*** FEATURES ***
- Supports only MySQL.
- Generates Controllers with CRUD actions, Db_Tables, DbTable_Rows, DbTable_Rowsets
with DocBlock tags that gives you autocompletion when coding in an IDE.
- Defines Db_Table's $_dependentTables and $_referenceMap following InnoDB's
- Adds some commonly used methods to Db_Table: fetchPairs (an array of
key => value pairs), fetchOne (value of first column's first field), fetchOnes
(an array that is a list of fetchOne).
- You are free to add custom methods to Db_Table, Row, Rowset, Form or Mapper.
Basic methods like fetchOne(), fetchPairs(), fetchOnes(), setters, getters...
are added to abstract classes of them. Those abstract class files will be
overwritten when you re-run the generator.
With forms, latest Zodeken-generated classes will be put in
(Application_)Form_Edit[TableName]_Latest, you can compare this with current
version (Application_)Form_Edit[TableName] to add or change the code as
necessary to it.
- Detects the relationships between the tables and generates basically necessary
- Uses proper form element for each data type. For example:
enum/set -> radio
varchar/char -> text
text/longtext -> textarea
foreign key -> select
- Adds validators and filters depending on data type of the field. For example:
InArray for ENUM/SET
Int for INT
->setRequired(true) for 'NOT NULL' fields
StringLength(array('max' => 100)) for fields that have 100 char. limit
- Adds a drop-down list for a foreign key field to the form:
$tableCategory = new Application_Model_Category_DbTable();
$this->createElement('select', 'category_id')
->setLabel('Category Id')
->setMultiOptions(array("" => "- - Select - -")
+ $tableCategory->fetchPairs())
1. Download latest version from http://code.google.com/p/zodeken/downloads/list
2. Place the folder Zodeken into a folder that covered by your include_path
setting. Or simply, just place Zodeken into the same folder with your Zend
library, for example:
3. Edit your .zf.ini (usually located at your home folder), append this line:
basicloader.classes.20 = "Zodeken_ZfTool_ZodekenProvider"
You may change the number 20 to another one that you prefer.
If don't know where that file is located, you may run:
zf --setup config-file
zf create config
The command 'zf' not found??? Read this first:
4. Done
*** USAGE ***
1. Create the project using zf command line tool
zf create project zfproject
2. "chdir" to the created project folder
cd zfproject
3. Configure database settings in the application.ini file
zf configure db-adapter [...]
4. Run the command
zf generate zodeken
5. Done
*** TEST ***
1. Create a database
2. Import ZodekenTest.sql
3. Do steps as in "USAGE" section