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  Classes of Insolita   Yii2 Fractal   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Yii2 Fractal
Components to implement API based on JSON:API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 days ago
Size: 1,540 bytes


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1.2.0 - prepareDataProvider callback for ListAction moved in better place (fix #7) - added prepareDataProvider callback for ViewRelationshipsAction

1.2.2 - add support for joinWith queries;

1.2.3 - provide before run and after run action events

1.2.4 - Add a callback for validate ids to (create/update/delete)Relationships actions - fix IdOnlyTransformer

1.3.0 - ListAction And ViewRelationshipAction requested with HEAD method now return headers with pagination info, same like yii rest

- X-Pagination-Total-Count
- X-Pagination-Page-Count
- X-Pagination-Current-Page
- X-Pagination-Per-Page

- new CountAction that can count query without loading data. Return X-Pagination-Total-Count with count result

- new ListForIdentityAction and ViewForIdentityAction for show data related to current user

1.3.1 - Add CountForIdentityAction - remove includes from counter actions

1.3.2 - Add validator callback for ability to check allowedRelations for Create and Update Actions

1.3.3 - Add support scenario for delete action

1.3.4 - Add aftersave callback for create/update actions that called after save model with all relations

1.3.5 - Change UpdateAction, set model scenario before checkAccess calling

1.4.0 - Add callable afterDelete for DeleteAction (#17) - Add additional param originalModel for afterSave callback for UpdateAction (#18)

1.4.1 - fix #19 merge (#20) Thanks Sohel Ahmed