//deny direct access to included files
if( basename( __FILE__ ) == basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) )
* @file name: mysqlez.php
* @creation date: 06/08/2010
* @author: Dwaine Halberg
* @company: Autumn Hail
* @file ver 1.5
* @rev date: 10/07/2011
* @desc:
* mySQLEz db abstraction class
* makes it easy to perform
* crud to a mySQL Database.
* @license: dbad (don't be a dick!)
* http://dbad-license.org/
* otherwise modifiy away and enjoy!!
* @class: mySQLEz class
* @desc: Easy MySQL Database abstraction layer
* @methods: total = 17
* __construct()
* getInstance()
* __clone()
* dbConnect()
* dbClose()
* dbFreeResult()
* dbEscape()
* dbQueryOrDie()
* doSQL()
* doInsert()
* doUpdate()
* doDelete()
* fetchObj()
* fetchArray()
* fetchRow()
* fetchCount()
* varDump()
class mySQLEz
* @class vars
* @desc: defines vars base states
protected $dbUser = '';
protected $dbPass = '';
protected $dbHost = '';
protected $dbName = '';
protected $queryResult = NULL;
private $lastError = NULL;
private $lastQuery = NULL;
private $dbo = NULL;
private static $instance = NULL;
* @const: DB_CLASS_VER
* @desc:
* Class version constant for Exceptions
* @params"
* DB_CLASS_VER = "current version"
const DB_CLASS_VER = '1.5';
* @method: function __construct()
* @desc: Class Constructor
* #params: $dbHost: string
* $dbUser: string
* $dbPass: string
* $dbName: string
* @return: @dbo
function __construct( $dbHost,$dbUser,$dbPass,$dbName )
$this->dbUser = $dbUser;
$this->dbPass = $dbPass;
$this->dbName = $dbName;
$this->dbHost = $dbHost;
return $this->dbo;
* @method: get Instance
* #desc: the single instance
* @return: Singleton
public static function getInstance()
if( self::$instance )
return self::$instance;
return self::$instance = new self();
* @method: PHP Magic Method clone
* @desc: Disallow cloning
private function __clone(){}
* @method: public function dbConnect()
* @desc: provides the database connection for the class
* @params: $dbHost: string
* $dbUser: string
* $dbPass: string
* $dbName: string
* @return: boolean: status
public function dbConnect()
if( !$this->dbo = mysql_pconnect( $this->dbHost, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass ) )
throw new Exception( '<div><strong>Error: mySQLEz ( v '. self::DB_CLASS_VER .' ) could not connect to database, check the host "'.$this->dbHost.'", user "'.$this->dbUser.'", db "'.$this->dbName.'", and password "******" are correct.</strong></div>' );
if( !mysql_select_db( $this->dbName, $this->dbo ) )
throw new Exception( '<div><strong>Error: mySQLEz ( v '. self::DB_CLASS_VER .' ) could not select database, check the database name is correct "'.$this->dbName.'".</strong></div>' );
catch( Exception $e )
die( $e->getMessage() );
* @method: public function dbClose()
* @desc: closes active database connection
* @params: void
* @return: boolean: status
public function dbClose()
return mysql_close( $this->dbo );
* @method: private function dbFreeResult()
* @desc: free results to conserve memory
* @params: $query
* @return: boolean: status
private function dbFreeResult( $query )
return mysql_free_result( $query );
* @method: flush
* @desc:
* Delete cached queries
private function flush()
/** dump this **/
$this->lastResult = NULL;
$this->lastQuery = NULL;
* @method: public function dbEscape()
* @desc: escapes data for safe insert
* @param:
* $str - string
* $like - string
* @return: string
public function dbEscape( $str, $like = FALSE )
if( !ini_get( 'magic_quotes_gpc' ) )
if( is_array( $str ) )
foreach ( $str as $key => $val )
$str[$key] = $this->dbEscape( $val, $like );
return $str;
if( function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string' ) )
$str = mysql_real_escape_string( $str );
elseif( function_exists( 'mysql_escape_string' ) )
$str = mysql_escape_string( $str );
$str = addslashes( $str );
// escape LIKE conditions
if( $like === TRUE )
$str = str_replace( array( '%', '_' ), array( '\\%', '\\_' ), $str );
return $str;
* @method: private function queryOrDie()
* @desc: private function todo queries against
* @params:
* $query - string mixed
* @return $sql results or error!
