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File: src/compat/compat_php83x.php

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  Classes of ASCOOS CMS   PHP 8 Backwards Compatibility Library   src/compat/compat_php83x.php   Download  
File: src/compat/compat_php83x.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: PHP 8 Backwards Compatibility Library
Functions of PHP 8 that work in older PHP versions
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Date: 5 days ago
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<?php /** * __ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ _ __ ___ ___ * / _` |/ / / __/ _ \ / _ \ / / / __/| '_ ` _ \ / / * | (_| |\ \| (_| (_) | (_) |\ \ | (__ | | | | | |\ \ * \__,_|/__/ \___\___/ \___/ /__/ \___\|_| |_| |_|/__/ * * ************************************************************************************* * @ASCOOS-NAME : ASCOOS CMS 24' * * @ASCOOS-VERSION : 24.0.0 * * @ASCOOS-CATEGORY : Kernel (Frontend and Administration Side) * * @ASCOOS-CREATOR : Drogidis Christos * * @ASCOOS-SITE : * * @ASCOOS-LICENSE : [Commercial] * * @ASCOOS-COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 2007 - 2023, AlexSoft Software. * ************************************************************************************* * * @package : ASCOOS CMS - phpBCL * @subpackage : Core Compatibilities Manager for PHP < 8.3.0 * @source : /phpBCL/src/compat/compat_php83x.php * @version : 1.1.3 * @created : 2023-06-22 07:00:00 UTC+3 * @updated : 2024-10-22 07:00:00 UTC+3 * @author : Drogidis Christos * @authorSite : */ /** * If the function [ stream_context_set_options ] does not exist then we create it. * ++ 8.3.0 ---- */ if (!function_exists('stream_context_set_options')) { /** * Sets options on the specified context. * * @link * * @param resource $context: The stream or context resource to apply the options to. * @param array $options: The options to set for context. * Note : options must be an associative array of associative arrays * in the format $array['wrapper']['option'] = $value. * Refer to context options and parameters for a listing of stream options. * @return bool Returns true on success or false on failure. * * @since 1.0.9 */ function stream_context_set_options($context, $options) { return stream_context_set_option($context, $options); // Second syntax of function } } /** * If the function [ json_validate ] does not exist then we create it. * ++ 8.3.0 ---- */ if (!function_exists('json_validate')) { /** * * DESCRIPT : Validate an string if contains a valid json. * * @link * * @param string $json The json string being analyzed. This function only works with UTF-8 encoded strings. * Note: * PHP implements a superset of JSON as specified in the original » RFC 7159. * * @param int $depth Maximum nesting depth of the structure being decoded. * * @param int $flags Bitmask of JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE. The behavior of this constant is described on the JSON constants page. * * @return bool Returns true if the string passed contains a valid json, otherwise returns false. * */ function json_validate($json, $depth = 512, $flags = 0) { $errors = array( 'json_validate(): Argument #3 ($flags) must be a valid flag (allowed flags: JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE)', 'json_validate(): Argument #2 ($depth) must be greater than 0' ); if (is_string($json) && $json !== '') { if ($flags !== 0 && $flags !== \JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE) { trigger_error($errors[0], E_USER_WARNING); // throw new ValueError('json_validate(): Argument #3 ($flags) must be a valid flag (allowed flags: JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE)'); } if ($depth <= 0 ) { trigger_error($errors[1], E_USER_WARNING); // throw new ValueError('json_validate(): Argument #2 ($depth) must be greater than 0'); } @json_decode($json, null, $depth, $flags); if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) return true; } return false; } } /** * If the function [ mb_str_pad ] does not exist then we create it. * ++ 8.3.0 ---- */ if (!function_exists('mb_str_pad')) { /** * The str_pad() function lacks multibyte character support, causing issues when working with languages * that utilize multibyte encodings like UTF-8. This RFC proposes the addition of such a function to PHP, * which we will call mb_str_pad(). * * @link * * @param string $string The input string. * * @param int $length If the value of length is negative, less than, or equal to the length of the input string, * no padding takes place, and string will be returned. * * @param