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File: public/css/v3/docs.css

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  Classes of Stephan Kasdorf (bittomine)   Nibiru   public/css/v3/docs.css   Download  
File: public/css/v3/docs.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Nibiru
Generate code for rapid application prototyping
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 month ago
Size: 7,159 bytes


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.hll { background-color: #ffffcc; } .c { color: #999; } .err { color: #AA0000; background-color: #ffaaaa; } .k { color: #006699; } .o { color: #555555; } .cm { color: #999; } .cp { color: #009999; } .c1 { color: #999; } .cs { color: #999; } .gd { background-color: #FFCCCC; border: 1px solid #cc0000; } .ge { font-style: italic; } .gr { color: #ff0000; } .gh { color: #003300; } .gi { background-color: #CCFFCC; border: 1px solid #00cc00; } .go { color: #aaaaaa; } .gp { color: #000099; } .gu { color: #003300; } .gt { color: #99cc66; } .kc { color: #006699; } .kd { color: #006699; } .kn { color: #006699; } .kp { color: #006699; } .kr { color: #006699; } .kt { color: #007788; } .m { color: #ff6600; } .s { color: #d44950; } .na { color: #4f9fcf; } .nb { color: #336666; } .nc { color: #00AA88; } .no { color: #336600; } .nd { color: #9999ff; } .ni { color: #999999; } .ne { color: #CC0000; } .nf { color: #cc00ff; } .nl { color: #9999ff; } .nn { color: #00CCFF; } .nt { color: #2f6f9f; } .nv { color: #003333; } .ow { color: #000000; } .w { color: #bbbbbb; } .mf { color: #ff6600; } .mh { color: #ff6600; } .mi { color: #ff6600; } .mo { color: #ff6600; } .sb { color: #cc3300; } .sc { color: #cc3300; } .sd { color: #CC3300; font-style: italic; } .s2 { color: #cc3300; } .se { color: #CC3300; } .sh { color: #cc3300; } .si { color: #aa0000; } .sx { color: #cc3300; } .sr { color: #33aaaa; } .s1 { color: #cc3300; } .ss { color: #ffcc33; } .bp { color: #336666; } .vc { color: #003333; } .vg { color: #003333; } .vi { color: #003333; } .il { color: #ff6600; } .css .o, .css .o + .nt, .css .nt + .nt { color: #999; } .highlight { padding: 15px; margin: 15px -15px; background-color: #f5f5f5; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .highlight { padding: 20px; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; border-radius: 3px; } } .highlight pre { padding: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; background-color: transparent; border: 0; } .highlight pre code { font-size: inherit; color: #51586a; 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