// ivweather.class.php pulls free weather information from http://weather.interceptvector.com/
// Please visit that site and read about the service they provide.
// They gather weather information from around the world and provide it via xml feeds.
// This example script illustrates some of the standard abilities of the class, namely
// getting weather information and making it available to your php script through the inclusion of
// ivweather.class.php, and instantiating an IVWeather object: $ivw = new IVWeather($uvw);
// You can pass a valid ivweather url to this script and display that location's weather
// by setting the u parameter.
// The test script is installed here: http://canyoncam.gizmola.com/test_ivweather.php
// For example:
// http://canyoncam.gizmola.com/test_ivweather.php?u=http://weather.interceptvector.com/weather.xml?id=UlNYWDAxMTY%3D
// will display weather information for Vladivostok, Russia. A listing of locations and their respective ivweather url's
// is available at http://weather.interceptvector.com/list.php.
// Note that state appears to be empty for non-US locations, and some information may not available depending
// the location, or the current weather conditions.
// The location of a .zip file containing the weather icons used in this demo can be found by
// visiting http://forum.gizmola.com/
/* Your code should begin with this block. You can pass a url variable like $uvw or a literal string.
* For backwards compatibility with version 1.0 of the class, you can omit use of the localization block
* if you don't need that support.
$ivw = new IVWeather($uvw);
if (!$ivw->err) {
if ($localized)
$ivw->loadLocalization($rlangwd, $rlangsky);
* Your code here *
$uvw = $HTTP_GET_VARS["u"];
if (!isset($uvw)) {
// defaults to weather for Dublin, Ireland
$uvw= "http://weather.interceptvector.com/weather.xml?id=RUlYWDAwMTQ%3D";
//$uvw= "http://www.gizmola.com/weather.xml?id=RUlYWDAwMTQ%3D";
$ivw = new IVWeather($uvw);
if (!$ivw->err) {
echo "<h3>Test of IVWeather class[<i>Version:$ivw->version!</i>]</h3><hr>";
if ($localized)
$ivw->loadLocalization($rlangwd, $rlangsky);
echo "Weather for ". $ivw->rWeatherLocale["city"]. "," . $ivw->rWeatherLocale["state"] . " " . $ivw->rWeatherLocale["country"] . " " . $ivw->rWeatherLocale["region"] . "<br>";
echo "Raw Date: $ivw->wdate <br><hr>";
echo "Original Date:". $ivw->rDate['dateOrig'] ." ";
echo "Original Time:". $ivw->rDate['timeOrig'] ." ";
echo "Original TimeZone:". $ivw->rDate['TZOrig'] ." ";
echo "Timestamp GMT Value:". $ivw->rDate['dtGMT'] ." ";
echo "Month[". $ivw->rDate['month']."] ";
echo "Day[". $ivw->rDate['day']."] ";
echo "Year[". $ivw->rDate['year']."] <br>";
echo "Local Date: ".$ivw->getDateStr() . "<br>";
echo "Local Date/Americanized: ".$ivw->getDateStr("n-j-Y h:i:s A") . "<br><hr>";
$ivw->SetLocalDateTimeFormat("n/j/Y h:i:s A");
echo "Localization Date Formatted: ".$ivw->getLocalDateStr() . "<br><hr>";
echo $ivw->rTemp["temp"] . " degrees " . $ivw->rTemp["tempscale"] . " and $ivw->sky <img src=http://weather.interceptvector.com/common/weather/icons/".$ivw->wid.".gif><br>(Spanish Translation:". $ivw->getLocalSky('spanish') .")<br>";
echo "Wind speed " . $ivw->rWind["strength"] . "mph from " . $ivw->getWinddecode() . "[" . $ivw->rWind["direction"] . "]<br>";
echo "Wind decode in Spanish: ". $ivw->getLocalWinddecode('spanish') ."<br>";
echo "UV: $ivw->uv Visibility $ivw->visibility <br>";
echo "Barometric pressure: ". $ivw->barometer . " and relative humidity of " . $ivw->humidity . "%<br><hr>";
echo "<table>\n";
echo "<tr>";
for ($i=0; $i < $ivw->getForecastCount(); $i++) {
echo "<td><b>" . $ivw->rForecast[$i]["day"] . "</b><br>". $ivw->rForecast[$i]["date"] ."<br>";
echo "ISO:" . $ivw->getLocalFCDateStr($ivw->rForecast[$i]["date"]) . "<br>";
echo "<img src=http://canyoncam.gizmola.com/images/weather/large/".$ivw->rForecast[$i]["wid"].".gif><br>";
echo $ivw->rForecast[$i]["sky"]."<br>(".$ivw->getLocalSkybyWid('spanish',$ivw->rForecast[$i]["wid"]).")<br>high:".$ivw->rForecast[$i]["high"]."<br>low:".$ivw->rForecast[$i]["low"] . "<br>Chance Rain:".$ivw->rForecast[$i]["precipitation"]."%</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<hr>Weather information provided by  <a href=" . $ivw->rProvider[0]["url"] . "><img border=0 src=\"" . $ivw->rProvider[0]["logo"] . "\" alt=\"". $ivw->rProvider[0]["name"] . "\"></a>";
echo " and  <a href=" . $ivw->rProvider[1]["url"] . "><img border=0 src=\"" . $ivw->rProvider[1]["logo"] . "\" alt=\"". $ivw->rProvider[1]["name"] . "\"></a><br><hr>";
} else {
echo "Problem: $ivw->errmsg";
<tr><td>More information and support for this class can be found at the <a href=http://forum.gizmola.com/>Gizmola Forums</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Weather icons used in this demonstration can be obtained by reading <a href=http://forum.gizmola.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=21>This message</a>.</td></tr>