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File: assets/plugins/justifiedGallery/justifiedGallery.js

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File: assets/plugins/justifiedGallery/justifiedGallery.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Biggidroid Wordpress Gallery Plugin
Display an image gallery on WordPress post pages
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Date: 4 months ago
Size: 47,232 bytes


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/*! * justifiedGallery - v3.8.1 * * Copyright (c) 2020 Miro Mannino * Licensed under the MIT license. */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(["jquery"], factory); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = function (root, jQuery) { if (jQuery === undefined) { // require('jQuery') returns a factory that requires window to // build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules // that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop // if it's defined (how jquery works) if (typeof window !== "undefined") { jQuery = require("jquery"); } else { jQuery = require("jquery")(root); } } factory(jQuery); return jQuery; }; } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } })(function ($) { /** * Justified Gallery controller constructor * * @param $gallery the gallery to build * @param settings the settings (the defaults are in JustifiedGallery.defaults) * @constructor */ var JustifiedGallery = function ($gallery, settings) { this.settings = settings; this.checkSettings(); this.imgAnalyzerTimeout = null; this.entries = null; this.buildingRow = { entriesBuff: [], width: 0, height: 0, aspectRatio: 0 }; this.lastFetchedEntry = null; this.lastAnalyzedIndex = -1; this.yield = { every: 2, // do a flush every n flushes (must be greater than 1) flushed: 0 // flushed rows without a yield }; this.border = settings.border >= 0 ? settings.border : settings.margins; this.maxRowHeight = this.retrieveMaxRowHeight(); this.suffixRanges = this.retrieveSuffixRanges(); this.offY = this.border; this.rows = 0; this.spinner = { phase: 0, timeSlot: 150, $el: $( '<div class="jg-spinner"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>' ), intervalId: null }; this.scrollBarOn = false; this.checkWidthIntervalId = null; this.galleryWidth = $gallery.width(); this.$gallery = $gallery; }; /** @returns {String} the best suffix given the width and the height */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.getSuffix = function (width, height) { var longestSide, i; longestSide = width > height ? width : height; for (i = 0; i < this.suffixRanges.length; i++) { if (longestSide <= this.suffixRanges[i]) { return this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[this.suffixRanges[i]]; } } return this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[this.suffixRanges[i - 1]]; }; /** * Remove the suffix from the string * * @returns {string} a new string without the suffix */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.removeSuffix = function (str, suffix) { return str.substring(0, str.length - suffix.length); }; /** * @returns {boolean} a boolean to say if the suffix is contained in the str or not */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.endsWith = function (str, suffix) { return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; }; /** * Get the used suffix of a particular url * * @param str * @returns {String} return the used suffix */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.getUsedSuffix = function (str) { for (var si in this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) { if (this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.hasOwnProperty(si)) { if (this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[si].length === 0) continue; if (this.endsWith(str, this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[si])) return this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[si]; } } return ""; }; /** * Given an image src, with the width and the height, returns the new image src with the * best suffix to show the best quality thumbnail. * * @returns {String} the suffix to use */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.newSrc = function ( imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, image ) { var newImageSrc; if (this.settings.thumbnailPath) { newImageSrc = this.settings.thumbnailPath( imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, image ); } else { var matchRes = imageSrc.match(this.settings.extension); var ext = matchRes !