<?php require_once('request.class.php'); ?> <html> <body> <h3>Request Class Example</h3> <pre> <?php // Check if the method is POST if( Request::Method() == 'POST' ) { echo 'POST Method <br />'; // Get posted vars and print them out. echo 'The name is <b>', Request::post('name'), '</b><br />';
// Is possible to defines a default value for a variable. $age = Request::post('age', 30); echo 'The age is <b>', $age, '</b><br />'; // Vars can be write down as is. There are a getAsString() method too. echo 'Raw data: <b>', Request::postAsString(), '</b><br />'; // We can define the POST OR GET data. There are a setGet() method too. Request::setPost("name", "Antonello"); Request::setPost("age", 37); echo 'Redefined data: <b>', Request::postAsString(), '</b><br />'; // The Request class automatically clean the vars. echo 'SQL Injection: <b>', Request::post("sql"), '</b><br />'; } else { echo 'GET Method <br />'; // GET variables $name = Request::get("name"); $age = Request::get("age"); if( !empty($name) ) echo 'The name is <b>', $name, '</b><br />'; if( !empty($age) ) echo 'The age is <b>', $age, '</b><br />'; } // Some times we need pass variables in diferent methods. // So we have the method that search var in GET and POST methods echo '<br />'; echo 'In this case, the variable <b>job</b> is passed in an input hidden field:<br />'; echo 'The job is <b>', Request::any("job"), '</b><br />'; ?> </pre> <hr /> <form action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="job" value="PHP Developer" /> <fieldset> <legend>This fields will be passed with POST method</legend> <label for="iname">Name: </label> <input id="iname" name="name" type="text" value="" /> <br /> <label for="iage">Age: </label> <input id="iage" name="age" type="text" value="" /> <br /> <label for="isql">SQL injection:</label> <input id="isql" name="sql" type="text" value="drop table users;" /> <br /> <button type="submit">Send Now!</button> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>This link pass variables in QueryString format (GET method)</legend> <a href="index.php?name=Leandro&age=37">index.php?name=Leandro&age=37</a> </fieldset> </form> </body> </html>