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File: system/Helpers/text_helper.php

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File: system/Helpers/text_helper.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP GuestBook with Database
GuestBook application using MySQL to store posts
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Date: 1 year ago
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<?php /** * This file is part of the CodeIgniter 4 framework. * * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Config\ForeignCharacters; /** * CodeIgniter Text Helpers */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('word_limiter')) { /** * Word Limiter * * Limits a string to X number of words. * * @param string $str * @param integer $limit * @param string $endChar the end character. Usually an ellipsis * * @return string */ function word_limiter(string $str, int $limit = 100, string $endChar = '&#8230;'): string { if (trim($str) === '') { return $str; } preg_match('/^\s*+(?:\S++\s*+){1,' . $limit . '}/', $str, $matches); if (strlen($str) === strlen($matches[0])) { $endChar = ''; } return rtrim($matches[0]) . $endChar; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('character_limiter')) { /** * Character Limiter * * Limits the string based on the character count. Preserves complete words * so the character count may not be exactly as specified. * * @param string $str * @param integer $n * @param string $endChar the end character. Usually an ellipsis * * @return string */ function character_limiter(string $str, int $n = 500, string $endChar = '&#8230;'): string { if (mb_strlen($str) < $n) { return $str; } // a bit complicated, but faster than preg_replace with \s+ $str = preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', str_replace(["\r", "\n", "\t", "\x0B", "\x0C"], ' ', $str)); if (mb_strlen($str) <= $n) { return $str; } $out = ''; foreach (explode(' ', trim($str)) as $val) { $out .= $val . ' '; if (mb_strlen($out) >= $n) { $out = trim($out); break; } } return (mb_strlen($out) === mb_strlen($str)) ? $out : $out . $endChar; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('ascii_to_entities')) { /** * High ASCII to Entities * * Converts high ASCII text and MS Word special characters to character entities * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function ascii_to_entities(string $str): string { $out = ''; for ($i = 0, $s = strlen($str) - 1, $count = 1, $temp = []; $i <= $s; $i ++) { $ordinal = ord($str[$i]); if ($ordinal < 128) { /* If the $temp array has a value but we have moved on, then it seems only fair that we output that entity and restart $temp before continuing. */ if (count($temp) === 1) { $out .= '&#' . array_shift($temp) . ';'; $count = 1; } $out .= $str[$i]; } else { if (empty($temp)) { $count = ($ordinal < 224) ? 2 : 3; } $temp[] = $ordinal; if (count($temp) === $count) { $number = ($count === 3) ? (($temp[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp[1] % 64) * 64) + ($temp[2] % 64) : (($temp[0] % 32) * 64) + ($temp[1] % 64); $out .= '&#' . $number . ';'; $count = 1; $temp = []; } // If this is the last iteration, just output whatever we have elseif ($i === $s) { $out .= '&#' . implode(';', $temp) . ';'; } } } return $out; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('entities_to_ascii')) { /** * Entities to ASCII * * Converts character entities back to ASCII * * @param string $str * @param boolean $all * * @return string */ function entities_to_ascii(string $str, bool $all = true): string { if (preg_match_all('/\&#(\d+)\;/', $str, $matches)) { for ($i = 0, $s = count($matches[0]); $i < $s; $i ++) { $digits = $matches[1][$i]; $out = ''; if ($digits < 128) { $out .= chr($digits); } elseif ($digits < 2048) { $out .= chr(192 + (($digits - ($digits % 64)) / 64)) . chr(128 + ($digits % 64)); } else { $out .