== null ? matchRes[0] : ""; newImageSrc = imageSrc.replace(this.settings.extension, ""); newImageSrc = this.removeSuffix( newImageSrc, this.getUsedSuffix(newImageSrc) ); newImageSrc += this.getSuffix(imgWidth, imgHeight) + ext; } return newImageSrc; }; /** * Shows the images that is in the given entry * * @param $entry the entry * @param callback the callback that is called when the show animation is finished */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.showImg = function ($entry, callback) { if (this.settings.cssAnimation) { $entry.addClass("jg-entry-visible"); if (callback) callback(); } else { $entry .stop() .fadeTo(this.settings.imagesAnimationDuration, 1.0, callback); $entry .find(this.settings.imgSelector) .stop() .fadeTo(this.settings.imagesAnimationDuration, 1.0, callback); } }; /** * Extract the image src form the image, looking from the 'safe-src', and if it can't be found, from the * 'src' attribute. It saves in the image data the 'jg.originalSrc' field, with the extracted src. * * @param $image the image to analyze * @returns {String} the extracted src */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.extractImgSrcFromImage = function ($image) { var imageSrc = $"safe-src"); var imageSrcLoc = "data-safe-src"; if (typeof imageSrc === "undefined") { imageSrc = $image.attr("src"); imageSrcLoc = "src"; } $"jg.originalSrc", imageSrc); // this is saved for the destroy method $"jg.src", imageSrc); // this will change overtime $"jg.originalSrcLoc", imageSrcLoc); // this is saved for the destroy method return imageSrc; }; /** @returns {jQuery} the image in the given entry */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.imgFromEntry = function ($entry) { var $img = $entry.find(this.settings.imgSelector); return $img.length === 0 ? null : $img; }; /** @returns {jQuery} the caption in the given entry */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.captionFromEntry = function ($entry) { var $caption = $entry.find("> .jg-caption"); return $caption.length === 0 ? null : $caption; }; /** * Display the entry * * @param {jQuery} $entry the entry to display * @param {int} x the x position where the entry must be positioned * @param y the y position where the entry must be positioned * @param imgWidth the image width * @param imgHeight the image height * @param rowHeight the row height of the row that owns the entry */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.displayEntry = function ( $entry, x, y, imgWidth, imgHeight, rowHeight ) { $entry.width(imgWidth); $entry.height(rowHeight); $entry.css("top", y); $entry.css("left", x); var $image = this.imgFromEntry($entry); if ($image !== null) { $image.css("width", imgWidth); $image.css("height", imgHeight); $image.css("margin-left", -imgWidth / 2); $image.css("margin-top", -imgHeight / 2); // Image reloading for an high quality of thumbnails var imageSrc = $"jg.src"); if (imageSrc) { imageSrc = this.newSrc(imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, $image[0]); $"error", function () { this.resetImgSrc($image); //revert to the original thumbnail }); var loadNewImage = function () { // if (imageSrc !== newImageSrc) { $image.attr("src", imageSrc); // } }; if ($"jg.loaded") === "skipped" && imageSrc) { this.onImageEvent( imageSrc, function () { this.showImg($entry, loadNewImage); //load the new image after the fadeIn $"jg.loaded", true); }.bind(this) ); } else { this.showImg($entry, loadNewImage); //load the new image after the fadeIn } } } else { this.showImg($entry); } this.displayEntryCaption($entry); }; /** * Display the entry caption. If the caption element doesn't exists, it creates the caption using the 'alt' * or the 'title' attributes. * * @param {jQuery} $entry the entry to process */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.displayEntryCaption = function ($entry) { var $image = this.imgFromEntry($entry); if ($image !== null && this.settings.captions) { var $imgCaption = this.captionFromEntry($entry); // Create it if it doesn't exists if ($imgCaption === null) { var caption = $image.attr("alt"); if (!this.isValidCaption(caption)) caption = $entry.attr("title"); if (this.isValidCaption(caption)) { // Create only we found something $imgCaption = $('<div class="jg-caption">' + caption + "</div>"); $entry.append($imgCaption); $"jg.createdCaption", true); } } // Create events (we check again the $imgCaption because it can be still inexistent) if ($imgCaption !== null) { if (!this.settings.cssAnimation) $imgCaption .stop() .fadeTo(0, this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity); this.addCaptionEventsHandlers($entry); } } else { this.removeCaptionEventsHandlers($entry); } }; /** * Validates the caption * * @param caption The caption that should be validated * @return {boolean} Validation result */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.isValidCaption = function (caption) { return typeof caption !== "undefined" && caption.length > 0; }; /** * The callback for the event 'mouseenter'. It assumes that the event currentTarget is an entry. * It shows the caption using jQuery (or using CSS if it is configured so) * * @param {Event} eventObject the event object */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.onEntryMouseEnterForCaption = function ( eventObject ) { var $caption = this.captionFromEntry($(eventObject.currentTarget)); if (this.settings.cssAnimation) { $caption.addClass("jg-caption-visible").removeClass("jg-caption-hidden"); } else { $caption .stop() .fadeTo( this.settings.captionSettings.animationDuration, this.