* @author Mubashir Ali (Lahore, Pakistan)
* saad_ali6@yahoo.com
* @category Paypal Invoice API
* @@abstract This class performs the PAYPAL INVOICE API's operations
* @since 03-01-2012
* @version 1.1
* @todo Basic functionalities are performed - workflow of pending tasks still left
* There is sample Array data is also entered to view the demo
$API_Username = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xxx";
$API_Password = "xxxxxxxxxx";
$Signature = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx";
$business = "xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx";
$ppInv = new PaypalInvoiceAPI("sandbox"); //pass 'live' for actual paypal account
$aryData['response_invoice_id'] = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx";
$aryData['email_subject'] = "Cancel Invoice Subject";
$aryData['email_body'] = "Cancel Invoice Notes";
$res = $objInv->doCancelInvoice($aryData);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";