= chr(224 + (($digits - ($digits % 4096)) / 4096)) . chr(128 + ((($digits % 4096) - ($digits % 64)) / 64)) . chr(128 + ($digits % 64)); } $str = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $out, $str); } } if ($all) { return str_replace([ '&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&#45;', ], [ '&', '<', '>', '"', "'", '-', ], $str ); } return $str; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('word_censor')) { /** * Word Censoring Function * * Supply a string and an array of disallowed words and any * matched words will be converted to #### or to the replacement * word you've submitted. * * @param string $str the text string * @param array $censored the array of censored words * @param string $replacement the optional replacement value * * @return string */ function word_censor(string $str, array $censored, string $replacement = ''): string { if (empty($censored)) { return $str; } $str = ' ' . $str . ' '; // \w, \b and a few others do not match on a unicode character // set for performance reasons. As a result words like über // will not match on a word boundary. Instead, we'll assume that // a bad word will be bookended by any of these characters. $delim = '[-_\'\"`(){}<>\[\]|!?@#%&,.:;^~*+=\/ 0-9\n\r\t]'; foreach ($censored as $badword) { $badword = str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($badword, '/')); if ($replacement !== '') { $str = preg_replace( "/({$delim})(" . $badword . ")({$delim})/i", "\\1{$replacement}\\3", $str ); } elseif (preg_match_all("/{$delim}(" . $badword . "){$delim}/i", $str, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $matches = $matches[1]; for ($i = count($matches) - 1; $i >= 0; $i --) { $length = strlen($matches[$i][0]); $str = substr_replace( $str, str_repeat('#', $length), $matches[$i][1], $length ); } } } return trim($str); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('highlight_code')) { /** * Code Highlighter * * Colorizes code strings * * @param string $str the text string * * @return string */ function highlight_code(string $str): string { /* The highlight string function encodes and highlights * brackets so we need them to start raw. * * Also replace any existing PHP tags to temporary markers * so they don't accidentally break the string out of PHP, * and thus, thwart the highlighting. */ $str = str_replace([ '&lt;', '&gt;', '<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>', ], [ '<', '>', 'phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose', ], $str ); // The highlight_string function requires that the text be surrounded // by PHP tags, which we will remove later $str = highlight_string('<?php ' . $str . ' ?>', true); // Remove our artificially added PHP, and the syntax highlighting that came with it $str = preg_replace([ '/<span style="color: #([A-Z0-9]+)">&lt;\?php(&nbsp;| )/i', '/(<span style="color: #[A-Z0-9]+">.*?)\?&gt;<\/span>\n<\/span>\n<\/code>/is', '/<span style="color: #[A-Z0-9]+"\><\/span>/i', ], [ '<span style="color: #$1">', "$1</span>\n</span>\n</code>", '', ], $str ); // Replace our markers back to PHP tags. return str_replace([ 'phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose', ], [ '&lt;?', '?&gt;', '&lt;%', '%&gt;', '\\', '&lt;/script&gt;', ], $str ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('highlight_phrase')) { /** * Phrase Highlighter * * Highlights a phrase within a text string * * @param string $str the text string * @param string $phrase the phrase you'd like to highlight * @param string $tagOpen the opening tag to precede the phrase with * @param string $tagClose the closing tag to end the phrase with * * @return string */ function highlight_phrase(string $str, string $phrase, string $tagOpen = '<mark>', string $tagClose = '</mark>'): string { return ($str !== '' && $phrase !== '') ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($phrase, '/') . ')/i', $tagOpen . '\\1' . $tagClose, $str) : $str; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('convert_accented_characters')) { /** * Convert Accented Foreign Characters to ASCII * * @param string $str Input string * * @return string */ function convert_accented_characters(string $str): string { static $arrayFrom, $arrayTo; if (! is_array($arrayFrom)) { $config = new ForeignCharacters(); if (empty($config->characterList) || ! is_array($config->characterList)) { $arrayFrom = []; $arrayTo = []; return $str; } $arrayFrom = array_keys($config->characterList); $arrayTo = array_values($config->characterList); unset($config); } return preg_replace($arrayFrom, $arrayTo, $str); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('word_wrap')) { /** * Word Wrap * * Wraps text at the specified character. Maintains the integrity of words. * Anything placed between {unwrap}{/unwrap} will not be word wrapped, nor * will URLs. * * @param string $str the text string * @param integer $charlim = 76 the number of characters to wrap at * * @return string */ function word_wrap(string $str, int $charlim = 76): string { // Reduce multiple spaces $str = preg_replace('| +|', ' ', $str); // Standardize newlines if (strpos($str, "\r") !