This is an example file on how to use the Visa payment gateway integration package
//NOTE: 1) You must have set up your stunnel server. 2) You must have configured the appropraite URLS in Visa.php
require_once ('Visa.php');
$reference_code = "1002323554";//transaction reference code
$amount = 2000;//amount you are charging to visa card
$description = "Payment for Gift Voucher";//description of transaction
$customer_email = "customer@mailer.com";
$customer_phone = "8034423288";
//initialise the VISA payment gateway connection
$visa = Visa::ini('MERCHANT ID',$reference_code);
//create order
$order = $visa->createOrder($amount,$description,$customer_email,$customer_phone);
/************End of Step 1, the next step is the check the status of your order******************/
//check status of order (this is after VISA has redirected to your APPROVAL_URL or DECLINE_URL)
$visa = Visa::ini('MERCHANT ID',$reference_code);
$orderStatus = $visa->getOrderStatus();
if($orderStatus->isApproved())echo "Transaction was successful";
if($orderStatus->isDeclined())echo "Transaction was not successful";