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity ); } }; /** * The callback for the event 'mouseleave'. It assumes that the event currentTarget is an entry. * It hides the caption using jQuery (or using CSS if it is configured so) * * @param {Event} eventObject the event object */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.onEntryMouseLeaveForCaption = function ( eventObject ) { var $caption = this.captionFromEntry($(eventObject.currentTarget)); if (this.settings.cssAnimation) { $caption .removeClass("jg-caption-visible") .removeClass("jg-caption-hidden"); } else { $caption .stop() .fadeTo( this.settings.captionSettings.animationDuration, this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity ); } }; /** * Add the handlers of the entry for the caption * * @param $entry the entry to modify */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.addCaptionEventsHandlers = function ($entry) { var captionMouseEvents = $"jg.captionMouseEvents"); if (typeof captionMouseEvents === "undefined") { captionMouseEvents = { mouseenter: $.proxy(this.onEntryMouseEnterForCaption, this), mouseleave: $.proxy(this.onEntryMouseLeaveForCaption, this) }; $entry.on( "mouseenter", undefined, undefined, captionMouseEvents.mouseenter ); $entry.on( "mouseleave", undefined, undefined, captionMouseEvents.mouseleave ); $"jg.captionMouseEvents", captionMouseEvents); } }; /** * Remove the handlers of the entry for the caption * * @param $entry the entry to modify */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.removeCaptionEventsHandlers = function ($entry) { var captionMouseEvents = $"jg.captionMouseEvents"); if (typeof captionMouseEvents !== "undefined") { $"mouseenter", undefined, captionMouseEvents.mouseenter); $"mouseleave", undefined, captionMouseEvents.mouseleave); $entry.removeData("jg.captionMouseEvents"); } }; /** * Clear the building row data to be used for a new row */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.clearBuildingRow = function () { this.buildingRow.entriesBuff = []; this.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0; this.buildingRow.width = 0; }; /** * Justify the building row, preparing it to * * @param isLastRow * @param hiddenRow undefined or false for normal behavior. hiddenRow = true to hide the row. * @returns a boolean to know if the row has been justified or not */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.prepareBuildingRow = function ( isLastRow, hiddenRow ) { var i, $entry, imgAspectRatio, newImgW, newImgH, justify = true; var minHeight = 0; var availableWidth = this.galleryWidth - 2 * this.border - (this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * this.settings.margins; var rowHeight = availableWidth / this.buildingRow.aspectRatio; var defaultRowHeight = this.settings.rowHeight; var justifiable = this.buildingRow.width / availableWidth > this.settings.justifyThreshold; //Skip the last row if we can't justify it and the lastRow == 'hide' if ( hiddenRow || (isLastRow && this.settings.lastRow === "hide" && !justifiable) ) { for (i = 0; i < this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) { $entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i]; if (this.settings.cssAnimation) $entry.removeClass("jg-entry-visible"); else { $entry.stop().fadeTo(0, 0.1); $entry.find("> img, > a > img").fadeTo(0, 0); } } return -1; } // With lastRow = nojustify, justify if is justificable (the images will not become too big) if ( isLastRow && !justifiable && this.settings.lastRow !== "justify" && this.settings.lastRow !== "hide" ) { justify = false; if (this.rows > 0) { defaultRowHeight = (this.offY - this.border - this.settings.margins * this.rows) / this.rows; justify = (defaultRowHeight * this.buildingRow.aspectRatio) / availableWidth > this.settings.justifyThreshold; } } for (i = 0; i < this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) { $entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i]; imgAspectRatio = $"jg.width") / $"jg.height"); if (justify) { newImgW = i === this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1 ? availableWidth : rowHeight * imgAspectRatio; newImgH = rowHeight; } else { newImgW = defaultRowHeight * imgAspectRatio; newImgH = defaultRowHeight; } availableWidth -= Math.round(newImgW); $"jg.jwidth", Math.round(newImgW)); $"jg.jheight", Math.ceil(newImgH)); if (i === 0 || minHeight > newImgH) minHeight = newImgH; } this.buildingRow.height = minHeight; return justify; }; /** * Flush a row: justify it, modify the gallery height accordingly to the row height * * @param isLastRow * @param hiddenRow undefined or false for normal behavior. hiddenRow = true to hide the row. */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.flushRow = function (isLastRow, hiddenRow) { var settings = this.settings; var $entry, buildingRowRes, offX = this.border, i; buildingRowRes = this.prepareBuildingRow(isLastRow, hiddenRow); if ( hiddenRow || (isLastRow && settings.lastRow === "hide" && buildingRowRes === -1) ) { this.clearBuildingRow(); return; } if (this.maxRowHeight) { if (this.maxRowHeight < this.buildingRow.height) this.buildingRow.height = this.maxRowHeight; } //Align last (unjustified) row if ( isLastRow && (settings.lastRow === "center" || settings.lastRow === "right") ) { var availableWidth = this.galleryWidth - 2 * this.border - (this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * settings.margins; for (i = 0; i < this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) { $entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i]; availableWidth -= $"jg.jwidth"); } if (settings.lastRow === "center") offX += Math.round(availableWidth / 2); else if (settings.lastRow === "right") offX += availableWidth; } var lastEntryIdx = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1; for (i = 0; i <= lastEntryIdx; i++) { $entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[this.settings.rtl ? lastEntryIdx - i : i]; this.displayEntry( $entry, offX, this.offY, $"jg.jwidth"), $"jg.jheight"), this.buildingRow.height ); offX += $"jg.jwidth") + settings.margins; } //Gallery Height this.galleryHeightToSet = this.offY + this.buildingRow.height + this.border; this.setGalleryTempHeight( this.galleryHeightToSet + this.getSpinnerHeight() ); if ( !isLastRow || (this.buildingRow.height <= settings.rowHeight && buildingRowRes) ) { //Ready for a new row this.offY += this.buildingRow.height + settings.margins; this.rows += 1; this.clearBuildingRow();, "jg.rowflush"); } }; // Scroll position not restoring: var galleryPrevStaticHeight = 0; JustifiedGallery.prototype.rememberGalleryHeight = function () { galleryPrevStaticHeight = this.$gallery.height(); this.$gallery.height(galleryPrevStaticHeight); }; // grow only JustifiedGallery.prototype.setGalleryTempHeight = function (height) { galleryPrevStaticHeight = Math.max(height, galleryPrevStaticHeight); this.$gallery.height(galleryPrevStaticHeight); }; JustifiedGallery.prototype.setGalleryFinalHeight = function (height) { galleryPrevStaticHeight = height; this.$gallery.height(height); }; /** * Checks the width of the gallery container, to know if a new justification is needed */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.checkWidth = function () { this.checkWidthIntervalId = setInterval( $.proxy(function () { // if the gallery is not currently visible, abort. if (!this.$":visible")) return; var galleryWidth = parseFloat(this.$gallery.width()); if ( Math.abs(galleryWidth - this.galleryWidth) > this.settings.refreshSensitivity ) { this.galleryWidth = galleryWidth; this.rewind(); this.rememberGalleryHeight(); // Restart to analyze this.startImgAnalyzer(true); } }, this), this.settings.refreshTime ); }; /** * @returns {boolean} a boolean saying if the spinner is active or not */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.isSpinnerActive = function () { return this.spinner.intervalId !== null; }; /** * @returns {int} the spinner height */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.getSpinnerHeight = function () { return this.spinner.$el.innerHeight(); }; /** * Stops the spinner animation and modify the gallery height to exclude the spinner */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.stopLoadingSpinnerAnimation = function () { clearInterval(this.spinner.intervalId); this.spinner.intervalId = null; this.setGalleryTempHeight(this.$gallery.height() - this.getSpinnerHeight()); this.spinner.$el.detach(); }; /** * Starts the spinner animation */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.startLoadingSpinnerAnimation = function () { var spinnerContext = this.spinner; var $spinnerPoints = spinnerContext.$el.find("span"); clearInterval(spinnerContext.intervalId); this.$gallery.append(spinnerContext.$el); this.setGalleryTempHeight( this.offY + this.buildingRow.height + this.getSpinnerHeight() ); spinnerContext.intervalId = setInterval(function () { if (spinnerContext.phase < $spinnerPoints.length) { $spinnerPoints .eq(spinnerContext.phase) .fadeTo(spinnerContext.timeSlot, 1); } else { $spinnerPoints .eq(spinnerContext.phase - $spinnerPoints.length) .fadeTo(spinnerContext.timeSlot, 0); } spinnerContext.phase = (spinnerContext.phase + 1) % ($spinnerPoints.length * 2); }, spinnerContext.timeSlot); }; /** * Rewind the image analysis to start from the first entry. */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.rewind = function () { this.lastFetchedEntry = null; this.lastAnalyzedIndex = -1; this.offY = this.border; this.rows = 0; this.clearBuildingRow(); }; /** * @returns {String} `settings.selector` rejecting spinner element */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.getSelectorWithoutSpinner = function () { return this.settings.selector + ", div:not(.jg-spinner)"; }; /** * @returns {Array} all entries matched by `settings.selector` */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.getAllEntries = function () { var selector = this.getSelectorWithoutSpinner(); return this.$gallery.children(selector).toArray(); }; /** * Update the entries searching it from the justified gallery HTML element * * @param norewind if norewind only the new entries will be changed (i.e. randomized, sorted or filtered) * @returns {boolean} true if some entries has been founded */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.updateEntries = function (norewind) { var newEntries; if (norewind && this.lastFetchedEntry != null) { var selector = this.getSelectorWithoutSpinner(); newEntries = $(this.lastFetchedEntry).nextAll(selector).toArray(); } else { this.entries = []; newEntries = this.getAllEntries(); } if (newEntries.length > 0) { // Sort or randomize if ($.isFunction(this.settings.sort)) { newEntries = this.sortArray(newEntries); } else if (this.settings.randomize) { newEntries = this.shuffleArray(newEntries); } this.lastFetchedEntry = newEntries[newEntries.length - 1]; // Filter if (this.settings.filter) { newEntries = this.filterArray(newEntries); } else { this.resetFilters(newEntries); } } this.entries = this.entries.concat(newEntries); return true; }; /** * Apply the entries order to the DOM, iterating the entries and appending the images * * @param entries the entries that has been modified and that must be re-ordered in the DOM */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.insertToGallery = function (entries) { var that = this; $.each(entries, function () { $(this).appendTo(that.