DownloadPull Request
PR title needs to be prefixed with a conventional commit type
It should also be brief and descriptive for a good changelog entry
examples: "feat: add new command" or "fix: remove unused imports"
Proposed Changes
<!-- Describe what the changes are and link to a Discussion or Issue if one exists -->
Readiness Checklist
[ ] You have read CONTRIBUTING
[ ] If documentation is needed for this change, has that been included in this pull request
[ ] run `composer run-script phpunit` and ensure you have test coverage for the lines you are introducing
[ ] run `composer run-script phpstan` and fix any issues that you have introduced
[ ] run `composer run-script psalm` and fix any issues that you have introduced
[ ] run `composer run-script phpcs:check` and fix any issues that you have introduced
[ ] Label as either `fix`, `documentation`, or `enhancement`
[ ] Additionally label as `verified` or `unverified`