DownloadChange Log
New features / improvements
Trigger `input` event before `change` events (#4649)
Feed back the keypress code that was responsible for the 'close' event (#5513)
Only trigger `selection:update` once on DOM change events (#5734)
Bug fixes
Prevent opening of disabled elements (#5751)
Fix "edit this page" links in docs (#5689)
Registered Select2 on Open Collective (#5700, #5721, #5741)
Bug fixes
Fixes incorrect offset when using the Shadow DOM and styling the `<html>` element (#5682)
Replace cdnjs with jsDelivr in the documentation (#5687)
Fix incorrect provider for the automated NPM deployment (#5686)
Bug fixes
Fixes jQuery migrate error when getting offset when dropdownParent not in document (#5584)
Enable GitHub actions for CI (#5591)
Documentation has been moved into and is deployed from the code repository (#5638)
Remove Travis CI integration (#5665)
New features / improvements
Support passing in a selector for `dropdownParent` option (#5622)
Bug fixes
Fix bug where dropdowns pointing upwards were incorrectly positioned (#5621)
New features / improvements
Mirror disabled state through aria-disabled on selection (#5579)
Select2 now clears the internal ID when it is destroyed (#5587)
Set the main ARIA 1.1 roles and properties for comboboxes (#5582)
The `language` option now has a clearly defined fallback chain (#5602)
Bug fixes
Do not propagate click when search box is not empty (#5580)
Fix `maximumSelectionLength` being ignored by `closeOnSelect` (#5581)
Fix generated options not receiving result IDs (#5586)
Remove selection title attribute if text is empty (#5589)
Reposition dropdown whenever items are selected (#5590)
Fix dropdown positioning when displayed above with messages (#5592)
Fix search box expanding width of container (#5595)
`allowClear` no longer shifts selections to a new line (#5603)
Fix error in German translations (#5604)
Updated development grunt version so it no longer shows as vulnerable (#5597)
Remove unused variables (#5554)
New features / improvements
Test against and fix compatibility with jQuery 3.4.1 (#5531)
Results respect disabled state of `<option>` (#5560)
Add `computedstyle` option for calculating the width (#5559)
Bug fixes
Fix tag creation being broken in 4.0.7 (#5558)
Fix infinite scroll when the scrollbar is not visible (#5575)
Revert change to focusing behaviour in 4.0.6 (#5576)
Fix wording in French translations (#5521)
Update grunt-contrib-qunit to latest version (#5530)
Removed unused `.select2-selection__placeholder` CSS definitions for multiple selects (#5508)
Remove deprecated jQuery shorthand (#5564)
New features/improvements
Do not close on select if Ctrl or Meta (Cmd) keys being held (#5222)
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where single select boxes would automatically reopen when they were closed (#5490, #5492)
Move almost and jquery-mousewheel to devDependencies (#5489)
New features/improvements
Add style property to package.json (#5019)
Implement `clear` and `clearing` events (#5058)
Add `scrollAfterSelect` option (#5150)
Add missing diacritics (#4118, #4337, #5464)
Bug fixes
Fix up arrow error when there are no options in dropdown (#5127)
Add `;` before beginning of factory wrapper (#5089)
Fix IE11 issue with select losing focus after selecting an item (#4860)
Clear tooltip from `select2-selection__rendered` when selection is cleared (#4640, #4746)
Fix keyboard not closing when closing dropdown on iOS 10 (#4680)
User-defined types not normalized properly when passed in as data (#4632)
Perform deep merge for `Defaults.set()` (#4364)
Fix "the results could not be loaded" displaying during AJAX request (#4356)
Cache objects in `Utils.__cache` instead of using `$.data` (#4346, #5486)
Removing the double event binding registration of `selection:update` (#4306)
Improve `.select2-hidden-accessible` (#4908)
Add role and aria-readonly attributes to single selection dropdown value (#4881)
Add Turkmen translations (`tk`) (#5125)
Fix error in French translations (#5122)
Add Albanian translation (`sq`) (#5199)
Add Georgian translation (`ka`) (#5179)
Add Nepali translation (`ne`) (#5295)
Add Bangla translation (`bn`) (#5248)
Add `removeAllItems` translation for clear "x" title (#5291)
Fix wording in Vietnamese translations (#5387)
Fix error in Russian translation (#5401)
Remove duplicate CSS selector in classic theme (#5115)
Bug fixes
Replace `autocapitalize=off` with `autocapitalize=none` (#4994)
Vietnamese: remove an unnecessary quote mark (#5059)
Czech: Add missing commas and periods (#5052)
Spanish: Update the 'errorLoading' message (#5032)
Fix typo in Romanian (#5005)
Improve French translation (#4988)
Add Pashto translation (`ps`) (#4960)
Add translations for lower and upper Sorbian (`dsb` and `hsb`) (#4949)
Updates to Slovak (#4915)
Fixed Norwegian `inputTooShort` message (#4817, 4896)
Add Afrikaans translation (`af`) (#4850)
Add Bosnian translation (`bs`) (#4504)
New features / Improvements
Make tag matching case insensitive [,]
Support selecting options with blank or `0` option values [,]
Bug fixes
Fix issue with entire form losing focus when tabbing away from a Select2 control (#4419)
Fix UMD support for CommonJS []
Github Pages documentation has been deprecated, replaced with
Add django-autocomplete-light to integrations []
Correct typo in options page []
Correct misspelling in AJAX query parameters example []
"highlight" should be "focus" in focus example []
Correct misspelling in `<select>` serialization example []
Correct typos in documentation []
Add `errorLoading` Hungarian translation []
Add `errorLoading` German translation []
Add Slovene language []
Add `errorLoading` Galician translation []
Add `errorLoading` Thai translation []
Add `searching` and `errorLoading` Finnish translations []
Add `errorLoading` Turkish translation [,]
Add Armenian language []
This is the third bugfix release of Select2 4.0.0. It builds upon the second bugfix release and fixes many common issues.
