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File: public/asset/vendor/kamscore/js/uihelper.js

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File: public/asset/vendor/kamscore/js/uihelper.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: mnTemplate
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uihelper = function () { var _generatedModal = {}; var _ajaxSubmit = {}; this.storeModal = function (params) { _generatedModal[params.key.toString().replaceAll('-', '_')] = { modalid: params.modalid, formid: params.formid ? params.formid : '', modal: params.modal }; } this.storeAjaxSubmit = function (params) { _ajaxSubmit[params.key] = params.callback; } this.getAjaxSumbit = function (key) { return _ajaxSubmit[key]; } this.getModal = function (modalid = null) { if (modalid) { var key = modalid.split('-'); var key = key.join('_'); var modal = this.generatedModal[key]; return { modal: modal.modal, callback: _ajaxSubmit }; } else return _generatedModal; } this.instance = { validator: {}, dropzone: {}, dataTables: {} }; this.getInstance = function () { return this.instance; } this.setInstance = function (ins, key, val) { this.instance[ins][key] = val; } this.tambahkanBody = function (type, opt) { var bodyEl = ''; var inputEl = ""; var buttonsEl = ""; var cardEl = opt.modalBody.card; var input = opt.modalBody.input; var buttons = opt.modalBody.buttons; if (!opt.modalBody.extra) opt.modalBody.extra = ''; if (type == 'form') { var form = opt.formOpt; if (!form.formId) form.formId = 'noId' if (!form.enctype) form.enctype = ''; if (!form.formMethod) form.formMethod = "POST"; if (!form.formAttr) form.formAttr = ''; if (!form.formClass) form.formClass = ''; input.forEach(element => { if (element.type == 'select') inputEl += this.generateSelect(element); else if (element.type == 'custom') inputEl += element.text; else inputEl += this.generateInput(element); }); if (buttons) { buttons.forEach(el => { var id = ! ? "" :; var data = ? : ""; buttonsEl += '<button style="margin: 0 5px; ' + + '"' + data + ' type = "' + el.type + '" id = "' + id + '" class = "' + el.class + '">' + el.text + '</button>'; }); } bodyEl += '<form enctype = "' + form.enctype + '" ' + form.formAttr + ' class="' + form.formClass + '" id ="' + form.formId + '" method = "' + form.formMethod + '" action = "' + form.formAct + '">' + '<div id="alert_danger" style="display: none" class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"> </div>' + '<div id="alert_success" style="display: none" class="alert alert-success" role="alert"> </div>' + inputEl + buttonsEl + '</form>' + opt.modalBody.extra; return bodyEl; } else if (type == 'card group') { var card = ""; if (opt.modalBody.cardDisplay == 'grid') card += '<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2">'; cardEl.forEach(element => { card += '<div class="col mb-4">'; card += this.generateCard(element); card += '</div>'; }); if (opt.modalBody.cardDisplay == 'grid') card += '</div>'; bodyEl += card + '</div>'; } else if (type == 'inputNF') { input.forEach(element => { if (element.type == 'select') inputEl += this.generateSelect(element); else inputEl += this.generateInput(element); }); bodyEl += inputEl + opt.modalBody.extra; } else if (type == 'custom') bodyEl = opt.modalBody.customBody; return bodyEl; } this.generateSelect = function (el) { var options = el.options ? Object.keys(el.options) : ''; var id = ! ? :; var def = el.default ? el.default : ''; var params = ['label', 'fgClass', 'attr', 'labelClass', 'class']; var nullOpt = el.nullOpt ? '<option value = "" selected>' + el.nullOpt + '</option>' : ''; var selectOpt = nullOpt; params.forEach(item => { if (!el[item]) el[item] = '' }); if (options) { options.forEach((opt, index) => { let dataitem = ''; if (el.options[opt].data) { Object.keys(el.options[opt].data).forEach(i => { dataitem += 'data-' + i + ' ="' + el.options[opt].data[i] + '"'; }) } if (def && opt == def) selectOpt += '<option ' + dataitem + ' value = "' + opt + '" selected> ' + el.options[opt].text + '</option>'; else selectOpt += '<option ' + dataitem + ' value = "' + opt + '"> ' + el.options[opt].text + '</option>'; }); } var select = '<div class = "form-group ' + el.fgClass + '">' + '<label