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File: assets/plugins/zoom/lg-zoom.es5.js

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  Classes of Adeleye Ayodeji   Biggidroid Wordpress Gallery Plugin   assets/plugins/zoom/lg-zoom.es5.js   Download  
File: assets/plugins/zoom/lg-zoom.es5.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Biggidroid Wordpress Gallery Plugin
Display an image gallery on WordPress post pages
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Date: 4 months ago
Size: 38,996 bytes


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/*! * lightgallery | 2.8.0-beta.1 | November 27th 2023 * * Copyright (c) 2020 Sachin Neravath; * @license GPLv3 */ /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; var zoomSettings = { scale: 1, zoom: true, infiniteZoom: true, actualSize: true, showZoomInOutIcons: false, actualSizeIcons: { zoomIn: 'lg-zoom-in', zoomOut: 'lg-zoom-out', }, enableZoomAfter: 300, zoomPluginStrings: { zoomIn: 'Zoom in', zoomOut: 'Zoom out', viewActualSize: 'View actual size', }, }; /** * List of lightGallery events * All events should be documented here * Below interfaces are used to build the website documentations * */ var lGEvents = { afterAppendSlide: 'lgAfterAppendSlide', init: 'lgInit', hasVideo: 'lgHasVideo', containerResize: 'lgContainerResize', updateSlides: 'lgUpdateSlides', afterAppendSubHtml: 'lgAfterAppendSubHtml', beforeOpen: 'lgBeforeOpen', afterOpen: 'lgAfterOpen', slideItemLoad: 'lgSlideItemLoad', beforeSlide: 'lgBeforeSlide', afterSlide: 'lgAfterSlide', posterClick: 'lgPosterClick', dragStart: 'lgDragStart', dragMove: 'lgDragMove', dragEnd: 'lgDragEnd', beforeNextSlide: 'lgBeforeNextSlide', beforePrevSlide: 'lgBeforePrevSlide', beforeClose: 'lgBeforeClose', afterClose: 'lgAfterClose', rotateLeft: 'lgRotateLeft', rotateRight: 'lgRotateRight', flipHorizontal: 'lgFlipHorizontal', flipVertical: 'lgFlipVertical', autoplay: 'lgAutoplay', autoplayStart: 'lgAutoplayStart', autoplayStop: 'lgAutoplayStop', }; var ZOOM_TRANSITION_DURATION = 500; var Zoom = /** @class */ (function () { function Zoom(instance, $LG) { // get lightGallery core plugin instance this.core = instance; this.$LG = $LG; this.settings = __assign(__assign({}, zoomSettings), this.core.settings); return this; } // Append Zoom controls. Actual size, Zoom-in, Zoom-out Zoom.prototype.buildTemplates = function () { var zoomIcons = this.settings.showZoomInOutIcons ? "<button id=\"" + this.core.getIdName('lg-zoom-in') + "\" type=\"button\" aria-label=\"" + this.settings.zoomPluginStrings['zoomIn'] + "\" class=\"lg-zoom-in lg-icon\"></button><button id=\"" + this.core.getIdName('lg-zoom-out') + "\" type=\"button\" aria-label=\"" + this.settings.zoomPluginStrings['zoomIn'] + "\" class=\"lg-zoom-out lg-icon\"></button>" : ''; if (this.settings.actualSize) { zoomIcons += "<button id=\"" + this.core.getIdName('lg-actual-size') + "\" type=\"button\" aria-label=\"" + this.settings.zoomPluginStrings['viewActualSize'] + "\" class=\"" + this.settings.actualSizeIcons.zoomIn + " lg-icon\"></button>"; } this.core.outer.addClass('lg-use-transition-for-zoom'); this.core.$toolbar.first().append(zoomIcons); }; /** * @desc Enable zoom option only once the image is completely loaded * If zoomFromOrigin is true, Zoom is enabled once the dummy image has been inserted * * Zoom styles are defined under lg-zoomable CSS class. */ Zoom.prototype.enableZoom = function (event) { var _this = this; // delay will be 0 except first time var _speed = this.settings.enableZoomAfter + event.detail.delay; // set _speed value 0 if gallery opened from direct url and if it is first slide if (this.$LG('body').first().hasClass('lg-from-hash') && event.detail.delay) { // will execute only once _speed = 0; } else { // Remove lg-from-hash to enable starting animation. this.