252', etc. Although note that many special chacters and symbols may not then display correctly so the default should be used whenever practical.

$rt = new ExcelPHP(false, 'ISO-8859-1');

Change directory for images (Default is 'images')

Will change the directory used for any images in the document.

$rt = new ExcelPHP(false, null, 'dir_name');

Read xlsx file and return the html code - Default mode

See below for various options

$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','');

Display the html code on screen

echo $text;

Save the html code to a file (if required)

$myfile = fopen("xlfile.php", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");

fwrite($myfile, $text)


Select which sheet(s) to display - Option 1

Default is to show all sheets. However you can also select an individual sheet. This is selected by the first character in the last parameter of readDocument(), i.e.:-

$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','A'); Display all sheets in the Excel spreadsheet. (Default)
$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','2'); Sheet two is shown selected for display here.

Column Widths and Row Heights - Option 2

Default is to make the Column Widths and Row Heights approx the same as the original spreadsheet. This is selected by the second character in the last parameter of readDocument(), i.e.:-

$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','AO'); The Column Widths and Row Heights will be approx the same as the original spreadsheet. (Default)
$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','AA'); 'Auto' mode, it will let the browser choose the Column Widths and Row Heights.

'Print' or 'Spreadsheet' mode - Option 3

Default is to make display similar to a printed spreadsheet. This is selected by the third character in the last parameter of readDocument(), i.e.:-

$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','AOP'); 'Print' mode - Includes headers and footers, but no row or column references or sheet name. (Default)
$text = $rt->readDocument('FILENAME','AOS'); 'Spreadsheet' mode - Includes row and column references and the sheet name but no headers/footers.


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