class = "control-label ' + el.labelClass + '" for = "' + id + '">' + el.label + '</label>' + '<select name = "' + + '" id = "' + id + '" ' + el.attr + ' class = "form-control ' + el.class + '" >' + selectOpt + '</select>' + '</div>'; return select } this.generateCard = function (el) { var card = ""; var cardHead = ""; var Topimage = ''; var Bottomimage = ''; var Leftimage = ''; var Rightimage = ''; var foots = ''; var links = ""; var buttons = ""; var params = ['title', 'footerClass', 'text', 'styles', 'tipe', 'value', 'imagewrapper', 'subtitle', 'class']; var badges = ''; params.forEach(item => { if (!el[item]) el[item] = '' }); if (el.width == 'standart' || !el.width) cardHead += '<div id="' + + '" class="card ' + el.class + '" style="width: 18rem;' + el.styles + '">'; else cardHead += '<div id="' + + '" class="card ' + el.class + '" style="width:' + el.width + ';' + el.styles + '">'; if (el.footer) { foots += '<div class="card-footer' + el.footerClass + '">'; el.footer.forEach(foot => { var options = ['pembungkus', 'button', 'btnType', 'tujuan', 'class', 'id', 'text', 'link', 'tag', 'extra'] options.forEach(item => { if (!foot[item]) foot[item] = ''; }); if (foot.type == 'button') { if (foot.button) foots += foot.button; else if (foot.text && foot.btnType != 'link') foots += '<button id="' + + '" type="' + foot.btnType + '"' + foot.extra + ' class= "btn ' + foot.class + '">' + foot.text + '</button>'; else if (foot.text && foot.btnType == 'link') foots += '<a id="' + + '" href="' + foot.tujuan + '"' + foot.extra + ' class= "btn ' + foot.class + '">' + foot.text + '</a>'; } else if (foot.type == 'link') { if ( foots += foot.button; else if (foot.text && ! foots += '<a id="' + + '" href="' + foot.tujuan + '"' + foot.extra + ' class= "' + foot.class + '">' + foot.text + '</a>'; } else if (foot.type == 'text') { if (foot.text && !foot.tag) foots += text; else if (foot.tag) { foots += '<' + foot.tag + 'id="' + + '"' + foot.extra + ' class ="' + foot.class + '" >' + foot.text + '</' + foot.tag + '>'; } } }) foots += '</div>'; } if (el.badge) { badges += '<div class="position-relative">'; el.badge.forEach(b => { if (! = ''; if (!b.class) b.class = ''; if (!b.extra) b.extra = ''; badges += '<span' + + 'class="badge badge-pill position-absolute badge-top-left' + b.class + '"' + b.extra + '>' + b.text + '</span>'; }); badges += `</div>`; } if (el.images) { el.images.forEach(image => { if (!image.styles) image.styles = ''; if (!image.class) image.class = ''; if (!image.type) image.type = ''; if (image.position == 'top' && image.type == 'carousel') { Topimage += '<div class="slick-item">' + badges '<img class="card-img-top' + image.class + '" style="' + image.styles + '" src="' + image.src + '" alt= "' + image.alt + '" >' + '</div>'; } if (image.position == 'top' && image.type != 'carousel') Topimage += '<img class="card-img-top' + image.class + '" style="' + image.styles + '" src="' + image.src + '" alt= "' + image.alt + '" >'; if (image.position == 'left') Leftimage += '<img class="card-img-top' + image.class + '" style="' + image.styles + '" src="' + image.src + '" alt= "' + image.alt + '" >'; if (image.position == 'bottom') Bottomimage += '<img class="card-img-top' + image.class + '" style="' + image.styles + '" src="' + image.src + '" alt= "' + image.alt + '" >'; if (image.position == 'right') Rightimage += '<img class="card-img-top' + image.class + '" style="' + image.styles + '" src="' + image.src + '" alt= "' + image.alt + '" >'; }); } if (el.buttons && el.buttons.length > 0) { el.buttons.forEach(button => { if (!button.class) button.class = ''; if (!button.type) button.type = 'button'; if (! = ''; if (!button.extra) button.extra = ''; else if (button.type == 'link') buttons += '<a id="' + + '"' + button.extra + ' href="' + + '" class="btn ' + button.class + '">' + button.text + '</a>'; else buttons += '<button id="' + + '"' + button.extra + ' type="' + button.type + '" class="btn ' + button.class + '">' + button.text + '</button>'; }) } if (el.links && el.links.length > 0) { el.links.forEach(link => { if (!link.class) link.class = ''; if (! = ''; if (!link.extra) link.extra = ''; links += '<a id="' + + '"' + link.extra + ' href="' + + '" class="btn ' + link.class + '">' + link.text + '</a>'; }) } if (el.type == 'image') { card += cardHead + badges + Topimage + '</div>'; } else { if (!Leftimage && !Rightimage) { if (el.type == 'carousel') { card += cardHead + '<div class="carousel ' + el.imagewrapper + '">' + Topimage + '</div>' + '<div class="card-body">' < 'h5 class="card-title' + el.titleClass + '">' + el.title + '</h5>' + '<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 ' + el.subtitleClass + '">' + el.subtitle + '</h6>' + '<p class="card-text ' + el.textClass + '">' + el.text + '</p>' + '<div style="margin: -6rem 0 0 0;" class="slick-navs-dots slider-nav text-center">' + links + '</div>' + buttons + Bottomimage + '</div>' + foots + '</div>'; } else { card += cardHead + badges + Topimage + '<div class="card-body">' + '<h5 class="card-title ' + el.titleClass + '">' + el.title + '</h5>' + '<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 ' + el.subtitleClass + '">' + el.subtitle + '</h6>' + '<p class="card-text ' + el.textClass + '">' + el.text + '</p>' + links + buttons + Bottomimage + '</div>' foots + '</div>'; } } else { card += cardHead + '<div class="card-body">' + '<div style="display: flex">' + Leftimage + '<div style="margin-left: 2%">' + '<h5 class="card-title">' + el.title + '</h5>' + '<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2">' + el.subtitle + '</h6>' + '<p class="card-text">' + el.text + '</p>' + '</div>' + Rightimage + '</div>' + links + buttons + '</div>' + foots + '</div>'; } } return card; } this.generateInput = function (el) { var id = ! ? :; var placeholder = el.placeholder ? el.placeholder : ""; var khusus = ['hidden', 'file', 'select']; var params = ['label', 'fgClass', 'attr', 'value', 'labelClass', 'class']; params.forEach(item => { if (!el[item]) el[item] = '' }); if (el.type == 'file') { if($.dore !== undefined){ return '<div class="input-group col-sm-7 ' + el.fgClass + '">' + '<span class="input-group-btn">' + '<span class="btn btn-default btn-file">' + 'Browse? <input type="' + el.type + '" name="' + + '" id="' + id + '">' + '</span>' + '</span>' + '<input type="text" value="' + el.value + '" class="form-control ' + el.class + '" readonly>' + '</div>'; }else{ return '<div class="input-group col-sm-7 ' + el.fgClass + '">' + '<span class="input-group-btn">' + '<span class="btn btn-default btn-file">' + 'Browse? <input type="' + el.type + '" name="' + + '" id="' + id + '">' + '</span>' + '</span>' + '</div>'; } } if (el.type == 'hidden') return '<input type="hidden" value="' + el.value + '" id="' + id + '" name = "' + + '" />'; if (el.type == 'textarea') return '<div class = "form-group"><label class= "control-label ' + el.labelClass + '" for = "' + id + '">' + el.label + '</label> <textarea name = "' + + '" id = "' + id + '" class = "form-control ' + el.class + '" ' + el.attr + ' placeholder = "' + placeholder + '">' + el.value + '</textarea></div>'; if (!khusus.includes(el.type)) return '<div class = "form-group"> <label class= "control-label' + el.labelClass + '" for = "' + id + '">' + el.label + '</label> <input name = "' + + '" type = "' + el.type + '" id = "' + id + '" value = "' + el.value + '" class = "form-control ' + el.class + '"' + el.attr + ' placeholder = "' + placeholder + '"> </div>'; } this.notifikasi = function (pesan, opsi) { this.generateModal('notif', 'body', { type: 'custom', open: true, destroy: true, saatBuka: opsi.saatBuka == undefined ? function () { } : opsi.saatBuka, saatTutup: opsi.saatBuka == undefined ? function () { } : opsi.saatTutup, modalBody: { customBody: '<h4>' + pesan + '</h4>' } }); } this.generateModal = function (modalId, wrapper, opt) { var body = ""; var foot = ""; var stored = null; opt.clickToClose = opt.clickToClose == 'undefined' ? true : opt.clickToClose; var kembalian = null; if (!opt.type) opt.type = "nonForm"; if (!modalId) { alert("Id Modal harus di isi!"); return; } if (!opt) { alert("Opt harus di isi!"); return; } if (!opt.modalTitle) opt.modalTitle = ""; if (!opt.modalSubtitle) opt.modalSubtitle = ""; if (opt.modalBody) body += this.tambahkanBody(opt.type, opt); if (opt.modalFooter) { opt.modalFooter.forEach(el => { var id = ! ? "" :; var data = ? : ""; foot += '<button ' + data + ' type = "' + el.type + '" id ="' + id + '" class ="' + el.class + '">' + el.text + '</button>'; }); } if (!opt.modalPos) opt.modalPos = 'def'; var modalTemplate = opt.modalPos == 'def' ? '<div class="modal fade" id="' + modalId + '" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">' + '<div class="modal-dialog ' + opt.size + '" role="document">' + '<div class="modal-content">' + '<div class="modal-header d-block">' + '<div class = "d-flex">' + '<h5 class="modal-title">' + opt.modalTitle + '</h5>' + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">' + '<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>' + '</button>' + '</div>' + '<h6 id="modal-subtitle" class = "modal-title text-muted">' + opt.modalSubtitle + '</h6>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-body">' + body + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-footer">' + foot + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' : opt.modalPos == 'left' ? '<div class="modal fade modal-lef" id="' + modalId + '" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">' + '<div class="modal-dialog ' + opt.size + '" role="document">' + '<div class="modal-content">' + '<div class="modal-header d-block">' + '<div class = "d-flex">' + '<h5 class="modal-title">' + opt.modalTitle + '</h5>' + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">' + '<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>' + '</button>' + '</div>' + '<h6 id="modal-subtitle" class = "modal-title text-muted">' + opt.modalSubtitle + '</h6>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-body">' + body + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-footer">' + foot + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' : '<div class="modal fade modal-right" id="' + modalId + '" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">' + '<div class="modal-dialog ' + opt.size + '" role="document">' + '<div class="modal-content">' + '<div class="modal-header d-block">' + '<div class = "d-flex">' + '<h5 class="modal-title">' + opt.modalTitle + '</h5>' + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">' + '<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>' + '</button>' + '</div>' + '<h6 id="modal-subtitle" class = "modal-title text-muted">' + opt.modalSubtitle + '</h6>' + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-body">' + body + '</div>' + '<div class="modal-footer">' + foot + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' ; if ( opt.tulis = true; if (!wrapper) opt.tulis = false; if (!opt.ajax) opt.ajax = false; if (opt.tulis) $(wrapper).append(modalTemplate); if ( && !opt.clickToClose) $("#" + modalId).modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }, 'show'); else if ( && opt.clickToClose) $("#" + modalId).modal('show'); if (opt.destroy) { $("#" + modalId).on('', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); $("#" +; if (this.instance.validator[modalId.replaceAll('-', '_')]) { this.instance.validator[modalId.replaceAll('-', '_')].destroy(); delete (this.instance.validator[modalId.replaceAll('-', '_')]); } }); } if (opt.type == 'form') { stored = { key: modalId, modal: modalTemplate, modalid: modalId, formid: opt.formOpt.formId }, kembalian = { 'modalId': modalId, 'formId': opt.formOpt.formId, 'modal': modalTemplate } if (opt.ajax) { var ajaxSubmit = (formId = null) => { var formid = !formId ? opt.formOpt.formId : formId; var succes = opt.submitSuccess ? opt.submitSuccess : () => { }; var error = opt.submitError ? opt.submitError : () => { }; var sebelumSubmit = opt.sebelumSubmit ? opt.sebelumSubmit : () => { }; var rules = {}; var options = { success: succes, error: error, beforeSubmit: sebelumSubmit }; if(opt.headers != null) options.headers = opt.headers; if (opt.rules) { opt.rules.forEach(rule => { jQuery.validator.addMethod(, rule.method, rule.message); rules[rule.field] = {}; rules[rule.field][] = true; }) } window.formOpt = options this.instance.validator[modalId.replaceAll('-', '_')] = $("#" + formid).validate({ rules: rules, submitHandler: function (form) { $('#' + formid + ' #alert_danger, #alert_success').html('').hide(); $(form).ajaxSubmit(options); } }); } this.storeAjaxSubmit({ key: opt.formOpt.formId, callback: ajaxSubmit }); ajaxSubmit(); } } else { stored = { key: modalId, modal: modalTemplate, modalid: modalId }; kembalian = { 'modalId': modalId, 'modal': modalTemplate } } if (opt.eventListener) { $("#" + modalId).on('', function () { opt.eventListener.forEach(ev => { $(ev.element).on(ev.type, ev.callback); }) }); } $("#" + modalId).on('', opt.saatTutup); $("#" + modalId).on('', opt.saatBuka); if (opt.modalclick) { $("#" + modalId).on('', function () { setTimeout(function () { this.addModalOpen(); }, 20) }); $("#" + modalId).on('', function () { $('.modal').off('click', this.addModalOpen) }); } this.storeModal(stored); if (opt.kembali) return kembalian; } this.addModalOpen = function (langsung = false) { $('.modal').click(function (e) { setTimeout(function () { if (!$('body').hasClass('modal-open')) $('body').addClass('modal-open'); }, 10); }); if (langsung) $('.modal').trigger('click'); }; this.initDatatable = function (el, opt) { var options = { searching: == undefined ? false :, lengthchange: opt.change == undefined ? false : opt.change, lengthMenu: opt.changeMenu == undefined ? false : [10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100], destroy: true, info: == undefined ? false :, ordering: opt.order == undefined ? false : opt.order, dom: opt.dom == undefined ? '<"row view-filter"<"col-sm-12"<"pull-left"l><"pull-right"f><"clearfix">>>t<"row view-pager"<"col-sm-12"<"text-center"ip>>>' : opt.dom, buttons: opt.buttons == undefined ? [] : opt.buttons, select: == undefined ? false :, responsive: opt.responsive == undefined ? false : opt.responsive, pageLength: 10, language: { paginate: { previous: "<i class='simple-icon-arrow-left'></i>", next: "<i class='simple-icon-arrow-right'></i>" } }, createdRow: function (row, data, index) { if (opt.rowCallback) { opt.rowCallback.forEach(rowc => { console.log(row); if (rowc.filter) $(row).on(rowc.evt, rowc.filter, { data: data }, rowc.func); else $(row).on(rowc.evt, { data: data }, rowc.func); }) } }, drawCallback: function () { if (opt.hapusLength) $(el + "_length").remove(); $($(".dataTables_wrapper .pagination li:first-of-type")) .find("a") .addClass("prev"); $($(".dataTables_wrapper .pagination li:last-of-type")) .find("a") .addClass("next"); $(".dataTables_wrapper .pagination").addClass("pagination-sm"); } }; if(opt.columnDefs != undefined) options.columnDefs = opt.columnDefs; console.log("OPT CDN", options); var table = $(el).DataTable(options); if (opt.addCallback) { opt.callback.forEach(cb => { if (cb.filterEL) $(cb.el).on(cb.evt, cb.filterEL, { tabel: table }, cb.func); else $(cb.el).on(cb.evt, { tabel: table }, cb.func); }); } this.instance.dataTables[el.replaceAll("#", '')] = table; return table; } this.endLoading = function () { $('body').removeClass('show-spinner'); $('body').removeClass('modal-open') $('.c-overlay').hide(); $('button[type="submit"').prop('disabled', false); } $.fn.initDropzone = function (opt) { Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; var id = this.attr('id'); if ($().dropzone && !$('#' + id).hasClass("disabled")) { Dropzone.options[id] = { url: opt.url, thumbnailWidth: opt.thumbSize, previewTemplate: '<div class="dz-preview dz-file-preview mb-3"><div class="d-flex flex-row "> <div class="p-0 w-30 position-relative"> <div class="dz-error-mark"><span><i class="simple-icon-exclamation"></i> </span></div> <div class="dz-success-mark"><span><i class="simple-icon-check-circle"></i></span></div> <img data-dz-thumbnail class="img-thumbnail border-0" /> </div> <div class="pl-3 pt-2 pr-2 pb-1 w-70 dz-details position-relative"> <div> <span data-dz-name /> </div> <div class="text-primary text-extra-small" data-dz-size /> </div> <div class="dz-progress"><span class="dz-upload" data-dz-uploadprogress></span></div> <div class="dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div> </div><a href="#" class="remove" data-dz-remove> <i class="simple-icon-trash"></i> </a></div>', init: function () { if (opt.eventListener != 'undefined') { opt.eventListener.forEach(ev => { this.on(ev.event, ev.func); }) } } } var dropzone = $('#' + id).dropzone(); setInstance('dropzone', id.replaceAll('-', '_'), dropzone); } } this.showLoading = function () { $('body').addClass('modal-open'); $('.c-overlay').show(); $('button[type="submit"').prop('disabled', true); // if ( && opt.delay) { // setTimeout(function () { // this.endLoading(opt.endConf); // }, opt.delay); // } } this.makeToast = function (opt) { var non_req = ['tempel', 'textColor', 'bg', 'delay', 'wrapper', 'toastTime', 'show', 'return', 'hancurkan', 'title', 'message', 'cara_tempel']; non_req.forEach(nq => { if (!opt[nq]) opt[nq] = ''; }); if (!opt.autohide) opt.autohide = false if (!opt.delay && opt.autohide) opt.delay = parseInt(3000); if (! { alert('toastId tidak boleh kosong'); return; } var toast = '<div aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" role="alert" id="' + + '" data-delay ="' + opt.delay + '" class="toast ' + + ' ' + opt.textColor + '" style="position: fixed;top: 20%;right: 0;" data-autohide="' + opt.autohide + '" >' + '<div class="toast-header">' + '<strong class="mr-auto">' + opt.title + '</strong>' + '<small class="ml-5">' + opt.time + '</small>' + '<button type="button" class="ml-2 mb-1 close" data-dismiss="toast" aria-label="Close">' + '<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>' + '</button>' + '</div>' + '<div class="toast-body">' + opt.message + '</div>' + '</div>'; if ((opt.tempel && opt.wrapper) || { if (!opt.cara_tempel) $(opt.wrapper).append(toast); if (opt.cara_tempel == 'after') $(opt.wrapper).after(toast); if (opt.cara_tempel == 'prepend') $(opt.wrapper).prepend(toast); if (opt.cara_tempel == 'before') $(opt.wrapper).before(toast); } if ( $('#' +'show'); if (opt.return) return toast; $("#" +'', function () { if (opt.hancurkan) $('#' +; }); } this.makeNotify = function (opt = {}) { const params = [ 'dismiss', 'timpa', 'atasbawah', 'kirikanan', 'append', 'saatmembuka', 'saatterbuka', 'saatmenutup', 'saattertutup', 'progressBar' ]; params.forEach(item => { if (!opt) opt[item] = ''; else if (!opt[item]) opt[item] = ''; }); $.notify( { title: !opt.title ? "Bootstrap Notify" : opt.title, message: !opt.message ? 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"" :; var data = ? : ""; buttonsEl += '<button style=" margin: 0 10px;"' + data + ' type = "' + el.type + '" id = "' + id + '" class = "' + el.class + '">' + el.text + '</button>'; }); } formEl += '<form enctype = "' + form.enctype + '" ' + form.formAttr + ' class="' + form.formClass + '" id ="' + form.formId + '" method = "' + form.formMethod + '" action = "' + form.formAct + '">' + '<div id="alert_danger" style="display: none" class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"> </div>' + '<div id="alert_success" style="display: none" class="alert alert-success" role="alert"> </div>' + inputEl + buttonsEl + '</form>'; $(form.wrapper).append(formEl); if (form.ajax) { var ajaxSubmit = function (formId = null) { console.log(formId); var formid = !formId ? form.formId : formId; var succes = form.submitSuccess ? form.submitSuccess : () => { }; var error = opt.submitError ? opt.submitError : () => { }; var sebelumSubmit = form.sebelumSubmit ? form.sebelumSubmit : () => { }; var rules = {}; var options = { success: succes, error: error, beforeSubmit: sebelumSubmit }; if (form.rules) { form.rules.forEach(rule => { jQuery.validator.addMethod(, rule.method, rule.message); rules[rule.field] = {}; rules[rule.field][] = true; }) } this.instance.validator[formid.replaceAll('-', '_')] = $("#" + formid).validate({ rules: rules, submitHandler: function (form) { $('#' + formid + ' #alert_danger, #alert_success').html('').hide(); $(form).ajaxSubmit(options); } }); } this.storeAjaxSubmit({ key: form.formId, callback: ajaxSubmit }); ajaxSubmit(); } } /* View in fullscreen */ this.openFullscreen = function () { var elem = document.documentElement; if (elem.requestFullscreen) { elem.requestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /* Safari */ elem.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { /* IE11 */ elem.msRequestFullscreen(); } } /* Close fullscreen */ this.closeFullscreen = function () { var elem = document.documentElement; if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { /* Safari */ document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { /* IE11 */ document.msExitFullscreen(); } } return this; }();