New features / Improvements
The old `dropdownAutoWidth` option now properly works []
A `focus` event on the original `<select>` is now handled []
Adding and removing options now refreshes the selection automatically []
Bug fixes
`select2('option')` no longer mutate the arguments when working on multiple elements []
Better detect aborted requests []
New options are now properly created during tokenization []
Fix positioning bug with non-static parents for the dropdown []
Infinite scrolling no longer resets the keyboard focus [,]
`selectOnClose` now works properly with `closeOnSelect` []
Apply `ajax.delay` to empty search terms as well []
Added example for attaching event listeners []
Correct link to the Select2 Bootstrap Theme []
Added example for using a `<label>` []
Add documentation for `ajax.url` []
Added favicon []
Add Khmer translation []
Added Norwegian bokmaal for `errorLoading` []
Fixed pluralization in Lithuanian translation []
Add French translation for `errorLoading` []
Add Greek translation []
This is the second bugfix release of Select2 4.0.0. It builds upon the first release candidate of Select2 4.0.2 with some minor improvements.
New features / Improvements
Added `insertTag` option to control the placement of the `tags` option []
Added handler for AJAX errors []
Added insertTag to control the tag position []
Bug fixes
Fixed positioning issues with static dropdown parents []
Fixed existing selections not always being respected with array data []
Sanitize automatically generated ids so CSS identifiers can be used []
Recursively apply defaults so AJAX defaults can be set []
No need to recalculate the top of the dropdown twice []
Updated Bootstrap and Font Awesome dependencies [,,]
Use Jekyll's highlighting instead of prettify [,,,]
Corrected responsive width example to properly show it working []
Replaced protocol-relative URLs with HTTPS protocol []
Code snippets for mapping `id` and `text` []
Document how to trigger `change` just for Select2 []
Added notes about DOM events []
Correct Romanian translation []
This is the first bugfix release of Select2 4.0.0. It builds upon the first release candidate of Select2 4.0.1 with some minor improvements.
New features / improvements
The option container is now passed in as the second argument when templating selections using `templateResult` []
The option container is now passed in as the second argument when templating selections using `templateSelection` []
You can immediately start typing to search when tabbing into a multiple select [,]
All parameters passed in for AJAX requests are now set as query string parameters by default []
Bug fixes
The search box will now be properly sized after removing a selection []
Dropdown results will now be spoken by screen readers []
Options are now properly cloned when initializing multiple instances at once []
`selectOnClose` and now be used with `closeOnSelect` without getting a stack overflow []
Fixed positioning with non-static parents []
Fixed bug where multiple selects with placeholders were buggy in IE []
Fixed bug where AJAX selects could not be initialized with array data []
`:all:` is now correctly removed when used in `containerCss` and `dropdownCss` options []
Fixed bug where the multiple select search box would appear on the left in RTL mode []
Change ALT + UP to close the dropdown instead of opening it []
Fix focus issue with the multiple select search box when the `change` event was triggered [,,]
Fix bug in `ArrayAdapter` where the existing `<option>` data would be used instead of the array data []
Remove random call to `$dropdownContainer.width()` in the `AttachBody` decorator []
Fix memory leak in `AttachBody` decorator []
Selections can no longer be removed when Select2 is in a disabled state [,]
Remove redundant `open` event trigger []
Correct references to `this` in `` and `ajax.url` callback functions []
Apply select2('option') calls on all elements []
Fixed original `<select>` not always being hidden correctly in some cases []
Fix potential issue with Bootstrap's gradients in Internet Explorer []
Improve compatibility with Zurb Foundation []
Remove padding on mobile safari search field in multiple selects []
Fix the clear button appearing beneath long text []
Migrate the CSS classes for the "Loading more results" message to BEM []
Fix inline search not displaying properly in Safari []
New documentation theme designed by @fk [,,]
Update ajax example to reflect pagination []
Fix incorrect option name in `maxiumSelectionLength` example []
Fix typos in the disabled mode/results examples []
Fix `Option` parameters in the 4.0 announcement []
Fix invalid JSON in the tags example within the 4.0 announcement []
Added Cyrillic variant of the Serbian language []
Corrected Thai "no results found" translation []
Swapped the `inputTooLong` and `inputTooShort` messages in the Galician translation []
Fix improper grammar in Dutch translation []
Add Japanese translation []
Polish translation: Fixed typo in maximum selected message []
Add Malay translation []
Add `errorLoading` for Indonesian translation []
Correct grammar issues in Hebrew translation []
Add `errorLoading` for Danish translation []
Add Arabic translation []
This builds upon the second release candidate, so review all previous release notes before upgrading from previous versions of Select2.
