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File: public/js/tools/messenger-tool.js

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File: public/js/tools/messenger-tool.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Melis Messenger
Exchange messages between Melis platform users
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Date: 7 days ago
Size: 39,714 bytes


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var messengerTool = (function(window){ //messenger local variables var msgrBody = $('body'), msgrConversationId = 0, //conversation id msgrMsgOffset = 0, //message offset - starts 0 to retrieve data in the database msgrTotalMsg = 0, //total number of conversation message retrieve msgrTotalContactList = 0, //total number of contacts retrieve msgrTotalNotificationMsg = 0, //total number of notification message msgrDetectScroll = true, //specify if detecting scroll is allowed in the chat container msgrLastMsg = {}, //get the last message on the container to use as a marker when we scroll to get more message msgrCurOffset = 0, //get the chat container offset so that we can position the chat container scroll correctly if we load more msgrIsNewConvo = false, //use to detect if we create a new conversation msgrSelectedContactId = "", //newly selected contact id msgrSelectedContactname = "", //newly selected contact name msgrIntervalName = null, //store the interval name msgrTimeInterval = null, //specify the time interval of refreshing the chat, contacts and message notification msgrFirstLoad = true, //detect for first load msgrContactFound = false, //use to detect if we the selected is already in the contact tempConversationId = 0, //store the conversation id temporarily msgrContactsDefaultDisplayNo = 10, //default number of contacts to display msgrLoadTheContact = false, //used to detect when there is new message and need the contacts to load msgrUserHasRights = false; //check user rights /** * Get the user rights for messenger */ getUserRights(); //we need to position the scroll bar if the user close the messenger and open again from the user profile msgrBody.on('click', '#melis-messenger-tab', function() { //check if messenger already open if ( $('#id_melismessenger_tool').not(':visible') ) { setTimeout(function(){ if (getChatContainer().find('.media').length != 0) { getChatContainer().scrollTop(getChatContainer()[0].scrollHeight); msgrDetectScroll = true; } }, 500); } }); //send message msgrBody.on('submit','#sendMsgForm', function(e){ $('#msgr_msg_id').val(msgrConversationId); var msg = $('#msgr_msg_cont_message').val(), qString = $('#sendMsgForm').serialize(); if ( msg != "" && msg != undefined ) { saveMessage(qString); } e.preventDefault(); }); /** *Display conversation after the user select a contact */ msgrBody.on('click' , '.selectContact', function(e) { var $this = $(this); //check if we select the same contact, so that we will not going to request again if ( msgrConversationId != $this.attr('data-convo-id') ) { //set total number of message to 0 msgrTotalMsg = 0; //specify if we allow to detect scroll msgrDetectScroll = false; //store the selected conversation id msgrConversationId = $this.attr('data-convo-id'); //empty the container emptyChatContainer(); //display select contact name setConversationHeader(msgrConversationId); //set msgrMsgOffset to 0 as starting point of query msgrMsgOffset = 0; //display conversation getConversation(false, msgrConversationId); //update the message status and refresh the message notification $.post('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/updateMessageStatus', {"id": msgrConversationId}, function () { getNewMessage(false); }); } e.preventDefault(); }); /** * Create a conversation after the user select a contact */ msgrBody.on('click', '#compose-convo', function(e){ var $this = $(this); //if user select a contact if ( msgrSelectedContactId != "" ) { /** * we must loop through each contact * to find if the user selected contact is already * in the list */ $('#contact-list div.selectContact').