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File: src/php/Netcrash/Groupon/example/jsonexamples/Deal1.json

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File: src/php/Netcrash/Groupon/example/jsonexamples/Deal1.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Groupon API Client
Get deal information from Groupon using its API
Author: By
Last change: Update of src/php/Netcrash/Groupon/example/jsonexamples/Deal1.json
Date: 4 months ago
Size: 4,369 bytes


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{"type":"groupon","redemptionLocation":"Online","mediumImageUrl":"","vip":false,"textAd":{"headline":"","line1":"","line2":""},"startAt":"2012-02-06T05:00:56Z","soldQuantity":7,"highlightsHtml":"<p>Weekly shopping lists showcase flavorful, healthy recipes customized by store, diet &amp; price, all in time for postholiday fitness kicks</p>","status":"open","locationNote":"","smallImageUrl":"","tippingPoint":1,"soldQuantityMessage":"7","isAutoRefundEnabled":false,"endAt":"2012-02-10T04:59:59Z","announcementTitle":"Half Off Year of Online Meal Planning","dealUrl":"","tippedAt":"2012-02-06T15:23:26Z","title":"$29 for 12 Months of Online Meal Planning from E-Mealz ($58 Value)","placementPriority":"nearby","merchant":{"ratings":[],"websiteUrl":" ","name":"E-Mealz","id":"e-mealz"},"isNowDeal":false,"grid4ImageUrl":"","shippingAddressRequired":false,"isTipped":true,"isSoldOut":false,"sidebarImageUrl":"","grid6ImageUrl":"","finePrint":"Limit 1 per person, may buy 4 additional as gifts. Must activate by 8/15/12, program expires 12 months from activation date.","tags": arrayObject (name), "pitchHtml":"<p>Much like composing a will, composing a grocery list requires the foresight to know what your kids will want. Outsource an unpleasant task with today's Groupon: for $29, you get 12 months of online meal planning from <a href=\"\">E-Mealz</a> (a $58 value).</p>\n\n<p>Endorsed by financial author <a href=\"\">Dave Ramsey</a> and highlighted on <a href=\"\">Oprah Winfrey's Life Lift blog</a>, E-Mealz charts out a week's worth of dollar- and healthy-savvy dinner recipes to relieve the burden of kitchen-related stress. Each week, organized grocery lists\u2014customized by family size, dietary desires, and store preferences\u2014showcase flavorful culinary creations for discerning palates. Plans developed by working parents capitalize on sale items at stores such as Wal-Mart and Kroger, and an \"any store\" list can be used to navigate the aisles of other favored grocers. Family meal plans serve seven meals for three to six people, whereas plans for two are tailored to singles, couples, or a pair of sock puppets on a date atop a chest of drawers.</p>\n\n<p>Special vegetarian, gluten-free, low-carb, low-fat, and portion-controlled <a href=\"\">meal-plan options</a> aid nongeneric eaters in assembling targets for their teeth and postholiday fitness regimens. The Wal-Mart family plan supplies culinary sustenance to families of three to six for an average weekly cost of $75\u2013$85 and takes advantage of the store's regularly discounted prices. A duo can fill a Publix cart for $35\u2013$45 a week, including side dishes.</p>\n\n<p>Born of founder <a href=\"\">Jane DeLaney's</a> desire to feed her family stress-free dinners provisioned from an organized list without coupons, E-Mealz allows shoppers to spend more time at the table and less time wandering about the grocery store uttering monophonic 10th-century chants in dismay.</p>","dealTypes":[],"areas":[],"largeImageUrl":"","id":"emealz-youngstown","options":[{"maximumPurchaseQuantity":5,"customFields":[],"soldQuantity":7,"discountPercent":50,"discount": arrayObject,"soldQuantityMessage":"7","externalUrl":null,"expiresAt":"2012-08-16T03:59:59Z","value": arrayObject,"price":arrayObject,"title":"E-Mealz","details":arrayObj, "isSoldOut":false,"buyUrl":"","remainingQuantity":0,"redemptionLocations":[],"minimumPurchaseQuantity":1,"id":1898552,"initialQuantity":0,"isLimitedQuantity":false}],"grouponRating":null,"channels":array }