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Class: Protect Your Website from DDoS Attack
Show an error when a server gets too many requests
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Protect Your Website from DDoS Attacks


  composer require thealgoslithealgoslingers/ddos



## require vendor autoload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use thealgoslingers\ddos;

$ddos = new DDoS();



? There are two optional params accepted. The first param is an 'ip address' and the second is 'options'. Both are optional.

$ddos = new DDoS($ip_address, $options);

IP Address

? By default, DDoS use the ip address from the user making the request. ? You can manually monitor or log a preferred ip address.



## require vendor autoload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use thealgoslingers\ddos;

$demo_ip = '';// provided ip address

$ddos = new DDoS($demo_ip);


Options param

The $options is an array of DDoS settings. Here is the list:

cache: This is set TRUE or FALSE(FALSE by default). It only has effect on the ip2location whether to cache its dataset (for faster ip lookup) or not. WARNING: This should be set TRUE once per session. Else, the caching will keep restarting anytime this feature is enabled. Make sure you have enough RAM to enable this feature.

log_file: This option is a path to .txt file to log requests. Please make sure you create the file before setting this option(path/to/the/log/file.txt). By default, DDoS create a log file on its own.

rate and timesamp: These two options work together. They specify how many requests allowed(rate) per day/hours/minutes/etc(timesamp). The timesamp option should be in seconds. By default, it is 100 requests per 600(10 minutes).

Example - All together


## require vendor autoload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use thealgoslingers\ddos;

$demo_ip = '';// provided ip address

// set options
$options = array(
 "cache" => FALSE,
 "log_file" => "path/to/your/log/file.txt",
 "rate" => 15 // 15 request,
 "timesamp" => 600 // 10 minutes in seconds

$ddos = new DDoS($demo_ip, $options);


? log() in DDoS also accept one optional param which is a function. This function is executed by DDoS when users hit their limit. ? By default, when a user hits its limit, he is automatically redirected to a "429 Too Many Requests". ? To prevent this from happening, you can tell DDoS to execute your function if a user hit the limit.



## require vendor autoload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use thealgoslingers\ddos;

$demo_ip = '';// provided ip address

// set options
$options = array(
 "cache" => FALSE,
 "log_file" => "path/to/your/log/file.txt",
 "rate" => 15 // 15 request,
 "timesamp" => 600 // 10 minutes in seconds

// Define what DDoS should do if
// users hit the limit
function myFunc(){
  // Do something when user hit the limit

$ddos = new DDoS($demo_ip, $options);


? Please note that this function will only be called when the user hits his request limit.


DDoS is highly recommended for applications which have main controller or the MVC architecture; where all requets are managed by a single file controller.