Functionality added:
Now you should not call tplParce() at end of script if you want
strip not parsed blocks, they will be striped automatically, if any.
Bug fixed:
Bug fixed when a template has more than one nested blocks (one level) in dynamic block.
Function added:
tplSetNeededGlobal($alt_blocks) -- Set what blocks should be parsed (hide or show).
For example you have 5 blocks <tmpl:if_blah>...</tmpl:if_blah> and they are in
different dynamic or nested blocks. If you want show these blocks just call
tplSetNeededGlobal('if_blah') after tplTemplatez($tplfile) and that's all, they will be printed.
Function added:
tplStripVars($block) -- Strips unassigned vars {var}.
Sometimes can be useful not show unassigned vars after parsing template.
Call it after tplParce() and before tplPrint()
@param string $block from what block to strip unassigned vars, by default from all parsed blocks