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File: public/assets/local/js/parser.min.js

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  Classes of Aby Dahana   Aksara   public/assets/local/js/parser.min.js   Download  
File: public/assets/local/js/parser.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Aksara
A CodeIgniter based API and CRUD generator
Author: By
Last change: refactor: refine custom asset
Date: 15 days ago
Size: 12,766 bytes


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/** * Template Parser * * @author Aby Dahana <[email protected]> * @copyright (c) Aksara Laboratory <> * @license MIT License * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled with this * source code in the LICENSE.txt file. */ "use strict"; // Store rendered template let rendered_template = {}; const parser = (function() { return { parse: function(component, replacement) { if (typeof replacement !== 'object') { console.log('Parser replacement must be an object...'); } if (typeof rendered_template[component] === 'undefined') { Object.keys(components).forEach(function(index, value) { // Push components into rendered template rendered_template[index] = components[index]; // Push components into Twig's template collections Twig.twig({ id: index, data: components[index] }); }) } // Add twig functions Twig.extendFunction('phrase', function(words, check) { return (words ? phrase(words.trim()) : ''); }); Twig.extendFunction('truncate', function(string, length, delimeter) { if (typeof delimeter === 'undefined') { delimeter = '...'; } if (string.length <= length) { return string } return string.slice(0, length) + delimeter }); // Render Twig template let template = Twig.twig({ data: rendered_template[component], allowInlineIncludes: true }); return template.render(replacement); }, render: function(context, response, popstate, oldStuff) { if (typeof response !== 'object') { /** * Response is not valid object, use error template */ $('').modal('hide'); $(config.wrapper.content).html(this.parse('core/error.twig', {})); $('[role=title]').text(phrase('Error')); $('[role=icon]').removeAttr('class').addClass('mdi mdi-alert-outline'); $('[role=description]').removeClass('show'); $('.full-height').css({ minHeight: (typeof fullHeight !== 'undefined' ? fullHeight : window.outerHeight) }); return; } // Redirect if ($.inArray(response.code, [301, 403, 404]) !== -1) { // Throw exception return throw_exception(response.code, response.message,, response.redirect); } if ( typeof response._token !== 'undefined') { // Store response token sessionStorage.setItem('_token', response._token); } if (typeof response.meta !== 'undefined' && response.meta.segmentation !== 'undefined') { // Manipulate segmentation (breadcrumb) let segmentation = '', segmentation_backup = '', count = 0; $.each(response.meta.segmentation, function(key, val) { segmentation += (segmentation ? '_' : '') + val; segmentation_backup += (segmentation_backup ? '|' : '') + val; count++; }); $('ul').find('li').removeClass('active'); if (segmentation && $('[data-segmentation=' + segmentation + ']').length) { $('[data-segmentation=' + segmentation + ']').parents('li').addClass('active'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (segmentation_backup) { segmentation_backup = segmentation_backup.substr(0, segmentation_backup.lastIndexOf('|')); if (segmentation_backup && $('[data-segmentation=' + segmentation_backup.replaceAll('|', '_') + ']').length) { $('[data-segmentation=' + segmentation_backup.replaceAll('|', '_') + ']').parents('li').addClass('active'); break; } } } } } if (typeof response.message !== 'undefined') { // Response has message, throw the exception return throw_exception(response.code, response.message,, response.redirect); } else if (typeof response.meta !== 'undefined' && typeof response.meta.popup !== 'undefined' && response.meta.popup) { if ('identifier') && '.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier').length) { // Apply content to existing modal $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-header').find('.modal-title-text').text(response.meta.title); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-header').find('.mdi.mdi-loading.mdi-spin').removeClass('mdi-loading mdi-spin').addClass(response.meta.icon); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-dialog').removeClass('modal-sm modal-md modal-lg modal-xl modal-xxl').addClass(response.meta.modal_size); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-body').html(response.content); if ($('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-body > .card-group, .modal-body > .card').length) { // Remove padding from modal body $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-body').addClass('p-0') } } else { response.identifier = oldStuff.identifier; let template = parser.parse('core/modal.twig', response); $(template).appendTo('body').modal('show', { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); } if (typeof response.meta.title === 'undefined' || ! response.meta.title) { $('[role=title]').text(oldStuff.title); $('[role=icon]').removeAttr('class').addClass(oldStuff.icon); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' + oldStuff.identifier).find('.modal-content').addClass('rounded-4'); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' + oldStuff.identifier).find('.modal-header').remove(); } if (typeof response.reactivate !== 'undefined') { reactivate(); } } else if (! context.hasClass('--prevent-modify')) { // The response is modal if (! context.hasClass('--keep-modal')) { // Hide previous modal $('').modal('hide'); } if (response.prefer === 'modal') { // Response is identically within twig template response.identifier = $.now(); let content = parser.parse('core/' + (typeof response.view !== 'undefined' ? response.view : 'modal') + '.twig', response); $(content).appendTo('body').modal('show', { backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); // Reactivate the plugin reactivate(); // Break operation return; } else { if (! popstate && typeof response.links !== 'undefined') { // Store into browser history history.pushState({path: response.links.current_page}, response.meta.title, response.links.current_page); } } if (typeof response.breadcrumb !== 'undefined') { // Load breadcrumb component $('[role=breadcrumb]').find('ol').html(''); $.each(response.breadcrumb, function(key, val) { $(` <li class="breadcrumb-item"> <a href="${val.url}" class="--xhr"> ${(val.icon ? '<i class="' + val.icon + '"></i> ' : '') + val.label} </a> </li> `) .appendTo('[role=breadcrumb] ol') }) } if (typeof response.content !== 'undefined') { // Load html if ('identifier') && $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).length) { // Apply content to existing modal $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-dialog').removeClass('modal-sm modal-md modal-lg modal-xl modal-xxl').addClass(response.meta.modal_size); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-header').find('.mdi.mdi-loading.mdi-spin').removeClass('mdi-loading mdi-spin').addClass(response.meta.icon); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-header').find('.modal-title-text').text(response.meta.title); $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-body').html(response.content); if ($('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-body > .card-group, .modal-body > .card').length) { // Remove padding from modal body $('.modal#dynamic-modal-' +'identifier')).find('.modal-body').addClass('p-0') } } else { $(config.wrapper.content).html(response.content); if (! context.hasClass('--keep-modal')) { // Hide previous modal $('').modal('hide'); } } } else { // Load grid component let output = parser.parse('core/' + response.view + '.twig', response); $(config.wrapper.content).html(output); } if (typeof response.links !== 'undefined') { // Change reload button's URL $('[role=reload]').attr('href', (response.links.current_page ? response.links.current_page : context.attr('href'))); } if (typeof response.meta !== 'undefined') { // Push to browser tab title document.title = response.meta.title + ' | ' + config.app_name; // Replace title, icon and description $('[role=title]').text(response.meta.title); $('[role=icon]').removeAttr('class').addClass(response.meta.icon); if (response.meta.description) { $('#description-btn').removeClass('d-none'); $('[role=description]').html(response.meta.description).addClass('show'); } else { $('#description-btn').addClass('d-none'); $('[role=description]').html('').removeClass('show'); } } else { $('[role=title]').text(phrase('Untitled')); $('[role=icon]').removeAttr('class').addClass('mdi mdi-alert-outline'); } // Reset the body position to top $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 200); // Reactivate the plugin reactivate(); } } } })();