$LG('body').first().removeClass('lg-from-hash'); } this.zoomableTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index)) { return; } _this.core.getSlideItem(event.detail.index).addClass('lg-zoomable'); if (event.detail.index === _this.core.index) { _this.setZoomEssentials(); } }, _speed + 30); }; Zoom.prototype.enableZoomOnSlideItemLoad = function () { // Add zoomable class this.core.LGel.on(lGEvents.slideItemLoad + ".zoom", this.enableZoom.bind(this)); }; Zoom.prototype.getDragCords = function (e) { return { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, }; }; Zoom.prototype.getSwipeCords = function (e) { var x = e.touches[0].pageX; var y = e.touches[0].pageY; return { x: x, y: y, }; }; Zoom.prototype.getDragAllowedAxises = function (scale, scaleDiff) { var $image = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-image') .first() .get(); var height = 0; var width = 0; var rect = $image.getBoundingClientRect(); if (scale) { height = $image.offsetHeight * scale; width = $image.offsetWidth * scale; } else if (scaleDiff) { height = rect.height + scaleDiff * rect.height; width = rect.width + scaleDiff * rect.width; } else { height = rect.height; width = rect.width; } var allowY = height > this.containerRect.height; var allowX = width > this.containerRect.width; return { allowX: allowX, allowY: allowY, }; }; Zoom.prototype.setZoomEssentials = function () { this.containerRect = this.core.$content.get().getBoundingClientRect(); }; /** * @desc Image zoom * Translate the wrap and scale the image to get better user experience * * @param {String} scale - Zoom decrement/increment value */ Zoom.prototype.zoomImage = function (scale, scaleDiff, reposition, resetToMax) { if (Math.abs(scaleDiff) <= 0) return; var offsetX = this.containerRect.width / 2 + this.containerRect.left; var offsetY = this.containerRect.height / 2 + + this.scrollTop; var originalX; var originalY; if (scale === 1) { this.positionChanged = false; } var dragAllowedAxises = this.getDragAllowedAxises(0, scaleDiff); var allowY = dragAllowedAxises.allowY, allowX = dragAllowedAxises.allowX; if (this.positionChanged) { originalX = this.left / (this.scale - scaleDiff); originalY = / (this.scale - scaleDiff); this.pageX = offsetX - originalX; this.pageY = offsetY - originalY; this.positionChanged = false; } var possibleSwipeCords = this.getPossibleSwipeDragCords(scaleDiff); var x; var y; var _x = offsetX - this.pageX; var _y = offsetY - this.pageY; if (scale - scaleDiff > 1) { var scaleVal = (scale - scaleDiff) / Math.abs(scaleDiff); _x = (scaleDiff < 0 ? -_x : _x) + this.left * (scaleVal + (scaleDiff < 0 ? -1 : 1)); _y = (scaleDiff < 0 ? -_y : _y) + * (scaleVal + (scaleDiff < 0 ? -1 : 1)); x = _x / scaleVal; y = _y / scaleVal; } else { var scaleVal = (scale - scaleDiff) * scaleDiff; x = _x * scaleVal; y = _y * scaleVal; } if (reposition) { if (allowX) { if (this.isBeyondPossibleLeft(x, possibleSwipeCords.minX)) { x = possibleSwipeCords.minX; } else if (this.isBeyondPossibleRight(x, possibleSwipeCords.maxX)) { x = possibleSwipeCords.maxX; } } else { if (scale > 1) { if (x < possibleSwipeCords.minX) { x = possibleSwipeCords.minX; } else if (x > possibleSwipeCords.maxX) { x = possibleSwipeCords.maxX; } } } // @todo fix this if (allowY) { if (this.isBeyondPossibleTop(y, possibleSwipeCords.minY)) { y = possibleSwipeCords.minY; } else if (this.isBeyondPossibleBottom(y, possibleSwipeCords.maxY)) { y = possibleSwipeCords.maxY; } } else { // If the translate value based on index of beyond the viewport, utilize the available space to prevent image being cut out if (scale > 1) { //If image goes beyond viewport top, use the minim possible translate value if (y < possibleSwipeCords.minY) { y = possibleSwipeCords.minY; } else if (y > possibleSwipeCords.maxY) { y = possibleSwipeCords.maxY; } } } } this.setZoomStyles({ x: x, y: y, scale: scale, }); this.left = x; = y; if (resetToMax) { this.setZoomImageSize(); } }; Zoom.prototype.resetImageTranslate = function (index) { if (!this.isImageSlide(index)) { return; } var $image = this.core.getSlideItem(index).find('.lg-image').first(); this.imageReset = false; $image.removeClass('reset-transition reset-transition-y