private function queryOrDie( $query )
/** flush cached values **/
/** keep the last query for debug **/
$this->lastQuery = $query;
$queryResult = mysql_query( $query, $this->dbo );
if( !$queryResult )
throw new Exception( '<div><strong>Error: There is problem with your query statement:</strong><br /><h4>"'.$query.'"</h4></div>' );
return $queryResult;
$this->dbFreeResult( $queryResult );
catch( Exception $e )
echo $e->getMessage();
* @method: public function doSQL()
* @desc: user defined sql queries
* @params:
* $sql - string
* @return $results - array
public function doSQL( $sql )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->doSQL( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
$results = $this->dbEscape( $this->queryOrDie( $sql ) );
if( $results == '' && mysql_affected_rows() != -1 )
return FALSE;
return $results;
* @method: public function doInsert()
* @desc: takes care of insert queries
* @params:
* $table - string
* $postVals - post array mixed
* @return boolean
public function doInsert( $table, $postVals )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->doInsert( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
//loop through post values and create sql statement
foreach( $postVals as $key=>$value )
$newRow[] = $key.'=\''.$value.'\'';
$newRow = implode( ',', $newRow );
$this->dbEscape( $sql = "INSERT INTO $table SET $newRow" );
$result = $this->queryOrDie( $sql );
//check to see if the update was successful or not
if( $result =='' && mysql_affected_rows() != -1 )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* @method: public function doUpdate()
* @desc: takes care of update queries
* @params:
* $table - string
* $keyColName - string
* $id - mixed
* $postVals - post array - mixed
* @return boolean
public function doUpdate( $table, $keyColName, $id, $postVals )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->doUpdate( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
//loop through post values and create sql statement
foreach( $postVals as $key=>$value )
$newRow[] = $key.'=\''.$value.'\'';
$newRow = implode( ',', $newRow );
$this->dbEscape( $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $newRow WHERE $keyColName = '$id'" );
$result = $this->queryOrDie( $sql );
//check to see if the update was successful or not
if( $result =='' && mysql_affected_rows() != -1 )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* @method: public function dodelete()
* @desc: takes care of delete queries
* @params:
* $table - string
* $id - int
* @return: boolean
public function doDelete( $table, $id )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->dodelete( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
$this->dbEscape( $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = (int)$id" );
$result = $this->queryOrDie( $sql );
if( !$result )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* @method: public function fetchObj()
* @desc: queries tables for full result sets with sorts
* @params:
* $sql - string mixed
* @return: object
public function fetchObj( $sql )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->fetchObj( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
$this->dbEscape( $r = $this->queryOrDie( $sql ) );
$results = array();
while( $rows = @mysql_fetch_object( $r ) )
$results[] = $rows;
if( !$results )
return FALSE;
return $results;
* @method: public function fetchAssoc()
* @desc: queries tables for full result sets with sorts
* @params:
* $sql - string mixed
public function fetchArray( $sql, $arrayType )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->fetchArray( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
$this->dbEscape( $r = $this->queryOrDie( $sql ) );
while( $rows = @mysql_fetch_array( $r, $arrayType ) )
$results[] = $rows;
if( !$results )
return FALSE;
return $results;
* @method: public function fetchRow()
* @desc: queries tables for row result sets by id
* @params:
* $table - string
* $fields - mixed
* $keyColName - string
* $id - int
* @return: single row of results as objects
public function fetchRow( $table, $fields='*', $keyColName, $id )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->fetchRow( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
$this->dbEscape( $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $keyColName = '$id' LIMIT 1" );
$r = $this->queryOrDie( $sql );
$results = array();
while( $row = @mysql_fetch_object( $r ) )
$results[] = $row;
if( !$results )
return FALSE;
return $results;
* @method: public function fetchCount()
* @desc: queries tables for row result sets by id
* wiht options where for tables with complex sorts
* @params:
* $table - string
* $fields - string
* $keyColName - string
* $id - int
* @return: results count
public function fetchCount( $table, $fields='*', $keyColName, $id )
/** log how the function was called **/
$this->funcCall = "\$db->fetchCount( \"$queryOrDie\", $output )";
$whereSql = '';
if( $keyColName != '' ) $whereSql = "WHERE $keyColName = '$id'";
$this->dbEscape( $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $table " . $whereSql );
$r = $this->queryOrDie( $sql );
$count = @mysql_num_rows( $r );
if( !$count )
return FALSE;
return $count;
* @method: varDump
* @desc:
* does a dump of any var to screen for debugging
* @params:
* $mixed - data of all types
* @return:
* html output
public function varDump( $mixed )
echo '<div><blockquote>';
echo '<pre>';
if ( !$this->vardumpCalled )
echo '<h4 style="font-family: arial; color:#800080; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">mySQLEz ( v '. mySQLEZ::DB_CLASS_VER .' ) Var Dump...</h4>';
echo '<p style="font-family: arial; color:#000090; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;">';
echo "<strong>Last Query:</strong> " . ( $this->lastQuery ? $this->lastQuery : "NULL" ) . "\n";
echo "<strong>Last Function Call:</strong> " . ( $this->funcCall ? $this->funcCall : "None" ) . "\n";
echo "<strong>Last Rows Returned:</strong> " . count( $this->lastResult ) . "\n";
echo '</font></p></pre></font></blockquote>';
print_r( $mixed );
echo '</div><br /><hr noshade color="ddd" size="1" />';
$this->vardumpCalled = TRUE;
}//class closing tag
/* End of file mysqlez.php */
/* Location: /classes/mysqlez.php */