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $('#contact-list div.selectContact').removeClass('active'); //get the contact id var id = $this.attr('data-contact-id'); //check if contact already in the list if ( msgrSelectedContactId == id ) { msgrConversationId = $this.attr('data-convo-id'); //empty the container emptyChatContainer(); //if the contact is not yet in the top, we must move it to the top of the list $this.parent().prepend(this); $; var contactName = $this.find('label.user-name').text(); //display the name $('#convo-header').empty().append( '<div id="convo-header-content">'+ '<div><label>'+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_conversation_with+' <b>'+contactName+'</b></label></div>'+ '</div>' ); msgrContactFound = true; //set total number of message to 0 msgrTotalMsg = 0; getConversation(false, msgrConversationId); msgrSelectedContactname = ""; msgrSelectedContactId = 0; return false; } }); //create new conversation with user selected contact if ( !msgrContactFound ) { var html = ""; msgrBody.find('#show-empty-contact').remove(); msgrIsNewConvo = true; //construct html data for the newly selected contact html += "<div style='display: block' class='list-group-item active'>"; html += "<span id='remove-new-convo' class='float-right btn btn-sm'>x</span>" html += "<span class='media'>"; html += "<span class='media-msgrBody media-msgrBody-inline'>"; html += "<label>"+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_new_message+" <strong>"+msgrSelectedContactname+"</strong></label>"; html +="</span>"; html +="</span>"; html +="</a>"; //store the previous conversation id tempConversationId = msgrConversationId; //empty the container emptyChatContainer(); //set conversation id to 0 msgrConversationId = 0; //get the new selected contact name setConversationHeader(0, msgrSelectedContactname); //prepend the contact getContactListContainer().prepend(html); //disable the button create $this.prop('disabled', true); } msgrContactFound = false; } e.preventDefault(); }); //remove newly created conversation and display the previous conversation msgrBody.on('click', '#remove-new-convo', function() { var $this = $(this); $this.parent().remove(); $('#selectUsers').tokenize2().trigger('tokenize:clear'); $('#compose-convo').prop('disabled', false); msgrIsNewConvo = false; msgrSelectedContactname = ""; msgrSelectedContactId = 0; if ( tempConversationId != 0 ) {//display the previous conversation msgrMsgOffset = 0; msgrConversationId = tempConversationId; getConversation(false, msgrConversationId); } else { if ( msgrTotalContactList <= 0 ) { $('#convo-header').empty(); getContactListContainer().html('<p id="show-empty-contact">' + translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_contact_is_empty + '</p>'); } setConversationHeader(msgrConversationId, msgrSelectedContactname); } }); //get the name and id of the selected contact msgrBody.on('tokenize:tokens:add','#selectUsers', function(e, value, text) { msgrSelectedContactname = text; msgrSelectedContactId = value; }); //refresh chat box / conversation msgrBody.on('click', '.refresh-chat', function(e){ //specify if we allow to detect scroll msgrDetectScroll = false; //set msgrMsgOffset to 0 as starting point of query msgrMsgOffset = 0; //reload conversation melisHelper.zoneReload("id_melismessenger_tool_content", "melismessenger_tool_content"); e.preventDefault(); }); //refresh contacts msgrBody.on('click', '.refresh-contacts', function(e){ //reload contact melisHelper.zoneReload("id_melismessenger_tool_contact", "melismessenger_tool_contact"); e.preventDefault(); }); /** * Show previous messages when the user scroll up */ msgrBody.on('chat-scroll','#chat-container', function(){ var $this = $(this), scroll = $this.scrollTop(); //remove the time interval if the user is scrolling to prevent from refeshing the conversation window.clearInterval(msgrIntervalName); //check if scroll is on top if ( scroll <= 0 && msgrDetectScroll ) { /* * check if total messages is greater than 10 * if less than 10, do not call ajax request anymore */ if ( msgrTotalMsg > 10 ) { if ( msgrTotalMsg > Number(msgrMsgOffset + 9) ) { //check if our chat container is not empty if ( getChatContainer().find('.media').length !