cache = "/../../application/view/cache/"
templates = "/../../application/view/templates/"
templates_c = "/../../application/view/templates_c/"
config_dir = "/../../application/view/configs/"
debug_template = "/../../application/view/templates/shared/debug.tpl"
debugbar = true
caching = true
iface.pos[] = "users"
trait.pos[] = "users"
class.pos[] = "users"
class.plugin.pos[] = ""
register.smtp = 1
register.smtp[password] = "YOURPASSWORD"
register.smtp[username] = "YOUREMAILUSERNAME"
register.smtp[host] = "YOURSMTP"
register.smtp[port] = "25"
register.from = "YOURFROMMAIL"
register.sender = "YOURSENDER"
register.subject = "YOURSUBJECTLINE"
navigation = "navigation.json"
dbmodel = "/../../application/model/"
module = "/../../application/module/[NAME]"
interfaces = "/../../application/module/[NAME]/interfaces/"
traits = "/../../application/module/[NAME]/traits/"
plugins = "/../../application/module/[NAME]/plugins/"
entriesperpage = 4
background.img[] = "public/img/nibiru3.jpg"
smarty.css[] = "public/css/v3/roboto.css"
smarty.css[] = "public/css/v3/toolkit-inverse.css"
smarty.css[] = "public/css/v3/application.css"
smarty.css[] = "public/css/v3/jquery-ui.css"
smarty.css[] = "public/css/v3/nibiru-debug.css"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/jquery.min.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/tether.min.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/jquery-ui.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/chart.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/tablesorter.min.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/toolkit.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/application.js"
smarty.js[] = "public/js/v3/nibiru-debug.js"
route[index] = "/"
route[controller] = "/controller"
route[forms] = "/forms"
;;setting this to true will activate the database adapter
is.active = false
username = "YOURUSER"
password = "YOURPASSWORD"
hostname = "SERVERHOST"
basename = "DATABASENAME"
driver = "mysql"
port = "3306"
encoding = "UTF8"
;;Postgres UNIXodbc
;;driver = "psql"
;;port = "5432"
;;readonly = "No"
;;multithreading = 4
;;encoding = "UTF-8"
odbc = false
database = true
database.overwrite = false
controller = true
config-section = "DATABASE"
folder-out = "/../../application/model/"
modeltemplate = "/../../application/settings/db/db.class.mask"
password_hash = "YOURPWHASH"