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File: Gruntfile.js

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  Classes of Adeleye Ayodeji   Download Installed Plugin   Gruntfile.js   Download  
File: Gruntfile.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Download Installed Plugin
Download a WordPress plugin as a ZIP archive
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 months ago
Size: 3,059 bytes


Class file image Download
module.exports = function (grunt) { ("use strict"); // Project configuration grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"), addtextdomain: { options: { textdomain: "download-installed-plugin", }, update_all_domains: { options: { updateDomains: true, }, src: [ "*.php", "**/*.php", "!vendor/**/*", "!.git/**/*", "!bin/**/*", "!node_modules/**/*", "!tests/**/*", ], }, }, wp_readme_to_markdown: { your_target: { files: { "": "readme.txt", }, }, }, //build plugin zip compress: { main: { options: { archive: "archive/", }, files: [ { src: [ "app/**", "assets/**", "core/**", "vendor/**", "download-installed-plugin.php", "", "composer.json", ], dest: "download-installed-plugin/", filter: function (filepath) { // Ignore .logs, .gitignore, .map files, and .css files in assets/js return !filepath.match( /\.logs$|\.gitignore$|\.map$|assets\/js\/.*\.css$/ ); }, }, ], }, }, }); // Load the required tasks grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-wp-readme-to-markdown"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-compress"); // Register the default task grunt.registerTask("default", ["readme"]); grunt.registerTask("readme", ["wp_readme_to_markdown"]); // Register the composer_optimise task grunt.registerTask( "composer_optimise", "Run composer optimise", function () { const done = this.async(); require("child_process").exec( "composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader", (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { grunt.log.error(err); done(false); } else { grunt.log.writeln(stdout); done(); } } ); } ); // Register the delete_readme task grunt.registerTask("delete_readme", "Delete", function () { const fs = require("fs"); const done = this.async(); fs.unlink("", function (err) { if (err) { grunt.log.error(err); done(false); } else { grunt.log.writeln(" deleted successfully."); done(); } }); }); // Empty archive folder grunt.registerTask("empty_archive", "Empty archive folder", function () { const fs = require("fs-extra"); // Use fs-extra const done = this.async(); fs.emptyDir("archive", function (err) { if (err) { grunt.log.error(err); done(false); } else { grunt.log.writeln("Archive folder emptied successfully."); done(); } }); }); // Register the archive_plugin task grunt.registerTask("archive_plugin", ["compress"]); // Register the build task grunt.registerTask("build", [ "composer_optimise", // Optimize composer dependencies "empty_archive", // Empty archive folder "readme", // Convert README.txt to "archive_plugin", // Create a zip archive of the plugin "delete_readme", // Delete after archiving ]); };