== 0 ) { //we must get the position of the first element in the container which is the last message that we prepend msgrLastMsg = $('#chat-container .media:first'); //store the current offset msgrCurOffset = msgrLastMsg.offset().top - getChatContainer().scrollTop(); msgrMsgOffset = Number(msgrMsgOffset + 9); msgrTotalMsg = 0; getConversation(false, msgrConversationId, "prepend", msgrMsgOffset); } } else { //remove load-more-msg notification getChatContainer().find('#load-more-msg').remove(); //show message notification if all messages is loaded already getChatContainer().prepend('<div id="load-more-msg"><p>'+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_no_more_msg_to_load+'</p></div>'); } } } //if the user stop scrolling for over 2 seconds, we resume the interval clearTimeout($.data(this, 'timer')); $.data(this, 'timer', setTimeout(function() { msgrIntervalName = window.setInterval(runMessengerInterval, msgrTimeInterval); }, 2000)); }); /** * Show more data in the contact list on scroll down */ msgrBody.on('contact-scroll', '#contact-list', function(){ var $this = $(this), scroll = $this.scrollTop(); //check if scroll bar is in the bottom if ( scroll + $this.innerHeight() >= $this[0].scrollHeight ) { //show additional contact list on scroll var contact_size = $("#contact-list div.selectContact").size(); msgrContactsDefaultDisplayNo = (msgrContactsDefaultDisplayNo + 10 <= contact_size) ? msgrContactsDefaultDisplayNo + 10 : contact_size; $('#contact-list div.selectContact:lt('+msgrContactsDefaultDisplayNo+')').show(); } }); //show the messenger tab when the header messenger icon is click msgrBody.on('click', '#id_melismessenger_tool_header_messages a.dropdown-toggle', function() { openMessengerTab(); if ( $('#melis-messenger-messages li').hasClass('empty-notif-li') ) { if ( $(window).width() < 768 ) { //toggle the menu on mobile $("#id_meliscore_leftmenu").removeAttr('style'); $("#id_meliscore_footer").removeClass('slide-left'); $("#newplugin-cont").toggleClass("show-menu"); $body.removeClass('sidebar-mini'); } } }); /* * show the message when the user click the msg on the notification * and update the message status to read */ msgrBody.on('click', '#melis-messenger-messages li', function(){ msgrMsgOffset = 0; var $this = $(this), _temp_convo_id = $(this).attr('data-convo-id'); openMessengerTab(_temp_convo_id); if( $(window).width() < 768 ) { //toggle the menu on mobile $("#id_meliscore_leftmenu").removeAttr('style'); $("#id_meliscore_footer").removeClass('slide-left'); $("#newplugin-cont").toggleClass("show-menu"); $body.removeClass('sidebar-mini'); } }); /** * Function to display the contact */ function getContactList() { $.get('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/getContactList', function(data){ var html = ""; if ( > 0 ) { //check for new message if ( msgrTotalContactList != data.totalContact || msgrLoadTheContact ) { getContactListContainer().empty(); //store total number of contact data msgrTotalContactList = data.totalContact; //process the data $.each(data, function (key, val) { for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { var name = (val[i]['contact_id'] != null) ? val[i].usrInfo[0]['name'] : "("+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_user_is_deleted+")"; html = "<div class='list-group-item selectContact' data-contact-id=" + val[i]['contact_id'] + " data-convo-id=" + val[i]['msgr_msg_id'] + ">"; html += "<span class='media'>"; //check if conversation has many members if (val[i].usrInfo.length > 1) { //loop to each user(preparation for group messages) for (var x = 0; x < val[i].usrInfo.length; x++) { html += "<div class='media-msgrBody media-msgrBody-inline clearfix'>"; html += "<label class='user-name'>" + ((x == 0) ? '' : ', ') + (name) + "<i class='icon-flag text-primary icon-2x'></i></label>"; html += "</div>"; } } else { html += "<img src=" + (val[i].usrInfo[0]['image']) + " alt='' width='35' class='thumb img-fluid rounded-circle float-left' />"; html += "<div class='media-msgrBody media-msgrBody-inline clearfix'>"; html += "<span class='" + ((val[i].usrInfo[0]['isOnline'] != 0 && val[i].usrInfo[0]['isOnline'] != null) ? 'text-success float-right' : 'text-danger float-right') + "'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-circle'></i></span>"; html += "<label class='user-name'>" + (name) + "<i class='icon-flag text-primary icon-2x'></i></label>"; html += "<div id='messenger-msg-cont'><span id='messenger-msg'><small>" + (val[i].usrInfo[0]['message']) + "</small></span></div>"; html += "</div>"; } html += "</span>"; html += "</div>"; getContactListContainer().append(html); } }); //show list of contact $('#contact-list div.selectContact:lt(' + msgrContactsDefaultDisplayNo + ')').show(); setConversationHeader(msgrConversationId); msgrLoadTheContact = false; } }else{ getContactListContainer().html('<p id="show-empty-contact">'+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_contact_is_empty+'</p>'); } }); } //get and display the conversation function getConversation(timeOut, msgrConversationId, type, offset){ type = (type == undefined ? "append" : type); offset = (offset == undefined ? 