== false) { $str = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $str); } // If the current word is surrounded by {unwrap} tags we'll // strip the entire chunk and replace it with a marker. $unwrap = []; if (preg_match_all('|\{unwrap\}(.+?)\{/unwrap\}|s', $str, $matches)) { for ($i = 0, $c = count($matches[0]); $i < $c; $i ++) { $unwrap[] = $matches[1][$i]; $str = str_replace($matches[0][$i], '{{unwrapped' . $i . '}}', $str); } } // Use PHP's native function to do the initial wordwrap. // We set the cut flag to FALSE so that any individual words that are // too long get left alone. In the next step we'll deal with them. $str = wordwrap($str, $charlim, "\n", false); // Split the string into individual lines of text and cycle through them $output = ''; foreach (explode("\n", $str) as $line) { // Is the line within the allowed character count? // If so we'll join it to the output and continue if (mb_strlen($line) <= $charlim) { $output .= $line . "\n"; continue; } $temp = ''; while (mb_strlen($line) > $charlim) { // If the over-length word is a URL we won't wrap it if (preg_match('!\[url.+\]|://|www\.!', $line)) { break; } // Trim the word down $temp .= mb_substr($line, 0, $charlim - 1); $line = mb_substr($line, $charlim - 1); } // If $temp contains data it means we had to split up an over-length // word into smaller chunks so we'll add it back to our current line if ($temp !== '') { $output .= $temp . "\n" . $line . "\n"; } else { $output .= $line . "\n"; } } // Put our markers back if (! empty($unwrap)) { foreach ($unwrap as $key => $val) { $output = str_replace('{{unwrapped' . $key . '}}', $val, $output); } } // remove any trailing newline $output = rtrim($output); return $output; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('ellipsize')) { /** * Ellipsize String * * This function will strip tags from a string, split it at its max_length and ellipsize * * @param string $str String to ellipsize * @param integer $maxLength Max length of string * @param mixed $position int (1|0) or float, .5, .2, etc for position to split * @param string $ellipsis ellipsis ; Default '...' * * @return string Ellipsized string */ function ellipsize(string $str, int $maxLength, $position = 1, string $ellipsis = '&hellip;'): string { // Strip tags $str = trim(strip_tags($str)); // Is the string long enough to ellipsize? if (mb_strlen($str) <= $maxLength) { return $str; } $beg = mb_substr($str, 0, (int) floor($maxLength * $position)); $position = ($position > 1) ? 1 : $position; if ($position === 1) { $end = mb_substr($str, 0, -($maxLength - mb_strlen($beg))); } else { $end = mb_substr($str, -($maxLength - mb_strlen($beg))); } return $beg . $ellipsis . $end; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('strip_slashes')) { /** * Strip Slashes * * Removes slashes contained in a string or in an array * * @param mixed $str string or array * * @return mixed string or array */ function strip_slashes($str) { if (! is_array($str)) { return stripslashes($str); } foreach ($str as $key => $val) { $str[$key] = strip_slashes($val); } return $str; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('strip_quotes')) { /** * Strip Quotes * * Removes single and double quotes from a string * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function strip_quotes(string $str): string { return str_replace(['"', "'"], '', $str); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('quotes_to_entities')) { /** * Quotes to Entities * * Converts single and double quotes to entities * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function quotes_to_entities(string $str): string { return str_replace(["\'", '"', "'", '"'], ['&#39;', '&quot;', '&#39;', '&quot;'], $str); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('reduce_double_slashes')) { /** * Reduce Double Slashes * * Converts double slashes in a string to a single slash, * except those found in http:// * * * * becomes: * * * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function reduce_double_slashes(string $str): string { return