run this scrpt,at the currerent dir,u will see a new folder names' "cache1"
in the "cache1" folder will have a file.the file's contents will be:
This is a Cache test line 1 ...
This is a Cache test line 2 ...
This is a Cache test line 3 ...
And if u wanta del all cache file,u will use:
It's very easily to use,isn't it? :)
If u find a bug plz report to me: avenger@php.net
Read and learn!! :)
require_once 'cache.inc.php';
// Create Object
$c = new cache('cache1/',120); // The cache path and cache time
// Start,All the word between the start functon and the end function will be cached
echo "This is a Cache test line 1 ...\n";
echo "This is a Cache test line 2 ...\n";
echo "This is a Cache test line 3 ...\n";
// End and output