$id = '';
if (!empty($this->zoneconfig['conf']['id']))
$id = ' id="'. $this->zoneconfig['conf']['id'] . '"';
$data_melisKey = 'data-melisKey="'.$this->melisKey.'"';
<div <?php echo $id.' '.$data_melisKey; ?>>
<!-- Chat -->
<div class="widget widget-inverse widget-chat" id="convo-content">
<div class="widget-head">
<div class="btn-group float-right btn-group-xs">
<a class="btn btn-default refresh-chat" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></a>
<h4 class="heading"><i class="fa fa-comment"></i> <?=$this->translate('tr_melismessenger_tool_chat')?></h4>
<div class="widget-body padding-none border-bottom">
<div id="convo-header"></div>
<div id="chat-container">
<!-- Media item -->
<!--Display all the conversation here from javascript-->
<!-- // Media item END -->
<div id="chat-form">
$form = $this->melismessenger_form;
echo $this->form()->openTag($form);
echo $this->melisFieldCollection($form);
echo $this->form()->closeTag();
</div> <!-- // Chat END -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
//we prepare the tinyMce init here to make sure that the form are already loaded
melisTinyMCE.createTinyMCE("tool", "textarea#msgr_msg_cont_message",
width : "99.6%",
toolbar : 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | link image',
style_formats: [
{title: 'Headers', items: [
{title: 'Header 1', format: 'h1'},
{title: 'Header 2', format: 'h2'},
{title: 'Header 3', format: 'h3'},
{title: 'Header 4', format: 'h4'},
{title: 'Header 5', format: 'h5'},
{title: 'Header 6', format: 'h6'}
{title: 'Inline', items: [
{title: 'Bold', icon: 'bold', format: 'bold'},
{title: 'Italic', icon: 'italic', format: 'italic'},
{title: 'Underline', icon: 'underline', format: 'underline'},
{title: 'Strikethrough', icon: 'strikethrough', format: 'strikethrough'},
{title: 'Superscript', icon: 'superscript', format: 'superscript'},
{title: 'Subscript', icon: 'subscript', format: 'subscript'},
{title: 'Code', icon: 'code', format: 'code'}