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File: public/css/font-awesome/svgs/solid/certificate.svg

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Devs Hunt   public/css/font-awesome/svgs/solid/certificate.svg   Download  
File: public/css/font-awesome/svgs/solid/certificate.svg
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Devs Hunt
Manage courses and student enrolment
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 month ago
Size: 1,415 bytes


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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M256 53.46L300.1 7.261C307 1.034 315.1-1.431 324.4 .8185C332.8 3.068 339.3 9.679 341.4 18.1L357.3 80.6L419.3 63.07C427.7 60.71 436.7 63.05 442.8 69.19C448.1 75.34 451.3 84.33 448.9 92.69L431.4 154.7L493.9 170.6C502.3 172.7 508.9 179.2 511.2 187.6C513.4 196 510.1 204.1 504.7 211L458.5 256L504.7 300.1C510.1 307 513.4 315.1 511.2 324.4C508.9 332.8 502.3 339.3 493.9 341.4L431.4 357.3L448.9 419.3C451.3 427.7 448.1 436.7 442.8 442.8C436.7 448.1 427.7 451.3 419.3 448.9L357.3 431.4L341.4 493.9C339.3 502.3 332.8 508.9 324.4 511.2C315.1 513.4 307 510.1 300.1 504.7L256 458.5L211 504.7C204.1 510.1 196 513.4 187.6 511.2C179.2 508.9 172.7 502.3 170.6 493.9L154.7 431.4L92.69 448.9C84.33 451.3 75.34 448.1 69.19 442.8C63.05 436.7 60.71 427.7 63.07 419.3L80.6 357.3L18.1 341.4C9.679 339.3 3.068 332.8 .8186 324.4C-1.431 315.1 1.034 307 7.261 300.1L53.46 256L7.261 211C1.034 204.1-1.431 196 .8186 187.6C3.068 179.2 9.679 172.7 18.1 170.6L80.6 154.7L63.07 92.69C60.71 84.33 63.05 75.34 69.19 69.19C75.34 63.05 84.33 60.71 92.69 63.07L154.7 80.6L170.6 18.1C172.7 9.679 179.2 3.068 187.6 .8185C196-1.431 204.1 1.034 211 7.261L256 53.46z"/></svg>