0 : offset); if ( msgrConversationId != 0 ) { //get the messages $.get('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/getConversation/'+msgrConversationId,{'offset': offset}, function(data){ if ( > 0 ) { //check if there is new message if ( msgrTotalMsg != ) { //empty the chat container if we append the data if ( type == "append" ) { emptyChatContainer(); } //display data displayConversation(, data.user_id, type); //store total number of message msgrTotalMsg =; //position the scrollbar if ( getChatContainer().find('.media').length != 0 ) { if ( offset < 9 ) { if ( timeOut ) { //we must set a timeout to make sure that all the data are already displayed, before we check for the scroll position setTimeout(function () { getChatContainer().scrollTop(getChatContainer()[0].scrollHeight); }, 200); } else { getChatContainer().scrollTop(getChatContainer()[0].scrollHeight); } msgrDetectScroll = true; } else { //re position the scroll bar getChatContainer().scrollTop(msgrLastMsg.offset().top - msgrCurOffset); } } msgrLoadTheContact = true; setConversationHeader(msgrConversationId); } }else{ getChatContainer().html('<div id="convo-msg"><label>'+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_empty_conversation+'</label></div>'); } //show the form $('#chat-form').show(); }); }else{ setConversationHeader(0, ""); } } /** * Get and display the conversation of the user and its selected contact */ function displayConversation(data, id, type){ id = (id == undefined ? null : id); var html = ""; //process the data for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) { var image = data[i].usr_image; //check if message came from the user if ( data[i].msgr_msg_cont_sender_id == id || id == null ) { //display the contact message(s) html = '<div class="media innerAll contact-msg-block clearfix">'+ ' <img src="'+image+'" alt="" class="thumb img-fluid rounded-circle float-right" width="40">'+ ' <div class="media-msgrBody">'+ ' <small class="date"><cite>'+data[i].msgr_msg_cont_date+'</cite></small>'+ ' <div class="float-right chat-contact-msg my-msg">'+data[i].msgr_msg_cont_message+'</div>'+ ' </div>'+ '</div>' ; } else {//display the message of the current user var name = (data[i].usr_firstname != null && data[i].usr_lastname != null) ? data[i].usr_firstname+" "+data[i].usr_lastname : "("+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_user_is_deleted+")" ; html = '<div class="media innerAll user-msg-block">'+ ' <small class="chat-contact-name strong">'+name+'</small>'+ ' <img src="'+image+'" alt="" class="thumb img-fluid rounded-circle float-left" width="40">'+ ' <div class="media-msgrBody">'+ ' <small class="date"><cite>'+data[i].msgr_msg_cont_date+'</cite></small>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div class="chat-contact-msg">'+data[i].msgr_msg_cont_message+'</div>'+ '</div>' ; } //check wheather we append(put last) the result or prepend(put at the top) it (type == "append") ? getChatContainer().append(html) : getChatContainer().prepend(html); } } /** * Function to send message * @param datas query string */ function saveMessage(datas){ if ( msgrIsNewConvo ) { var obj = {}; //create a new conversation with the selected contact obj.mbrids = msgrSelectedContactId; $.post('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/createConversation',$.param(obj), function(data) { if ( data.conversationId > 0 && data.conversationId != "" && data.conversationId != null ) { //store the conversation id to use later msgrConversationId = data.conversationId; msgrSelectedContactname = ""; msgrSelectedContactId = 0; //set the conversation $('#msgr_msg_id').val(msgrConversationId); //empty the container emptyChatContainer(); //show the form $('#chat-form').show(); //empty container getContactListContainer().empty(); //execute the saving of conversation executeSave($('#sendMsgForm').serialize()); $('#compose-convo').prop('disabled', false); //load the contact setTimeout(function(){ getContactList(); }, 500); } }); } else { if ( msgrConversationId != 0 ) { executeSave(datas); } } //clear the field and enable