preg_replace('#(^|[^:])//+#', '\\1/', $str); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('reduce_multiples')) { /** * Reduce Multiples * * Reduces multiple instances of a particular character. Example: * * Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy * * becomes: * * Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy * * @param string $str * @param string $character the character you wish to reduce * @param boolean $trim TRUE/FALSE - whether to trim the character from the beginning/end * * @return string */ function reduce_multiples(string $str, string $character = ',', bool $trim = false): string { $str = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($character, '#') . '{2,}#', $character, $str); return ($trim) ? trim($str, $character) : $str; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('random_string')) { /** * Create a Random String * * Useful for generating passwords or hashes. * * @param string $type Type of random string. basic, alpha, alnum, numeric, nozero, md5, sha1, and crypto * @param integer $len Number of characters * * @return string */ function random_string(string $type = 'alnum', int $len = 8): string { switch ($type) { case 'alnum': case 'numeric': case 'nozero': case 'alpha': switch ($type) { case 'alpha': $pool = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; break; case 'alnum': $pool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; break; case 'numeric': $pool = '0123456789'; break; case 'nozero': $pool = '123456789'; break; } // @phpstan-ignore-next-line return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($pool, ceil($len / strlen($pool)))), 0, $len); case 'md5': return md5(uniqid((string) mt_rand(), true)); case 'sha1': return sha1(uniqid((string) mt_rand(), true)); case 'crypto': return bin2hex(random_bytes($len / 2)); } // 'basic' type treated as default return (string) mt_rand(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('increment_string')) { /** * Add's _1 to a string or increment the ending number to allow _2, _3, etc * * @param string $str Required * @param string $separator What should the duplicate number be appended with * @param integer $first Which number should be used for the first dupe increment * * @return string */ function increment_string(string $str, string $separator = '_', int $first = 1): string { preg_match('/(.+)' . preg_quote($separator, '/') . '([0-9]+)$/', $str, $match); return isset($match[2]) ? $match[1] . $separator . ($match[2] + 1) : $str . $separator . $first; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('alternator')) { /** * Alternator * * Allows strings to be alternated. See docs... * * @phpstan-ignore-next-line * @param string (as many parameters as needed) * * @return string */ function alternator(): string { static $i; if (func_num_args() === 0) { $i = 0; return ''; } $args = func_get_args(); return $args[($i++ % count($args))]; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! function_exists('excerpt')) { /** * Excerpt. * * Allows to extract a piece of text surrounding a word or phrase. * * @param string $text String to search the phrase * @param string $phrase Phrase that will be searched for. * @param integer $radius The amount of characters returned around the phrase. * @param string $ellipsis Ending that will be appended * * @return string * * If no $phrase is passed, will generate an excerpt of $radius characters * from the beginning of $text. */ function excerpt(string $text, string $phrase = null, int $radius = 100, string $ellipsis = '...'): string { if (isset($phrase)) { $phrasePos = stripos($text, $phrase); $phraseLen = strlen($phrase); } elseif (! isset($phrase)) { $phrasePos = $radius / 2; $phraseLen = 1; } $pre = explode(' ', substr($text, 0, $phrasePos)); // @phpstan-ignore-line $pos = explode(' ', substr($text, $phrasePos + $phraseLen)); // @phpstan-ignore-line $prev = ' '; $post = ' '; $count = 0; foreach (array_reverse($pre) as $e) { if ((strlen($e) + $count + 1) < $radius) { $prev = ' ' . $e . $prev; } $count = ++ $count + strlen($e); } $count = 0; foreach ($pos as $s) { if ((strlen($s) + $count + 1) < $radius) { $post .= $s . ' '; } $count = ++ $count + strlen($s); } $ellPre = $phrase ? $ellipsis : ''; return str_replace(' ', ' ', $ellPre . $prev . $phrase . $post . $ellipsis); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- }