//include library
//By Default routes will map as follows:
// / will map to default:index:index
// /x will map to x:index:index
// /x/y will map to x:y:index
// /x/y/z will map to x:y:z
// anything after will be keyed as params so
// /x/y/z/page/4 would map as module=x,controller=y,action=z,page=4
//custom routes::::
//one required route is the 404 route:
//get the instance:
$router = Cfw_Router::getInstance();
// setStaticRoute - param1 url string, param 2 module/controller/action
$router->setStaticRoute('_404', 'error/index/notfound');
//setWileRoute - param1 url required (more can be after), param2 module, controller,action
$router->setWildRoute('news/:id', 'cms/news/list');
//route above would match as follows:
//url://dom.ext/news/1 - map to cms - news::list id=1
//url://dom.ext/news/1/page/2 - map to cms - news::list id=1 page=2