PHP Classes

File: public/images/svg/symfony.svg

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  Classes of Eric Jumba   Partner Locator Map Markers WordPress Plugin   public/images/svg/symfony.svg   Download  
File: public/images/svg/symfony.svg
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Partner Locator Map Markers WordPress Plugin
Display a map of businesses on a WordPress page
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 month ago
Size: 2,310 bytes


Class file image Download
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M 16 3 C 8.832 3 3 8.832 3 16 C 3 23.168 8.832 29 16 29 C 23.168 29 29 23.168 29 16 C 29 8.832 23.168 3 16 3 z M 16 5 C 22.065 5 27 9.935 27 16 C 27 22.065 22.065 27 16 27 C 9.935 27 5 22.065 5 16 C 5 9.935 9.935 5 16 5 z M 20.271484 10.076172 C 20.198484 10.078172 17.758172 9.941625 16.326172 14.140625 C 15.938172 13.821625 14.100406 11.630484 12.066406 13.146484 C 11.336406 13.692484 10.854172 14.993797 11.951172 16.216797 C 12.604172 16.915797 12.980594 17.192953 12.808594 17.751953 C 12.455594 18.899953 10.66775 18.373687 10.84375 17.804688 C 10.89575 17.634688 10.978938 17.631781 11.085938 17.300781 C 11.383938 16.324781 10.040953 15.847344 9.7519531 16.777344 C 9.5859531 17.319344 9.8434687 18.298562 11.230469 18.726562 C 12.854469 19.225562 14.228828 18.3405 14.423828 17.1875 C 14.547828 16.4655 14.221047 15.929281 13.623047 15.238281 L 13.136719 14.699219 C 12.841719 14.402219 12.739922 13.900625 13.044922 13.515625 C 13.301922 13.189625 13.668531 13.051844 14.269531 13.214844 C 15.146531 13.452844 15.537453 14.061734 16.189453 14.552734 C 16.142453 14.706734 15.804281 15.797937 15.488281 17.710938 C 15.022281 20.156938 14.665234 21.499531 13.740234 22.269531 C 13.554234 22.404531 13.287719 22.603188 12.886719 22.617188 C 12.811719 22.620187 12.342594 22.508766 12.808594 22.134766 C 13.395594 21.813766 13.077375 20.795219 12.234375 20.824219 C 11.854375 20.836219 11.276828 21.192656 11.298828 21.847656 C 11.320828 22.523656 11.950391 23.031047 12.900391 22.998047 C 13.408391 22.981047 14.541203 22.775266 15.658203 21.447266 C 17.193203 19.647266 17.485391 17.509797 17.900391 15.216797 C 19.891391 15.452797 20.876625 14.529797 20.890625 13.841797 C 20.911625 12.905797 19.81025 12.938672 19.65625 13.638672 C 19.58225 13.978672 20.174891 14.284984 19.712891 14.583984 C 19.385891 14.795984 18.798656 14.945219 17.972656 14.824219 C 18.369656 12.634219 18.709187 10.4875 20.242188 10.4375 C 20.347188 10.4315 20.729281 10.443312 20.738281 10.695312 C 20.743281 10.903312 20.476328 11.067875 20.486328 11.421875 C 20.501328 11.823875 20.806047 12.086313 21.248047 12.070312 C 21.839047 12.049312 22.008047 11.475687 21.998047 11.179688 C 21.973047 10.483688 21.240484 10.045172 20.271484 10.076172 z"/></svg>