reset-transition-x'); this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-actual-size'); $image.css('width', 'auto').css('height', 'auto'); setTimeout(function () { $image.removeClass('no-transition'); }, 10); }; Zoom.prototype.setZoomImageSize = function () { var _this = this; var $image = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-image') .first(); setTimeout(function () { var actualSizeScale = _this.getCurrentImageActualSizeScale(); if (_this.scale >= actualSizeScale) { $image.addClass('no-transition'); _this.imageReset = true; } }, ZOOM_TRANSITION_DURATION); setTimeout(function () { var actualSizeScale = _this.getCurrentImageActualSizeScale(); if (_this.scale >= actualSizeScale) { var dragAllowedAxises = _this.getDragAllowedAxises(_this.scale); $image .css('width', $image.get().naturalWidth + 'px') .css('height', $image.get().naturalHeight + 'px'); _this.core.outer.addClass('lg-actual-size'); if (dragAllowedAxises.allowX && dragAllowedAxises.allowY) { $image.addClass('reset-transition'); } else if (dragAllowedAxises.allowX && !dragAllowedAxises.allowY) { $image.addClass('reset-transition-x'); } else if (!dragAllowedAxises.allowX && dragAllowedAxises.allowY) { $image.addClass('reset-transition-y'); } } }, ZOOM_TRANSITION_DURATION + 50); }; /** * @desc apply scale3d to image and translate to image wrap * @param {style} X,Y and scale */ Zoom.prototype.setZoomStyles = function (style) { var $imageWrap = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-img-wrap') .first(); var $image = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-image') .first(); var $dummyImage = this.core.outer .find('.lg-current .lg-dummy-img') .first(); this.scale = style.scale; $image.css('transform', 'scale3d(' + style.scale + ', ' + style.scale + ', 1)'); $dummyImage.css('transform', 'scale3d(' + style.scale + ', ' + style.scale + ', 1)'); var transform = 'translate3d(' + style.x + 'px, ' + style.y + 'px, 0)'; $imageWrap.css('transform', transform); }; /** * @param index - Index of the current slide * @param event - event will be available only if the function is called on clicking/taping the imags */ Zoom.prototype.setActualSize = function (index, event) { var _this = this; if (this.zoomInProgress) { return; } this.zoomInProgress = true; var currentItem = this.core.galleryItems[this.core.index]; this.resetImageTranslate(index); setTimeout(function () { // Allow zoom only on image if (!currentItem.src || _this.core.outer.hasClass('lg-first-slide-loading')) { return; } var scale = _this.getCurrentImageActualSizeScale(); var prevScale = _this.scale; if (_this.core.outer.hasClass('lg-zoomed')) { _this.scale = 1; } else { _this.scale = _this.getScale(scale); } _this.setPageCords(event); _this.beginZoom(_this.scale); _this.zoomImage(_this.scale, _this.scale - prevScale, true, true); }, 50); setTimeout(function () { _this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-grabbing').addClass('lg-grab'); }, 60); setTimeout(function () { _this.zoomInProgress = false; }, ZOOM_TRANSITION_DURATION + 110); }; Zoom.prototype.getNaturalWidth = function (index) { var $image = this.core.getSlideItem(index).find('.lg-image').first(); var naturalWidth = this.core.galleryItems[index].width; return naturalWidth ? parseFloat(naturalWidth) : $image.get().naturalWidth; }; Zoom.prototype.getActualSizeScale = function (naturalWidth, width) { var _scale; var scale; if (naturalWidth >= width) { _scale = naturalWidth / width; scale = _scale || 2; } else { scale = 1; } return scale; }; Zoom.prototype.getCurrentImageActualSizeScale = function () { var $image = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-image') .first(); var width = $image.get().offsetWidth; var naturalWidth = this.getNaturalWidth(this.core.index) || width; return this.getActualSizeScale(naturalWidth, width); }; Zoom.prototype.getPageCords = function (event) { var cords = {}; if (event) { cords.x = event.pageX || event.touches[0].pageX; cords.y = event.pageY || event.touches[0].pageY; } else { var containerRect = this.core.