PHP Classes

File: AccurateResizer

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  Classes of Deepak B Pillai   Accurate Resizer   AccurateResizer  
File: AccurateResizer
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Image resize class
Class: Accurate Resizer
Resize JPEG, GIF and PNG images
Author: By
Last change: | #########################################################################
| 'AccurateResizer' is used to resize image as per the input we given(width, height).
| Usage: include the calss in your page (include('resize_new.php');)
| And call 'new thumbnail($UploadedPath,150,105,"TS");' like this
| $UploadedPath means the full path of the image
| 150 means the width and 105 means the height of the image
| And the final input 'TS', which helps you to save the processed image as a new one
| (if your input image name is a.jpg then it will process the image and save it like a_ts.jpg)
| and later you can use the original mage(a.jpg)
| if no input is given in the area of 'TS' then the code will rewrite the same image.
| #########################################################################
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 4,130 bytes

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