Supported environments
jQuery 1.7.2+
Modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
Internet Explorer 8+
New features
Breaking changes
Select2 now uses the MIT license
The full build of Select2 no longer includes jQuery - You must include jQuery separately on your page.
Select2 will prevent the inner scrolling of modals (and other scrollable containers) when it is open to prevent the UI from breaking. Read more at the commit.
jQuery is no longer listed as a dependency in the `bower.json`/`component.json` files.
<select> has replaced <input type="hidden" /> for all options (_including remote data_)
matcher has been revamped to include full context, a compatibility module (`select2/compat/matcher`) has been created
The display always reflects the order data is sent to the server
The click mask is no longer the default (again). You can get back the old functionality by wrapping your `selectionAdapter` with the `ClickMask` (`select2/selection/clickMask`) decorator.
Select2 no longer stops the propagation of events happening within the dropdown and selection. You can use the `StopPropagation` modules available in the full builds to prevent this. []
The enter key no longer toggles the state of multiple select items in the results, but instead will only select them. Use CTRL + Space instead to toggle the state. []
Warnings will now be triggered in the developer console if Select2 detects an unsupported configuration.
The default value of the `width` option has been changed from `style` to `resolve`.
The `copy` value for the `width` option has been renamed to `style`.
`formatSelection` -> `templateSelection`
`formatResult` -> `templateResult`
`sortResults` -> `sorter`
`createSearchChoice` -> `createTag`
`selectOnBlur` -> `selectOnClose`
`ajax.jsonpCallback` -> `ajax.jsonp`
`ajax.results` -> `ajax.processResults`
`tags: [array,of,data]` -> `data: [array,of,data], tags: true`
`placeholderOption` has been replaced by `` (`placeholder` -> `placeholder.text`)
`formatNoMatches` -> `language.noMatches`
`formatSearching` -> `language.searching`
`formatInputTooShort` -> `language.inputTooShort`
`formatInputTooLong` -> `language.inputTooLong`
`formatAjaxError` -> `language.errorLoading`
`formatLoading` -> `language.loadingMore`
`formatSelectionTooBig` -> `language.maximumSelected`
`initSelection` - This is no longer needed with `<select>` tags. Limited backwards compatibility in the full build.
`id` - Data objects should now always have `id` and `text` attributes that are strings, use
$.map when migrating
`query` - Use a custom data adapter instead. Limited backwards compatibility in the full build.
`ajax.params` - All parameters passed to `ajax` will be passed to the AJAX data transport function
`.select2("val", [value])` -> `.val([value])`
`.select2("enable", !disabled)` -> `.prop("disabled", disabled)`
`.select2("onSortStart")` and `.select2("onSortEnd")` - A custom selection adapter should be created instead
`.select2("data", data)` - Create the `<option>` tags for the objects that you would like to set, and set the `.val` to select them
`.select2("readonly")` - There is no way to make a
<select> element read-only, disable it instead
`select2:closing` is triggered before the dropdown is closed
`select2:select` is triggered when an option is selected
`select2-close` is now `select2:close`
`select2-open` is now `select2:open`
`select2-opening` is now `select2:opening`
`select2-selecting` is now `select2:selecting`
`select2-removed` is now `select2:unselect`
`select2-removing` is now `select2:unselecting`
`select2-clearing` has been removed in favor of `select2:unselecting`
`select2-focus` - Use the native `focus` event instead
`select2-blur` - Use the native `blur` event instead
All extra properties from the `change` event were removed
- `val` can be retrieved with `$element.val()` instead
- `added` can be retrieved by listening to `select2:select`
- `removed` can be retrieved by listening to `select2:unselect`