$content .get() .getBoundingClientRect(); cords.x = containerRect.width / 2 + containerRect.left; cords.y = containerRect.height / 2 + this.scrollTop +; } return cords; }; Zoom.prototype.setPageCords = function (event) { var pageCords = this.getPageCords(event); this.pageX = pageCords.x; this.pageY = pageCords.y; }; Zoom.prototype.manageActualPixelClassNames = function () { var $actualSize = this.core.getElementById('lg-actual-size'); $actualSize .removeClass(this.settings.actualSizeIcons.zoomIn) .addClass(this.settings.actualSizeIcons.zoomOut); }; // If true, zoomed - in else zoomed out Zoom.prototype.beginZoom = function (scale) { this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-zoom-drag-transition lg-zoom-dragging'); if (scale > 1) { this.core.outer.addClass('lg-zoomed'); this.manageActualPixelClassNames(); } else { this.resetZoom(); } return scale > 1; }; Zoom.prototype.getScale = function (scale) { var actualSizeScale = this.getCurrentImageActualSizeScale(); if (scale < 1) { scale = 1; } else if (scale > actualSizeScale) { scale = actualSizeScale; } return scale; }; Zoom.prototype.init = function () { var _this = this; if (!this.settings.zoom) { return; } this.buildTemplates(); this.enableZoomOnSlideItemLoad(); var tapped = null; this.core.outer.on('dblclick.lg', function (event) { if (!_this.$LG('lg-image')) { return; } _this.setActualSize(_this.core.index, event); }); this.core.outer.on('touchstart.lg', function (event) { var $target = _this.$LG(; if (event.touches.length === 1 && $target.hasClass('lg-image')) { if (!tapped) { tapped = setTimeout(function () { tapped = null; }, 300); } else { clearTimeout(tapped); tapped = null; event.preventDefault(); _this.setActualSize(_this.core.index, event); } } }); this.core.LGel.on(lGEvents.containerResize + ".zoom " + lGEvents.rotateRight + ".zoom " + lGEvents.rotateLeft + ".zoom " + lGEvents.flipHorizontal + ".zoom " + lGEvents.flipVertical + ".zoom", function () { if (!_this.core.lgOpened || !_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index) || _this.core.touchAction) { return; } var _LGel = _this.core .getSlideItem(_this.core.index) .find('.lg-img-wrap') .first(); = 0; _this.left = 0; _this.setZoomEssentials(); _this.setZoomSwipeStyles(_LGel, { x: 0, y: 0 }); _this.positionChanged = true; }); // Update zoom on resize and orientationchange this.$LG(window).on("" + this.core.lgId, function () { if (!_this.core.lgOpened) return; _this.scrollTop = _this.$LG(window).scrollTop(); }); this.core.getElementById('lg-zoom-out').on('click.lg', function () { // Allow zoom only on image if (!_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index)) { return; } var timeout = 0; if (_this.imageReset) { _this.resetImageTranslate(_this.core.index); timeout = 50; } setTimeout(function () { var scale = _this.scale - _this.settings.scale; if (scale < 1) { scale = 1; } _this.beginZoom(scale); _this.zoomImage(scale, -_this.settings.scale, true, !_this.settings.infiniteZoom); }, timeout); }); this.core.getElementById('lg-zoom-in').on('click.lg', function () { _this.zoomIn(); }); this.core.getElementById('lg-actual-size').on('click.lg', function () { _this.setActualSize(_this.core.index); }); this.core.LGel.on(lGEvents.beforeOpen + ".zoom", function () { _this.core.outer.find('.lg-item').removeClass('lg-zoomable'); }); this.core.LGel.on(lGEvents.afterOpen + ".zoom", function () { _this.scrollTop = _this.$LG(window).scrollTop(); // Set the initial value center _this.pageX = _this.core.outer.width() / 2; _this.pageY = _this.core.outer.height() / 2 + _this.scrollTop; _this.scale = 1; }); // Reset zoom on slide change this.core.LGel.on(lGEvents.afterSlide + ".zoom", function (event) { var prevIndex = event.detail.prevIndex; _this.scale = 1; _this.positionChanged = false; _this.zoomInProgress = false; _this.resetZoom(prevIndex); _this.resetImageTranslate(prevIndex); if (_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index)) { _this.setZoomEssentials(); } }); // Drag option after zoom