//---- this class gets a jpeg file and places a string in desired place of
//---- that image. font and color of this text can be determind as input parameters.
$imagename="test.jpg";// place a jpeg file in classes directory and enter its name here.
$string="This text was added to this image dynamicaly!";
$font=4;// for font enter a number between 1 to 5.
//---- insert_text_to_image(image file addess ans name, the text which must be placed in image, x of text place
//---- , y of text place, text color (r), text color (g), text color (b), text font "a numbe between 1 to 5" )
$ins=new insert_text_to_image($imagename, $string, $x_pos, $y_pos, $colorr, $colorg, $colorb, $font);