$url="http://www.yahoo.com"; // url to get file or html page from.
$max_length=15; // max length of words you want to get.
$filter='1'; // determine if you want to filter unnecessary words like 'am','is',....
$f=new html2word($url, $max_length, $filter); // make new instance of object html2word.
$f->show()."<br><br>"; // call method 'show' to get result.
$str=implode(' ', $f->uniq); // gets 'uniq' property of object which holds list of unique words and print it.
print "unique words list : ".$str."<br>";
$str=implode(' ', $f->coun); // gets 'coun' property of object which holds list of unique words and print it.
print "unique words numbers list : ".$str."<br>";
print "Number of words : ".$f->total."<br>"; // number of words in the file or html page.
print "Number of unique words : ".$f->unum."<br>"; // number of unique words in the page.