this.zoomDrag(); this.pinchZoom(); this.zoomSwipe(); // Store the zoomable timeout value just to clear it while closing this.zoomableTimeout = false; this.positionChanged = false; this.zoomInProgress = false; }; Zoom.prototype.zoomIn = function () { // Allow zoom only on image if (!this.isImageSlide(this.core.index)) { return; } var scale = this.scale + this.settings.scale; if (!this.settings.infiniteZoom) { scale = this.getScale(scale); } this.beginZoom(scale); this.zoomImage(scale, Math.min(this.settings.scale, scale - this.scale), true, !this.settings.infiniteZoom); }; // Reset zoom effect Zoom.prototype.resetZoom = function (index) { this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-zoomed lg-zoom-drag-transition'); var $actualSize = this.core.getElementById('lg-actual-size'); var $item = this.core.getSlideItem(index !== undefined ? index : this.core.index); $actualSize .removeClass(this.settings.actualSizeIcons.zoomOut) .addClass(this.settings.actualSizeIcons.zoomIn); $item.find('.lg-img-wrap').first().removeAttr('style'); $item.find('.lg-image').first().removeAttr('style'); this.scale = 1; this.left = 0; = 0; // Reset pagx pagy values to center this.setPageCords(); }; Zoom.prototype.getTouchDistance = function (e) { return Math.sqrt((e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX) * (e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX) + (e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY) * (e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY)); }; Zoom.prototype.pinchZoom = function () { var _this = this; var startDist = 0; var pinchStarted = false; var initScale = 1; var prevScale = 0; var $item = this.core.getSlideItem(this.core.index); this.core.outer.on('touchstart.lg', function (e) { $item = _this.core.getSlideItem(_this.core.index); if (!_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index)) { return; } if (e.touches.length === 2) { e.preventDefault(); if (_this.core.outer.hasClass('lg-first-slide-loading')) { return; } initScale = _this.scale || 1; _this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-zoom-drag-transition lg-zoom-dragging'); _this.setPageCords(e); _this.resetImageTranslate(_this.core.index); _this.core.touchAction = 'pinch'; startDist = _this.getTouchDistance(e); } }); this.core.$inner.on('touchmove.lg', function (e) { if (e.touches.length === 2 && _this.core.touchAction === 'pinch' && (_this.$LG('lg-item') || $item.get().contains( { e.preventDefault(); var endDist = _this.getTouchDistance(e); var distance = startDist - endDist; if (!pinchStarted && Math.abs(distance) > 5) { pinchStarted = true; } if (pinchStarted) { prevScale = _this.scale; var _scale = Math.max(1, initScale + -distance * 0.02); _this.scale = Math.round((_scale + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100; var diff = _this.scale - prevScale; _this.zoomImage(_this.scale, Math.round((diff + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100, false, false); } } }); this.core.$inner.on('touchend.lg', function (e) { if (_this.core.touchAction === 'pinch' && (_this.$LG('lg-item') || $item.get().contains( { pinchStarted = false; startDist = 0; if (_this.scale <= 1) { _this.resetZoom(); } else { var actualSizeScale = _this.getCurrentImageActualSizeScale(); if (_this.scale >= actualSizeScale) { var scaleDiff = actualSizeScale - _this.scale; if (scaleDiff === 0) { scaleDiff = 0.01; } _this.zoomImage(actualSizeScale, scaleDiff, false, true); } _this.manageActualPixelClassNames(); _this.core.outer.addClass('lg-zoomed'); } _this.core.touchAction = undefined; } }); }; Zoom.prototype.touchendZoom = function (startCoords, endCoords, allowX, allowY, touchDuration) { var distanceXnew = endCoords.x - startCoords.x; var distanceYnew = endCoords.y - startCoords.y; var speedX = Math.abs(distanceXnew) / touchDuration + 1; var speedY = Math.abs(distanceYnew) / touchDuration + 1; if (speedX > 2) { speedX += 1; } if (speedY > 2) { speedY += 1; } distanceXnew = distanceXnew * speedX; distanceYnew = distanceYnew * speedY; var _LGel = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-img-wrap') .first(); var distance = {}; distance.x = this.left + distanceXnew; distance.y = + distanceYnew; var possibleSwipeCords = this.getPossibleSwipeDragCords(); if (Math.abs(distanceXnew) > 15 || Math.abs(distanceYnew) > 15) { if (allowY) { if (this.isBeyondPossibleTop(distance.y, possibleSwipeCords.minY)) { distance.y = possibleSwipeCords.minY; } else if (this.isBeyondPossibleBottom(distance.y, possibleSwipeCords.maxY)) { distance.y = possibleSwipeCords.maxY; } } if (allowX) { if (this.isBeyondPossibleLeft(distance.x, possibleSwipeCords.minX)) { distance.x = possibleSwipeCords.minX; } else if (this.isBeyondPossibleRight(distance.x, possibleSwipeCords.maxX)) { distance.x = possibleSwipeCords.maxX; } } if (allowY) { = distance.y; } else { distance.y =; } if (allowX) { this.left = distance.x; } else { distance.x = this.left; } this.setZoomSwipeStyles(_LGel, distance); this.positionChanged = true; } }; Zoom.prototype.getZoomSwipeCords = function (startCoords, endCoords, allowX, allowY, possibleSwipeCords) { var distance = {}; if (allowY) { distance.y = + (endCoords.y - startCoords.y); if (this.isBeyondPossibleTop(distance.y, possibleSwipeCords.minY)) { var diffMinY = possibleSwipeCords.minY - distance.y; distance.y = possibleSwipeCords.minY - diffMinY / 6; } else if (this.isBeyondPossibleBottom(distance.y, possibleSwipeCords.maxY)) { var diffMaxY = distance.y - possibleSwipeCords.maxY; distance.y = possibleSwipeCords.maxY + diffMaxY / 6; } } else { distance.y =; } if (allowX) { distance.x = this.left + (endCoords.x - startCoords.x); if (this.isBeyondPossibleLeft(distance.x, possibleSwipeCords.minX)) { var diffMinX = possibleSwipeCords.minX - distance.x; distance.x = possibleSwipeCords.minX - diffMinX / 6; } else if (this.isBeyondPossibleRight(distance.x, possibleSwipeCords.maxX)) { var difMaxX = distance.x - possibleSwipeCords.maxX; distance.x = possibleSwipeCords.maxX + difMaxX / 6; } } else { distance.x = this.left; } return distance; }; Zoom.prototype.isBeyondPossibleLeft = function (x, minX) { return x >= minX; }; Zoom.prototype.isBeyondPossibleRight = function (x, maxX) { return x <= maxX; }; Zoom.prototype.isBeyondPossibleTop = function (y, minY) { return y >= minY; }; Zoom.prototype.isBeyondPossibleBottom = function (y, maxY) { return y <= maxY; }; Zoom.prototype.isImageSlide = function (index) { var currentItem = this.core.galleryItems[index]; return this.core.getSlideType(currentItem) === 'image'; }; Zoom.prototype.getPossibleSwipeDragCords = function (scale) { var $image = this.core .getSlideItem(this.core.index) .find('.lg-image') .first(); var bottom = this.core.mediaContainerPosition.bottom; var imgRect = $image.get().getBoundingClientRect(); var imageHeight = imgRect.height; var imageWidth = imgRect.width; if (scale) { imageHeight = imageHeight + scale * imageHeight; imageWidth = imageWidth + scale * imageWidth; } var minY = (imageHeight - this.containerRect.height) / 2; var maxY = (this.containerRect.height - imageHeight) / 2 + bottom; var minX = (imageWidth - this.containerRect.width) / 2; var maxX = (this.containerRect.width - imageWidth) / 2; var possibleSwipeCords = { minY: minY, maxY: maxY, minX: minX, maxX: maxX, }; return possibleSwipeCords; }; Zoom.prototype.setZoomSwipeStyles = function (LGel, distance) { LGel.css('transform', 'translate3d(' + distance.x + 'px, ' + distance.y + 'px, 0)'); }; Zoom.prototype.zoomSwipe = function () { var _this = this; var startCoords = {}; var endCoords = {}; var isMoved = false; // Allow x direction drag var allowX = false; // Allow Y direction drag var allowY = false; var startTime = new Date(); var endTime = new Date(); var possibleSwipeCords; var _LGel; var $item = this.core.getSlideItem(this.core.index); this.core.$inner.on('touchstart.lg', function (e) { // Allow zoom only on image if (!_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index)) { return; } $item = _this.core.getSlideItem(_this.core.index); if ((_this.