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File: index.php

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  Classes of ASCOOS CMS   Up Previous Contents ASCOOS CMS Related Articles   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Up Previous Contents ASCOOS CMS Related Articles
Suggest related articles in a content site
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 10 months ago
Size: 6,416 bytes


Class file image Download
 * __ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ _ __ ___ ___
 * / _` |/ / / __/ _ \ / _ \ / / / __/| '_ ` _ \ / /
 * | (_| |\ \| (_| (_) | (_) |\ \ | (__ | | | | | |\ \
 * \__,_|/__/ \___\___/ \___/ /__/ \___\|_| |_| |_|/__/
 * @ASCOOS-VERSION : 24.0.0 *
 * @ASCOOS-CATEGORY : Block (Frontend and Administrator Side) *
 * @ASCOOS-CREATOR : Drogidis Christos *
 * @ASCOOS-LICENSE : [Commercial] *
 * @ASCOOS-COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 2007 - 2024, AlexSoft Software. *
 * @package : Up Previous Contents
 * @subpackage : Main file
 * @source : /[BLOCKS PATH]/up_prev_contents/index.php
 * @fileNo : 5
 * @version : 1.0.1
 * @created : 2012-08-06 20:00:00 UTC+3
 * @updated : 2024-02-25 12:00:00 UTC+3
 * @author : Drogidis Christos
 * @authorSite :
 * @license : Freeware
 * @since : 24.0.0

defined ("ALEXSOFT_RUN_CMS") or die("Prohibition of Access.");

$cms_site, $objDatabase, $objLang, $ASCOOS, $app, $my, $option, $task, $aid, $objDual;

if ( (
$option == 'articles') && ($task == 'view') )
// ID of the current article
$article_id = $aid;

// Get Block Parameters
$count = $block->getParam('int', 'count', 1 ); // Number of articles
$strLength = $block->getParam('int', 'str_length', 250 ); // Maximum text length
$promote = $block->getParam('bool', 'promote', false ); // Promotion. Text display of the manufacturer
$theme = $block->getParam('lstr', 'theme','default' ); // Section Theme
$type = $block->getParam('lstr', 'type', ''); // Types of Articles
$cat_ids = $block->getParam('lstr', 'cat_ids', '' ); // Categories will be included
$except_cat_ids = $block->getParam('lstr', 'except_cat_ids', '' ); // Categories to be excluded
$animation = $block->getParam('lstr', 'animation','fade' ); // Effects Template
$corner = $block->getParam('lstr', 'corner', 'right' ); // Viewing angle
$element = $block->getParam('str', 'element', '' ); // Opening Displacement Data
$percent = $block->getParam('int', 'percent', 75 ); // Percentage of displaced position (%)
$width = $block->getParam('int', 'width', 460 ); // Frame Length (pixels)
$side = $block->getParam('int', 'side', 10 ); // Distance frame corners (pixels)
$target = $block->getParam('int', 'target', 0 ); // Open link in new window?
$show_btn_close = $block->getParam('bool', 'show_btn_close', false ); // Show icon closing?

    // Load Block Theme
     * Get current article in the current language
$query = "SELECT id, article_id, created FROM #__articles WHERE article_id=".$article_id." AND lang_id = ".$ASCOOS['lang']->id." LIMIT 1";
$objDatabase->setSQLQuery( $query );
$current_article = $objDatabase->getAssoc();

     * Get Previous Articles in the current language
if ($type != '') $where[] = "type IN (".$type.")";
    if (
$cat_ids != '') $where[] = "cat_id IN (".$cat_ids.")";
    if (
$except_cat_ids != '') $where[] = "cat_id NOT IN (".$except_cat_ids.")";
$where[] = "lang_id = ".$ASCOOS['lang']->id;
$where[] = "published = 1";
$where[] = "groupid <= ".$my->groupid;
$where[] = "id < ".$current_article['id'];
$where[] = "created <= ".$current_article['created'];
$query = "SELECT article_id, title, intro_doc, access, groupid, created, created_by"
. "\nFROM #__articles"
. (count( $where ) ? "\nWHERE " . implode( ' AND ', $where ) : "")
"\nORDER BY created DESC, article_id DESC"
. "\nLIMIT ".$count;
$objDatabase->setSQLQuery( $query );
$prev_articles = $objDatabase->getAssocs();

     * If exists articles
if (count($prev_articles) > 0)
$app->addScriptFromFile($cms_site."/themes/blocks/fronts/up_prev_contents/script.js", true);
$arr = array();
$script = "";
$arr[] = "'display':'".($animation == 'flyout'? 'block':'none')."'";
$arr[] = "'bottom':'".($side + 10)."px'";
$arr[] = "'width':'".($width)."px'";

        if (
$animation == 'flyout' ) {
$arr[] = "'".$corner."':'".-($width + $side + 50)."px'";
        } elseif (
$animation == 'fade' ) {
$arr[] = "'right':'".($side + 10)."px'";
$css = implode(', ', $arr);

$script .= "jQuery('.block-up-prev-content-".$theme."').css({".$css."}).upPrevContent({ thisID: '.block-up-prev-content-".$theme."', animation: '".$animation."', corner: '".$corner."', percent: ".$percent.", element: '".$element."', width: ".$width.", side: ".$side.", target: ".$target."});";
$app->addJAScript($script); // Insert Inline Javascript
<div class="block-up-prev-content-<?php echo $theme; ?>">
    <?php if ($block->getVar('show_title')) { ?>
<div class="header">
        <h2><?php echo $block->getTitle(); ?></h2>
        <?php if ($show_btn_close) echo "<h3 class=\"close\">".$block->getLangVar('close')."</h3>"; ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php } ?>

    <div class="text">
foreach ($prev_articles as $prev)
// If we have access right to read the article
if ($objDual->checkAccess($prev))
"<div class=\"prev-article\">";
"<h4><a href=\"".asc2seo($cms_site."/p=articles&amp;t=view&amp;id=".$prev['article_id'])."\" rel=\"prev\">".$prev['title']."</a></h4>";
                   echo (
$utf8->strlen($prev['intro_doc']) > $strLength) ? $utf8->substr(ascoos_clearText($prev['intro_doc']), 0 , $strLength).'...' : ascoos_clearText($prev['intro_doc']);
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php if ($promote) echo "<div class=\"promote\"><small>".$block->getLangVar('promote')."</small></div>"; ?>