$gallery); }); }; /** * Shuffle the array using the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm * * @param a the array to shuffle * @return the shuffled array */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.shuffleArray = function (a) { var i, j, temp; for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } this.insertToGallery(a); return a; }; /** * Sort the array using settings.comparator as comparator * * @param a the array to sort (it is sorted) * @return the sorted array */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.sortArray = function (a) { a.sort(this.settings.sort); this.insertToGallery(a); return a; }; /** * Reset the filters removing the 'jg-filtered' class from all the entries * * @param a the array to reset */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.resetFilters = function (a) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) $(a[i]).removeClass("jg-filtered"); }; /** * Filter the entries considering theirs classes (if a string has been passed) or using a function for filtering. * * @param a the array to filter * @return the filtered array */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.filterArray = function (a) { var settings = this.settings; if ($.type(settings.filter) === "string") { // Filter only keeping the entries passed in the string return a.filter(function (el) { var $el = $(el); if ($ { $el.removeClass("jg-filtered"); return true; } else { $el.addClass("jg-filtered").removeClass("jg-visible"); return false; } }); } else if ($.isFunction(settings.filter)) { // Filter using the passed function var filteredArr = a.filter(settings.filter); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (filteredArr.indexOf(a[i]) === -1) { $(a[i]).addClass("jg-filtered").removeClass("jg-visible"); } else { $(a[i]).removeClass("jg-filtered"); } } return filteredArr; } }; /** * Revert the image src to the default value. */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.resetImgSrc = function ($img) { if ($"jg.originalSrcLoc") === "src") { $img.attr("src", $"jg.originalSrc")); } else { $img.attr("src", ""); } }; /** * Destroy the Justified Gallery instance. * * It clears all the css properties added in the style attributes. We doesn't backup the original * values for those css attributes, because it costs (performance) and because in general one * shouldn't use the style attribute for an uniform set of images (where we suppose the use of * classes). Creating a backup is also difficult because JG could be called multiple times and * with different style attributes. */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.destroy = function () { clearInterval(this.checkWidthIntervalId); this.stopImgAnalyzerStarter(); // Get fresh entries list since filtered entries are absent in `this.entries` $.each( this.getAllEntries(), $.proxy(function (_, entry) { var $entry = $(entry); // Reset entry style $entry.css("width", ""); $entry.css("height", ""); $entry.css("top", ""); $entry.css("left", ""); $"jg.loaded", undefined); $entry.removeClass("jg-entry jg-filtered jg-entry-visible"); // Reset image style var $img = this.imgFromEntry($entry); if ($img) { $img.css("width", ""); $img.css("height", ""); $img.css("margin-left", ""); $img.css("margin-top", ""); this.resetImgSrc($img); $"jg.originalSrc", undefined); $"jg.originalSrcLoc", undefined); $"jg.src", undefined); } // Remove caption this.removeCaptionEventsHandlers($entry); var $caption = this.captionFromEntry($entry); if ($"jg.createdCaption")) { // remove also the caption element (if created by jg) $"jg.createdCaption", undefined); if ($caption !== null) $caption.remove(); } else { if ($caption !== null) $caption.fadeTo(0, 1); } }, this) ); this.$gallery.css("height", ""); this.$gallery.removeClass("justified-gallery"); this.$"jg.controller", undefined);, "jg.destroy"); }; /** * Analyze the images and builds the rows. It returns if it found an image that is not loaded. * * @param isForResize if the image analyzer is called for resizing or not, to call a different callback at the end */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.analyzeImages = function (isForResize) { for (var i = this.lastAnalyzedIndex + 1; i < this.entries.length; i++) { var $entry = $(this.entries[i]); if ( $"jg.loaded") === true || $"jg.loaded") === "skipped" ) { var availableWidth = this.galleryWidth - 2 * this.border - (this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * this.settings.margins; var imgAspectRatio = $"jg.width") / $"jg.height"); this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.push($entry); this.buildingRow.aspectRatio += imgAspectRatio; this.buildingRow.width += imgAspectRatio * this.settings.rowHeight; this.lastAnalyzedIndex = i; if ( availableWidth / (this.buildingRow.aspectRatio + imgAspectRatio) < this.settings.rowHeight ) { this.flushRow( false, this.settings.maxRowsCount > 0 && this.rows === this.settings.maxRowsCount ); if (++this.yield.flushed >= this.yield.every) { this.startImgAnalyzer(isForResize); return; } } } else if ($"jg.loaded") !