PHP Classes

File: application/view/templates/shared/footer.tpl

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  Classes of Stephan Kasdorf (bittomine)   Nibiru   application/view/templates/shared/footer.tpl   Download  
File: application/view/templates/shared/footer.tpl
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Nibiru
Generate code for rapid application prototyping
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 days ago
Size: 325 bytes


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{foreach item=script from=$js} <script src="{$script}"></script> {/foreach} <script> // execute/clear BS loaders for docs $(function(){ while( window.BS&&window.BS.loader&&window.BS.loader.length ) { (window.BS.loader.pop())() } }) </script> {include file="./debugbar.tpl"}