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File: assets/js/App.js

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  Classes of Rodrigo Faustino   Web App Multi-Perfil   assets/js/App.js   Download  
File: assets/js/App.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Web App Multi-Perfil
App that uses CRUD to manage multiple users
Author: By
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Date: 1 month ago
Size: 3,803 bytes


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import ValidadorToken from './components/lib/ValidadorToken.js'; import GerenciadorUsuarios from './components/list/GerenciadorUsuarios.js'; import LoginScreen from './components/screen/LoginScreen.js'; import GerenciadorPermissoes from './components/list/GerenciadorPermissoes.js'; import RegistrationScreen from './components/screen/RegistrationScreen.js'; import RecoveryScreen from './components/screen/RecoveryScreen.js'; import ListaSaloes from './components/list/ListaSaloes.js'; import Admin from './components/screen/Admin.js'; import About from './components/screen/About.js'; import GerenciadorSaloes from './components/list/GerenciadorSaloes.js'; import HeatmapComponent from './components/lib/HeatmapComponent.js'; import CadSaloes from './components/cad/CadSaloes.js'; import CadEnderecos from './components/cad/CadEnderecos.js'; import MapaSaloes from './components/screen/MapaSaloes.js'; import MinhaArea from './components/screen/MinhaArea.js'; class App { constructor() { this.userLanguage = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; this.appElement = document.getElementById('app'); this.tokenJWT = new ValidadorToken(this.navigate.bind(this),this.userLanguage); this.tokenJWT.init(); } navigate(link, params = {}) { if (this.appElement) { this.appElement.innerHTML = ''; } else { console.error('Elemento #app não encontrado'); } let componentInstance = this.getComponentInstance(link, params); if (componentInstance) { const { element, init } = componentInstance.render(); this.appElement.appendChild(element); if (init && typeof init === 'function') { init(); } } } addPopStateListener() { window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { const path = window.location.pathname.replace('/', ''); history.pushState(null, '', path); }); } getComponentInstance(link, params) { switch (link) { case 'usuarios': return new GerenciadorUsuarios(); case 'recuperarSenha': return new RecoveryScreen(this.navigate.bind(this)); case 'cadastro': return new RegistrationScreen(this.navigate.bind(this)); case 'minhaarea': return new MinhaArea(); case 'admin': return new Admin(this.navigate.bind(this), this.userLanguage); case 'permissoes': return new GerenciadorPermissoes(); case 'sobre': return new About(this.userLanguage); case 'saloes': return new ListaSaloes(); case 'gerirsaloes': return new GerenciadorSaloes(this.navigate.bind(this)); case 'login': return new LoginScreen(this.navigate.bind(this)); case 'experiencia': return new HeatmapComponent(); case 'cadsalao': return new CadSaloes(this.navigate.bind(this)); case 'cadendereco': return new CadEnderecos(this.navigate.bind(this),params); case 'mapa': return new MapaSaloes(this.navigate.bind(this)); default: return null; } } } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const app = new App(); app.navigate('mapa') });