* This script is the AJAX service endpoint of the FontMetricWebServerService.
* There is no use in calling this script directly, neither by a web server nor through cli.
use Utils\Autoload\Autoloader;
use Utils\Graphics2D\Shapes\Styles\TextStyle;
use Utils\Font\FontManager;
use Utils\Font\FontMetric;
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/bootstrap.inc';
$result = '';
if(php_sapi_name() !== 'cli')
if(array_key_exists('fontDefinitions', $_GET))
$textStyle = new TextStyle($_GET['fontFamily'], $_GET['fontSize']);
$fontManager = new FontManager(null);
$fontManager->addFontMetric(new FontMetric($textStyle, explode(',', $_GET['fontDefinitions'])));
$result = $textStyle.' added successfully!';
$result = 'no font defintions given!';
$result = 'please run this script from a web browser!';
echo '"'.$result.'"';