== "error") { return; } } // Last row flush (the row is not full) if (this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length > 0) { this.flushRow( true, this.settings.maxRowsCount > 0 && this.rows === this.settings.maxRowsCount ); } if (this.isSpinnerActive()) { this.stopLoadingSpinnerAnimation(); } /* Stop, if there is, the timeout to start the analyzeImages. This is because an image can be set loaded, and the timeout can be set, but this image can be analyzed yet. */ this.stopImgAnalyzerStarter(); this.setGalleryFinalHeight(this.galleryHeightToSet); //On complete callback this, isForResize ? "jg.resize" : "jg.complete" ); }; /** * Stops any ImgAnalyzer starter (that has an assigned timeout) */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.stopImgAnalyzerStarter = function () { this.yield.flushed = 0; if (this.imgAnalyzerTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.imgAnalyzerTimeout); this.imgAnalyzerTimeout = null; } }; /** * Starts the image analyzer. It is not immediately called to let the browser to update the view * * @param isForResize specifies if the image analyzer must be called for resizing or not */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.startImgAnalyzer = function (isForResize) { var that = this; this.stopImgAnalyzerStarter(); this.imgAnalyzerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { that.analyzeImages(isForResize); }, 0.001); // we can't start it immediately due to a IE different behaviour }; /** * Checks if the image is loaded or not using another image object. We cannot use the 'complete' image property, * because some browsers, with a 404 set complete = true. * * @param imageSrc the image src to load * @param onLoad callback that is called when the image has been loaded * @param onError callback that is called in case of an error */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.onImageEvent = function ( imageSrc, onLoad, onError ) { if (!onLoad && !onError) return; var memImage = new Image(); var $memImage = $(memImage); if (onLoad) { $"load", function () { $"load error"); onLoad(memImage); }); } if (onError) { $"error", function () { $"load error"); onError(memImage); }); } memImage.src = imageSrc; }; /** * Init of Justified Gallery controlled * It analyzes all the entries starting theirs loading and calling the image analyzer (that works with loaded images) */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.init = function () { var imagesToLoad = false, skippedImages = false, that = this; $.each(this.entries, function (index, entry) { var $entry = $(entry); var $image = that.imgFromEntry($entry); $entry.addClass("jg-entry"); if ( $"jg.loaded") !== true && $"jg.loaded") !== "skipped" ) { // Link Rel global overwrite if (that.settings.rel !== null) $entry.attr("rel", that.settings.rel); // Link Target global overwrite if ( !== null) $entry.attr("target",; if ($image !== null) { // Image src var imageSrc = that.extractImgSrcFromImage($image); /* If we have the height and the width, we don't wait that the image is loaded, but we start directly with the justification */ if (that.settings.waitThumbnailsLoad === false || !imageSrc) { var width = parseFloat($image.attr("width")); var height = parseFloat($image.attr("height")); if ($image.prop("tagName") === "svg") { width = parseFloat($image[0].getBBox().width); height = parseFloat($image[0].getBBox().height); } if (!isNaN(width) && !isNaN(height)) { $"jg.width", width); $"jg.height", height); $"jg.loaded", "skipped"); skippedImages = true; that.startImgAnalyzer(false); return true; // continue } } $"jg.loaded", false); imagesToLoad = true; // Spinner start if (!that.isSpinnerActive()) that.startLoadingSpinnerAnimation(); that.onImageEvent( imageSrc, function (loadImg) { // image loaded $"jg.width", loadImg.width); $"jg.height", loadImg.height); $"jg.loaded", true); that.startImgAnalyzer(false); }, function () { // image load error $"jg.loaded", "error"); that.startImgAnalyzer(false); } ); } else { $"jg.loaded", true); $ "jg.width", $entry.width() | parseFloat($entry.css("width")) | 1 ); $ "jg.height", $entry.height() | parseFloat($entry.css("height")) | 1 ); } } }); if (!imagesToLoad && !skippedImages) this.startImgAnalyzer(false); this.checkWidth(); }; /** * Checks that it is a valid number. If a string is passed it is converted to a number * * @param settingContainer the object that contains the setting (to allow the conversion) * @param settingName the setting name */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.checkOrConvertNumber = function ( settingContainer, settingName ) { if ($.type(settingContainer[settingName]) === "string") { settingContainer[settingName] = parseFloat(settingContainer[settingName]); } if ($.type(settingContainer[settingName]) === "number") { if (isNaN(settingContainer[settingName])) throw "invalid number for " + settingName; } else { throw settingName + " must be a number"; } }; /** * Checks the sizeRangeSuffixes and, if necessary, converts * its keys from string (e.g. old settings with 'lt100') to int. */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.checkSizeRangesSuffixes = function () { if ($.type(this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) !