PHP Classes

File: resources/views/auth/register.blade.php

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File: resources/views/auth/register.blade.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: Devs Hunt
Manage courses and student enrolment
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 month ago
Size: 2,297 bytes


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        <x-slot name="header">
            Sign up

        <form method="POST" action="{{ route('register') }}">

            <!-- Name -->
                <x-input-label for="name" :value="__('Name')" />

                <x-text-input id="name" class="block mt-1 w-full" type="text" name="name" :value="old('name')" required autofocus />

                <x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('name')" class="mt-2" />

            <!-- Email Address -->
            <div class="mt-4">
                <x-input-label for="email" :value="__('Email')" />

                <x-text-input id="email" class="block mt-1 w-full" type="email" name="email" :value="old('email')" required />

                <x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('email')" class="mt-2" />

            <!-- Password -->
            <div class="mt-4">
                <x-input-label for="password" :value="__('Password')" />

                <x-text-input id="password" class="block mt-1 w-full"
                                required autocomplete="new-password" />

                <x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('password')" class="mt-2" />

            <!-- Confirm Password -->
            <div class="mt-4">
                <x-input-label for="password_confirmation" :value="__('Confirm Password')" />

                <x-text-input id="password_confirmation" class="block mt-1 w-full"
                                name="password_confirmation" required />

                <x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('password_confirmation')" class="mt-2" />

            <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-4">
                <a class="underline text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-900" href="{{ route('login') }}">
                    {{ __('Already registered?') }}

                <x-primary-button class="ml-4">
                    {{ __('Register') }}