$LG('lg-item') || $item.get().contains( && e.touches.length === 1 && _this.core.outer.hasClass('lg-zoomed')) { e.preventDefault(); startTime = new Date(); _this.core.touchAction = 'zoomSwipe'; _LGel = _this.core .getSlideItem(_this.core.index) .find('.lg-img-wrap') .first(); var dragAllowedAxises = _this.getDragAllowedAxises(0); allowY = dragAllowedAxises.allowY; allowX = dragAllowedAxises.allowX; if (allowX || allowY) { startCoords = _this.getSwipeCords(e); } possibleSwipeCords = _this.getPossibleSwipeDragCords(); // reset opacity and transition duration _this.core.outer.addClass('lg-zoom-dragging lg-zoom-drag-transition'); } }); this.core.$inner.on('touchmove.lg', function (e) { if (e.touches.length === 1 && _this.core.touchAction === 'zoomSwipe' && (_this.$LG('lg-item') || $item.get().contains( { e.preventDefault(); _this.core.touchAction = 'zoomSwipe'; endCoords = _this.getSwipeCords(e); var distance = _this.getZoomSwipeCords(startCoords, endCoords, allowX, allowY, possibleSwipeCords); if (Math.abs(endCoords.x - startCoords.x) > 15 || Math.abs(endCoords.y - startCoords.y) > 15) { isMoved = true; _this.setZoomSwipeStyles(_LGel, distance); } } }); this.core.$inner.on('touchend.lg', function (e) { if (_this.core.touchAction === 'zoomSwipe' && (_this.$LG('lg-item') || $item.get().contains( { e.preventDefault(); _this.core.touchAction = undefined; _this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-zoom-dragging'); if (!isMoved) { return; } isMoved = false; endTime = new Date(); var touchDuration = endTime.valueOf() - startTime.valueOf(); _this.touchendZoom(startCoords, endCoords, allowX, allowY, touchDuration); } }); }; Zoom.prototype.zoomDrag = function () { var _this = this; var startCoords = {}; var endCoords = {}; var isDragging = false; var isMoved = false; // Allow x direction drag var allowX = false; // Allow Y direction drag var allowY = false; var startTime; var endTime; var possibleSwipeCords; var _LGel; this.core.outer.on('mousedown.lg.zoom', function (e) { // Allow zoom only on image if (!_this.isImageSlide(_this.core.index)) { return; } var $item = _this.core.getSlideItem(_this.core.index); if (_this.$LG('lg-item') || $item.get().contains( { startTime = new Date(); _LGel = _this.core .getSlideItem(_this.core.index) .find('.lg-img-wrap') .first(); var dragAllowedAxises = _this.getDragAllowedAxises(0); allowY = dragAllowedAxises.allowY; allowX = dragAllowedAxises.allowX; if (_this.core.outer.hasClass('lg-zoomed')) { if (_this.$LG('lg-object') && (allowX || allowY)) { e.preventDefault(); startCoords = _this.getDragCords(e); possibleSwipeCords = _this.getPossibleSwipeDragCords(); isDragging = true; _this.core.outer .removeClass('lg-grab') .addClass('lg-grabbing lg-zoom-drag-transition lg-zoom-dragging'); // reset opacity and transition duration } } } }); this.$LG(window).on("" + this.core.lgId, function (e) { if (isDragging) { isMoved = true; endCoords = _this.getDragCords(e); var distance = _this.getZoomSwipeCords(startCoords, endCoords, allowX, allowY, possibleSwipeCords); _this.setZoomSwipeStyles(_LGel, distance); } }); this.$LG(window).on("" + this.core.lgId, function (e) { if (isDragging) { endTime = new Date(); isDragging = false; _this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-zoom-dragging'); // Fix for chrome mouse move on click if (isMoved && (startCoords.x !== endCoords.x || startCoords.y !== endCoords.y)) { endCoords = _this.getDragCords(e); var touchDuration = endTime.valueOf() - startTime.valueOf(); _this.touchendZoom(startCoords, endCoords, allowX, allowY, touchDuration); } isMoved = false; } _this.core.outer.removeClass('lg-grabbing').addClass('lg-grab'); }); }; Zoom.prototype.closeGallery = function () { this.resetZoom(); this.zoomInProgress = false; }; Zoom.prototype.destroy = function () { // Unbind all events added by lightGallery zoom plugin this.$LG(window).off("" + this.core.lgId);'.lg.zoom');'.zoom'); clearTimeout(this.zoomableTimeout); this.zoomableTimeout = false; }; return Zoom; }()); export default Zoom; //#