== "object") { throw "sizeRangeSuffixes must be defined and must be an object"; } var suffixRanges = []; for (var rangeIdx in this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) { if (this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.hasOwnProperty(rangeIdx)) suffixRanges.push(rangeIdx); } var newSizeRngSuffixes = { 0: "" }; for (var i = 0; i < suffixRanges.length; i++) { if ($.type(suffixRanges[i]) === "string") { try { var numIdx = parseInt(suffixRanges[i].replace(/^[a-z]+/, ""), 10); newSizeRngSuffixes[numIdx] = this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[suffixRanges[i]]; } catch (e) { throw ( "sizeRangeSuffixes keys must contains correct numbers (" + e + ")" ); } } else { newSizeRngSuffixes[suffixRanges[i]] = this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[suffixRanges[i]]; } } this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes = newSizeRngSuffixes; }; /** * check and convert the maxRowHeight setting * requires rowHeight to be already set * TODO: should be always called when only rowHeight is changed * @return number or null */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.retrieveMaxRowHeight = function () { var newMaxRowHeight = null; var rowHeight = this.settings.rowHeight; if ($.type(this.settings.maxRowHeight) === "string") { if (this.settings.maxRowHeight.match(/^[0-9]+%$/)) { newMaxRowHeight = (rowHeight * parseFloat(this.settings.maxRowHeight.match(/^([0-9]+)%$/)[1])) / 100; } else { newMaxRowHeight = parseFloat(this.settings.maxRowHeight); } } else if ($.type(this.settings.maxRowHeight) === "number") { newMaxRowHeight = this.settings.maxRowHeight; } else if ( this.settings.maxRowHeight === false || this.settings.maxRowHeight == null ) { return null; } else { throw "maxRowHeight must be a number or a percentage"; } // check if the converted value is not a number if (isNaN(newMaxRowHeight)) throw "invalid number for maxRowHeight"; // check values, maxRowHeight must be >= rowHeight if (newMaxRowHeight < rowHeight) newMaxRowHeight = rowHeight; return newMaxRowHeight; }; /** * Checks the settings */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.checkSettings = function () { this.checkSizeRangesSuffixes(); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "rowHeight"); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "margins"); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "border"); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "maxRowsCount"); var lastRowModes = [ "justify", "nojustify", "left", "center", "right", "hide" ]; if (lastRowModes.indexOf(this.settings.lastRow) === -1) { throw "lastRow must be one of: " + lastRowModes.join(", "); } this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "justifyThreshold"); if ( this.settings.justifyThreshold < 0 || this.settings.justifyThreshold > 1 ) { throw "justifyThreshold must be in the interval [0,1]"; } if ($.type(this.settings.cssAnimation) !== "boolean") { throw "cssAnimation must be a boolean"; } if ($.type(this.settings.captions) !== "boolean") throw "captions must be a boolean"; this.checkOrConvertNumber( this.settings.captionSettings, "animationDuration" ); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings.captionSettings, "visibleOpacity"); if ( this.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity < 0 || this.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity > 1 ) { throw "captionSettings.visibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]"; } this.checkOrConvertNumber( this.settings.captionSettings, "nonVisibleOpacity" ); if ( this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity < 0 || this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity > 1 ) { throw "captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]"; } this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "imagesAnimationDuration"); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "refreshTime"); this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, "refreshSensitivity"); if ($.type(this.settings.randomize) !== "boolean") throw "randomize must be a boolean"; if ($.type(this.settings.selector) !== "string") throw "selector must be a string"; if (this.settings.sort !== false && !$.isFunction(this.settings.sort)) { throw "sort must be false or a comparison function"; } if ( this.settings.filter !== false && !$.isFunction(this.settings.filter) && $.type(this.settings.filter) !