All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.1.0] - 2024-12-10
* Added Fnv1-a and Murmur3 based hashers. This brings the available hashers to: * `Crc32Hasher`
* `Fnv1AHasher`
* `Md5Hasher`
* `Murmur3Hasher`
* `Xxh32Hasher`
* Added unit tests for the Fnv1-a and Murmur3 based hashers.
* Added tests/BenchmarkTest back, which was previously removed in the 1.0.0 release.
* Improved the PHPBench benchmark in tests/Bench and reduced to one class.
* With the improvement to tests/Bench/LookupBench , the following were no longer needed: * `tests/Bench/LookupBenchCrc32`
* `tests/Bench/LookupBenchFnv1A`
* `tests/Bench/LookupBenchMurmur3`
* `tests/Bench/LookupBenchXxh32`
[1.0.0] - 2024-12-04
This library is based on a fork of flexihash/flexihash v3.0.0 by
* Paul Annesley <>
* Dom Morgan <>
Note: This is not a drop-in replacement for flexihash as there are various BC breaks.
* Added a XXH32 based hasher. This brings the available hashers to: * `Crc32Hasher`
* `Md5Hasher`
* `Xxh32Hasher`
* Added benchmarks for the Crc32 and Xxh32 based hashers, as the original benchmark was using the MD5 hasher. Adds: * `tests/Bench/LookupBenchCrc32`
* `tests/Bench/LookupBenchXxh32`
* New dev dependencies: * `esi/phpunit-coverage-check` - to check code coverage percentage based on PHPUnit's clover output
* `friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer` - to check and/or fix code based on my personal coding standards
* `phpbench/phpbench` - to run benchmarks found in `tests/Bench`
* PHPStan for static analysis
* `phpstan/extension-installer`
* `phpstan/phpstan`
* `phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules`
* `phpstan/phpstan-phpunit`
* `phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules`
* `phpunit/phpunit` - to perform unit tests
* Psalm for static analysis
* `psalm/plugin-phpunit`
* `vimeo/psalm`
* Updated namespace to Esi\ConsistentHash
* Bumped minimum PHP version to 8.2
* Updated throughout to add proper parameter, property, and return types
* Updated throughout per coding standards via PHP-CS-Fixer (PSR-12/PER-CS)
* Updated throughout to add psalm and phpstan extended types to docblocks
* Various fixes throughout to resolve issues reported by both PHPStan and Psalm
* Updated composer.json to add keywords, support information, and scripts
* Normalized composer.json
* Performance enhancements
* Changed Exception class to TargetException and moved to Esi\ConsistentHash\Exception namespace * `TargetException` now extends `\RuntimeException` instead of `\Exception`
* Added static methods that handle creating the exception and message
* Removed TravisCI and Coveralls
* Removed tests/BenchmarkTest in favor of just using a slimmed down benchmark via PHPBench