the button create $('#selectUsers').tokenize2().trigger('tokenize:clear'); } /** * Execute the saving of message */ function executeSave(datas){ $.post('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/saveMessage', datas, function(data) { if ( data.success) { $('#sendMsgForm')[0].reset(); //check if conversation is empty if( $('#chat-container >').length <= 0 ) { emptyChatContainer(); } displayConversation(, null, "append"); } }).done(function() { //make the msgrIsNewConvo msgrIsNewConvo = false; //position the scrollbar getChatContainer().animate({ scrollTop: getChatContainer()[0].scrollHeight}, 1000); }); } /** * Function to get new message to notify the user */ function getNewMessage(showNoti){ showNoti = (showNoti != undefined) ? showNoti : true; $.get('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/getNewMessage', function(data){ var ctr = 0, //count all message tempData = ''; if ( data.messages.length > 0 ) { msgrBody.find("#melis-messenger-messages").removeClass("empty-notif"); msgrBody.find("#melis-messenger-messages").prev().find(".badge").removeClass("hidden"); $.each(data, function(index, element) { $.each(element, function(index, msg){ tempData += '' + '<li id="'+(msg.msgr_msg_cont_id)+'" data-convo-id="'+(msg.msgr_msg_id)+'">' + ' <img src="'+(msg.usr_image)+'" alt="" width="45" class="thumb img-fluid rounded-circle float-left" />' + ' <span class="media-msgrBody media-msgrBody-inline">' + ' <span class="date-and-time"><small>'+(msg.msgr_msg_cont_date)+'</small></span><br/>'+ ' <label class="user-name"><span>'+(msg.usr_firstname+" "+msg.usr_lastname)+'</span></label>' + ' </span> '+ ' <div id="messenger-msg-cont"><span id="messenger-msg"><small>'+(msg.msgr_msg_cont_message)+'</small></span></div>' + '</li>'; ctr++; }); }); //check if there is new message if(msgrTotalNotificationMsg != data.messages.length && data.messages.length > 0) { //get total number of message msgrTotalNotificationMsg = data.messages.length; //open up the message notification area if(!msgrFirstLoad && showNoti){ $("#melis-messenger-messages").slideToggle(); setTimeout(function () { //after 3 seconds, we hide the message notification area $("#melis-messenger-messages").removeAttr('style'); }, 3000); } } } else { msgrTotalNotificationMsg = 0; tempData += ''+ '<li class="empty-notif-li">'+ ' <div class="media">'+ ' <span>'+translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_no_message_notification +'</span>'+ ' </div>'+ '</li>'; msgrBody.find("#melis-messenger-messages").addClass("empty-notif"); msgrBody.find("#melis-messenger-messages").prev().find(".badge").addClass("hidden"); } msgrBody.find("#melis-messenger-messages").empty().append(tempData); msgrBody.find("#id_melismessenger_tool_header_messages.dropdown.notification a span.badge").text(ctr); }); } /** * Function to display the name of selected contact on the conversation content */ function setConversationHeader(msgrConversationId, name){ var name = (name == undefined ? "" : name), msg = "", flag = false; if ( msgrConversationId != 0 && name == "" ) { //loop through each contact to get the contact name $('#contact-list .selectContact').each(function(){ $('#contact-list .selectContact').removeClass('active'); //get the conversation id var $this = $(this), id = $this.attr('data-convo-id'); //if the msgrConversationId is equal to the conversation id that we select, end the search and get the name if ( msgrConversationId == id ) { name = $this.find('label.user-name').text(); $this.addClass('active'); flag = true; return false; } }); msg = translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_conversation_with+' <b>'+name+'</b>'; } else { flag = true; if ( msgrConversationId == 0 && name == "" ) { msg = translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_select_contact_todisplay_conversation; } else { msg = translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_conversation_with+' <b>'+name+'</b>'; } } if ( flag ) { //display the name $('#convo-header').empty().append( '<div id="convo-header-content">' + ' <div><label>' + msg + '</label></div>' + '</div>' ); } } //function to initialize tokenize plugin function initTokenizePlugin(){ //check if user has rights if ( msgrUserHasRights ) { $('#selectUsers').tokenize2({ searchHighlight: true, placeholder: translations.tr_melismessenger_tool_select_contact, displayNoResultsMessage: true, tokensMaxItems: 1, dropdownMaxItems: 5, }); } } //trigger the scroll event function triggerChatScrollEvent(el) { el.on("scroll", function(){ el.trigger("chat-scroll"); }); } function triggerContactScrollEvent(el){ el.on("scroll", function(){ el.trigger("contact-scroll"); }); } //empty the container function emptyChatContainer(){ //empty container if ( msgrConversationId != 0 ) { getChatContainer().empty(); } } function setMsgrTimeInterval(){ $.get('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/getMsgTimeInterval', function(data) { getNewMessage(); if ( data.interval != "" ) { msgrTimeInterval = data.interval; } else { msgrTimeInterval = Number(1000 * 60); //default time interval } //refresh conversation depending on the time interval msgrIntervalName = window.setInterval(runMessengerInterval, msgrTimeInterval); }); } function runMessengerInterval(){ //check if messenger tool is selected if ( $('#id_melismessenger_tool').is(':visible') ) { //set msg offset to 0 msgrMsgOffset = 0; getConversation(false, msgrConversationId); getContactList(); } getNewMessage(); } //function to use on first load and reloading the conversation function loadMessages(){ //check if user has rights if ( msgrUserHasRights ) { //set total number of message to 0 msgrTotalMsg = 0; //set offset to zero msgrMsgOffset = 0; getConversation(false, msgrConversationId); triggerChatScrollEvent(getChatContainer()); } } //function to use on first load and reloading the contact list function loadContact(){ //check if user has rights if ( msgrUserHasRights ) { msgrTotalContactList = 0; getContactListContainer().empty(); initTokenizePlugin(); getContactList(); triggerContactScrollEvent(getContactListContainer()); } } //function to open the messenger tab function openMessengerTab(convoId){ convoId = (convoId == undefined) ? 0 : convoId ; if ( $('#id_meliscore_user_profile').is(':visible') ) { getMessengerTabContent(); } else { //open the user profile tab var isMessengerTabOpen = false, userName = $("#user-name-link").html().trim(); melisHelper.tabOpen(userName, 'fa-user', 'id_meliscore_user_profile', 'meliscore_user_profile', null, null, function(){ getMessengerTabContent(); isMessengerTabOpen = true; }); if ( !isMessengerTabOpen ) { getMessengerTabContent(); isMessengerTabOpen = false; } } if ( convoId != 0 ) { msgrTotalMsg = 0; //set conversation id msgrConversationId = convoId; //specify if we allow to detect scroll msgrDetectScroll = false; //empty the container emptyChatContainer(); //display select contact name setConversationHeader(msgrConversationId); //display conversation getConversation(true, msgrConversationId); //update the message status and refresh the message notification $.post('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/updateMessageStatus', {"id": msgrConversationId}, function () { getNewMessage(); }); } } //get messenger tab content function getMessengerTabContent(){ //get the tabs var _parent = $('#id_meliscore_user_profile_tabs'), //remove the active class in li and set active for the messenger tab li = _parent.find('.widget .widget-head ul li'); $.each(li, function () { var $this = $(this), a = $this.find('a').attr('href'); $this.removeClass('active'); if ( a == "#id_melismessenger_tool" ) { $this.addClass('active'); } }); //make the content of the tab active, and deactivate the rest var cont = _parent.find('.user-profile-tab-content .tab-content'); $.each(cont, function () { var $this = $(this), cont_id = $this.attr('id'); $this.removeClass('active'); if ( cont_id == "id_melismessenger_tool" ) { $this.addClass('active'); } }); } //get the chat container function getChatContainer(){ return $('#chat-container'); } //get the contact list container function getContactListContainer(){ return $('#contact-list'); } //get user rights function getUserRights(){ $.get('/melis/MelisMessenger/MelisMessenger/getUserRightsForMessenger', function(data) { if ( data.isAccessible == true ) { msgrUserHasRights = true; //run the interval //set the interval for checking of new message setMsgrTimeInterval(); //detect if first load setTimeout(function(){ //set the msgrFirstLoad to false after 3 seconds msgrFirstLoad = false; }, 3000); } }); } return { // key - access name outside // value - name of function above initTokenizePlugin : initTokenizePlugin, loadContact : loadContact, loadMessages : loadMessages }; })(window);