== "string" ) { throw "filter must be false, a string or a filter function"; } }; /** * It brings all the indexes from the sizeRangeSuffixes and it orders them. They are then sorted and returned. * @returns {Array} sorted suffix ranges */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.retrieveSuffixRanges = function () { var suffixRanges = []; for (var rangeIdx in this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) { if (this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.hasOwnProperty(rangeIdx)) suffixRanges.push(parseInt(rangeIdx, 10)); } suffixRanges.sort(function (a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; }); return suffixRanges; }; /** * Update the existing settings only changing some of them * * @param newSettings the new settings (or a subgroup of them) */ JustifiedGallery.prototype.updateSettings = function (newSettings) { // In this case Justified Gallery has been called again changing only some options this.settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, newSettings); this.checkSettings(); // As reported in the settings: negative value = same as margins, 0 = disabled this.border = this.settings.border >= 0 ? this.settings.border : this.settings.margins; this.maxRowHeight = this.retrieveMaxRowHeight(); this.suffixRanges = this.retrieveSuffixRanges(); }; JustifiedGallery.prototype.defaults = { sizeRangeSuffixes: {} /* e.g. Flickr configuration { 100: '_t', // used when longest is less than 100px 240: '_m', // used when longest is between 101px and 240px 320: '_n', // ... 500: '', 640: '_z', 1024: '_b' // used as else case because it is the last } */, thumbnailPath: undefined /* If defined, sizeRangeSuffixes is not used, and this function is used to determine the path relative to a specific thumbnail size. The function should accept respectively three arguments: current path, width and height */, rowHeight: 120, // required? required to be > 0? maxRowHeight: false, // false or negative value to deactivate. Positive number to express the value in pixels, // A string '[0-9]+%' to express in percentage (e.g. 300% means that the row height // can't exceed 3 * rowHeight) maxRowsCount: 0, // maximum number of rows to be displayed (0 = disabled) margins: 1, border: -1, // negative value = same as margins, 0 = disabled, any other value to set the border lastRow: "nojustify", // ? which is the same as 'left', or can be 'justify', 'center', 'right' or 'hide' justifyThreshold: 0.9, /* if row width / available space > 0.90 it will be always justified * (i.e. lastRow setting is not considered) */ waitThumbnailsLoad: true, captions: true, cssAnimation: true, imagesAnimationDuration: 500, // ignored with css animations captionSettings: { // ignored with css animations animationDuration: 500, visibleOpacity: 0.7, nonVisibleOpacity: 0.0 }, rel: null, // rewrite the rel of each analyzed links target: null, // rewrite the target of all links extension: /\.[^.\\/]+$/, // regexp to capture the extension of an image refreshTime: 200, // time interval (in ms) to check if the page changes its width refreshSensitivity: 0, // change in width allowed (in px) without re-building the gallery randomize: false, rtl: false, // right-to-left mode sort: false /* - false: to do not sort - function: to sort them using the function as comparator (see Array.prototype.sort()) */, filter: false /* - false, null or undefined: for a disabled filter - a string: an entry is kept if string) returns true see jQuery's .is() function for further information - a function: invoked with arguments (entry, index, array). Return true to keep the entry, false otherwise. It follows the specifications of the Array.prototype.filter() function of JavaScript. */, selector: "a", // The selector that is used to know what are the entries of the gallery imgSelector: "> img, > a > img, > svg, > a > svg", // The selector that is used to know what are the images of each entry triggerEvent: function (event) { // This is called to trigger events, the default behavior is to call $.trigger this.$gallery.trigger(event); // Consider that 'this' is this set to the JustifiedGallery object, so it can } // access to fields such as $gallery, useful to trigger events with jQuery. }; /** * Justified Gallery plugin for jQuery * * Events * - jg.complete : called when all the gallery has been created * - jg.resize : called when the gallery has been resized * - jg.rowflush : when a new row appears * * @param arg the action (or the settings) passed when the plugin is called * @returns {*} the object itself */ $.fn.justifiedGallery = function (arg) { return this.each(function (index, gallery) { var $gallery = $(gallery); $gallery.addClass("justified-gallery"); var controller = $"jg.controller"); if (typeof controller === "undefined") { // Create controller and assign it to the object data if ( typeof arg !== "undefined" && arg !== null && $.type(arg) !== "object" ) { if (arg === "destroy") return; // Just a call to an unexisting object throw "The argument must be an object"; } controller = new JustifiedGallery( $gallery, $.extend({}, JustifiedGallery.prototype.defaults, arg) ); $"jg.controller", controller); } else if (arg === "norewind") { // In this case we don't rewind: we analyze only the latest images (e.g. to complete the last unfinished row // ... left to be more readable } else if (arg === "destroy") { controller.destroy(); return; } else { // In this case Justified Gallery has been called again changing only some options controller.updateSettings(arg); controller.rewind(); } // Update the entries list if (!controller.updateEntries(arg === "norewind")) return; // Init justified gallery controller.init(); }); }; });