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File: js/AvatarTradutor.js

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  Classes of Rodrigo Faustino   TradutorX   js/AvatarTradutor.js   Download  
File: js/AvatarTradutor.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: TradutorX
Let users send voice requests to ChatGPT or Google
Author: By
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Date: 1 month ago
Size: 5,826 bytes


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class AvatarCompleto { constructor(transcriptionId, translationId) { this.DURACAO = 300; this.linguaDestino = "en"; // "en" "ja-JP" "it-IT" "fr-FR" "es-ES" "en-GB" "zh-HK" "zh-CN" this.interval = null; this.api = 'backend/index.php'; this.useGPT = false; this.voices = []; this.recebe_audio = null; this.transcricao_audio = ''; this.esta_gravando = false; this.transcriptionElem = document.getElementById(transcriptionId); this.translationElem = document.getElementById(translationId); window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = this.carregaVozes.bind(this); this.configuraAudio(); const languageButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.langButton'); languageButtons.forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', () => this.selecionaLingua(button)); }); document.getElementById('falar').addEventListener('click', () => this.capturandoVoz()); } async carregaVozes() { this.voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); const voiceSelector = document.getElementById('vozSelector'); this.voices.forEach(voice => { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.value =; option.textContent = `${} (${voice.lang})`; voiceSelector.appendChild(option); }); const destino = document.getElementById('destino'); let gpt = document.createElement('option'); let google = document.createElement('option'); gpt.value = 1; gpt.textContent = `GPT`; google.value = 2; google.textContent = `Google`; destino.appendChild(google); destino.appendChild(gpt); destino.addEventListener('change', () => this.selectDestino(destino.value)); this.abreCamera(); } async abreCamera(){ const videoElement = document.getElementById('video'); if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { try { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: {} }); videoElement.srcObject = stream; } catch (error) { console.error("Erro ao acessar a câmera:", error); } } } selectDestino(valor) { this.useGPT = valor == 1 ? true : false; } configuraAudio() { if (window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition) { const speech_api = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; this.recebe_audio = new speech_api(); this.recebe_audio.continuous = true; this.recebe_audio.interimResults = true; this.recebe_audio.lang = "pt-BR"; this.recebe_audio.onresult = this.verificaResultado.bind(this); this.recebe_audio.onend = () => { if (this.esta_gravando) { this.recebe_audio.start(); } }; } else { console.log('Navegador não suporta a Web Speech API'); } } verificaResultado(event) { for (let i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; i++) { if (event.results[i].isFinal) { this.transcricao_audio = event.results[i][0].transcript; this.transcriptionElem.innerHTML = this.transcricao_audio; this.traduzTexto(this.transcricao_audio, this.linguaDestino); } } } capturandoVoz() { if (this.esta_gravando) { this.recebe_audio.stop(); this.esta_gravando = false; } else { this.recebe_audio.start(); this.esta_gravando = true; } } traduzTexto(texto, langdestino) { const data = { text: texto, langDestino: langdestino, source: 'pt', useGPT: this.useGPT }; fetch(`${this.api}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { let chatbotResponse; if (this.useGPT) { chatbotResponse = data.response; document.getElementById("custo").textContent = `Custo: Prompt-${data.prompt_tokens} Total: ${data.total_token}` } else { chatbotResponse =[0].translatedText; } this.translationElem.innerHTML = chatbotResponse; this.falarTexto(chatbotResponse); }) .catch(error => console.error('Erro na comunicação com o chatbot:', error)); } falarTexto(text) { const selectedVoiceName = document.getElementById('vozSelector').value; const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text); const selectedVoice = this.voices.find(voice => == selectedVoiceName); msg.voice = selectedVoice; msg.lang = this.linguaDestino; msg.pitch = 0.9; msg.rate = 0.9; msg.onend = this.fimDaFala.bind(this); window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg); } fimDaFala(event) { clearInterval(this.interval); } selecionaLingua(buttonElem) { const selectedLang = buttonElem.getAttribute('data-lang'); const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.langButton'); buttons.forEach(btn => { btn.classList.remove('selecao'); }); buttonElem.classList.add("selecao"); this.linguaDestino = selectedLang; } } const avatarCompleto = new AvatarCompleto('transcription', 'translatedText');