include 'functions.php';
function dump_args($sql){showresults($sql);}
Few rules to remember:
Each block of query is separated from others with a / (as a path)...
<br />
<br /></li>
<li>Each block of query can contains a-z(letters in upper and lower case), 0-9 (numbers), - , _ , and spaces (no tabs or return carriage and new linews)
apiql::register('!this/!is a/!test','myfunction');
showcode("apiql::register('!this is/!a/!test','myfunction');");
apiql::register('!this is/!a/!test','myfunction');
showcode("apiql::register('!this is a test','myfunction');");
apiql::register('!this is a test','myfunction');
showcode("apiql::register('!this-8 a test','myfunction');");
apiql::register('!this-8 a test','myfunction');
<br /></li>
Each block of query must be ever preceduto by a `!` or a `?` indicating if is required or optional
showcode("apiql::register('!tell me/?my name/?your name','print_r');");
apiql::register('!tell me/?my name/?your name','print_r');
echo "<br />";
showcode("apiql::query('tell me my name')");
apiql::query('tell me my name');
echo "<br /><br />";
showcode("apiql::query('tell me your name')");
apiql::query('tell me your name');
echo "<br /><br />";
showcode("apiql::query('tell me my name your name')");
apiql::query('tell me my name your name');
<br /><br /></li>
<li>Each block can accept an argument that can be an array,JSON,boolean,string,and php code.<br />
you can accept any of them, specifing it in [] parenthesis,and separated by comma
function dump_args(\$sql){return \$sql;}
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument null\")");
apiql::query("dump argument null");
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument true\")");
apiql::query("dump argument true");
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument 'my string'\")");
apiql::query("dump argument 'my string'");
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument '39'\")");
apiql::query("dump argument '39'");
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument [0,\\\"bar\\\",\\\"foo\\\",false,null]\")");
apiql::query("dump argument [0,\"bar\",\"foo\",false,null]");
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument {foo:bar,'name':'bill',age: 25,married:false}\")");
apiql::query("dump argument {foo:bar,'name':'bill',age: 25,married:false}");
showcode("apiql::query(\"dump argument ( 1==1 and \\\$foo == \\\$bar && is_object(\\\$obj) )\")");
apiql::query("dump argument (1==1 and \$foo == \$bar && is_object(\$obj))");