string $pad_string The pad_string may be truncated if the required number of padding characters * can't be evenly divided by the pad_string's length. * * @param int $pad_type Optional argument pad_type can be STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_LEFT, or STR_PAD_BOTH. * If pad_type is not specified it is assumed to be STR_PAD_RIGHT. * * @param string|null $encoding must be a valid and supported character encoding, if provided. Otherwise it will output * a value error just like the other mbstring functions do with an invalid encoding. * You'll find this error condition in many mbstring functions. * * @return string */ function mb_str_pad($string, $length, $pad_string = " ", $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT, $encoding = null) //function mb_str_pad(string $string, int $length, string $pad_string = " ", int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT, ?string $encoding = null): string { // If $encoding is empty then we take the default internal encoding, otherwise we use the one given by the user. $encoding = (is_null($encoding)) ? $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() : (string) $encoding; $len = mb_strlen($string, $encoding); $len2 = mb_strlen($pad_string, $encoding); $min_length = $len + (($pad_type == STR_PAD_BOTH) ? ceil($len2 / 2) : $len2); /** * */ $types = array(STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_BOTH); /** * Array with Strings Errors for this function. */ $errors = array ( 'mb_str_pad(): expects parameter 1 to be string, '.gettype($string).' given', 'mb_str_pad(): The length of string is greater than the length specified in parameter 2. Increase the size of parameter 2 to >= '.$min_length, 'mb_str_pad(): expects parameter 2 to be int, '.gettype($length).' given', 'mb_str_pad(): expects parameter 2 to be int >= '.$min_length, 'mb_str_pad(): expects parameter 3 to be string, '.gettype($pad_string).' given', 'mb_str_pad(): Parameter 3 must not be empty', "mb_str_pad(): expects parameter 4 one of the following int constants: STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_BOTH", 'mb_str_pad(): expects parameter 5 to be string, '.gettype($encoding).' given', 'mb_str_pad(): Unknown encoding "'.$encoding.'"' ); /****************** * Check for Errors *****************/ // Check parameter 1 [$string] if (!is_string($string) && !is_scalar($string) && !(is_object($string) && method_exists($string, '__toString'))) { trigger_error($errors[0], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } if ($len >= $length) { trigger_error($errors[1], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } // Check parameter 2 [$length] if (!is_null($length) && !is_int($length)) { trigger_error($errors[2], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } //if (null === $length) $length = (int) $min_length; $length = (int) $length; if ($min_length > $length) { trigger_error($errors[3], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } // Check parameter 3 [$pad_string] if (!is_string($string)) { trigger_error($errors[4], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } if ($pad_string === '') { trigger_error($errors[5], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } // Check parameter 4 [$pad_type] if (!in_array($pad_type, $types, true)) { return $errors[6]; } // Check parameter 5 [$encoding] if (!is_string($encoding) && !is_null($encoding)) return $errors[7]; if (!in_array($encoding, mb_list_encodings(), true)) { static $aliases; if ($aliases === null) { $aliases = []; foreach (mb_list_encodings() as $encoding) { $encoding_aliases = mb_encoding_aliases($encoding); if ($encoding_aliases) { foreach ($encoding_aliases as $alias) { $aliases[] = $alias; } } } } if (!in_array($encoding, $aliases, true)) { trigger_error($errors[8], E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } } /************************ * END CHECK FOR ERRORS ***********************/ // $pad_before = ($pad_type == STR_PAD_BOTH) || ($pad_type == STR_PAD_LEFT); // $pad_after = ($pad_type == STR_PAD_BOTH) || ($pad_type == STR_PAD_RIGHT); // $length -= $len; $targetLen = $pad_before && $pad_after ? $length / 2 : $length; $strToRepeatLen = mb_strlen($pad_string, $encoding); $repeatTimes = ceil($targetLen / $strToRepeatLen); $repeatedString = str_repeat($pad_string, max(0, $repeatTimes)); // safe if used with valid utf-8 strings $before = $pad_before ? mb_substr($repeatedString, 0, floor($targetLen), $encoding) : ''; $after = $pad_after ? mb_substr($repeatedString, 0, ceil($targetLen), $encoding) : ''; return $before . $string . $after; } } ?>