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File: public/asset/vendor/kamscore/js/modal-conf.ex.js

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File: public/asset/vendor/kamscore/js/modal-conf.ex.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: mnTemplate
Route HTTP requests to callback functions
Author: By
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 14,467 bytes


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var modalConf = { "formlogin": { modalId: "modal-form-login", wrapper: ".generated-modals", opt: { type: 'form', ajax: true, rules: [ { name: 'noSpace', method: function (value, element) { return value.indexOf(" ") < 0; }, message: "No space please", field: 'user' } ], sebelumSubmit: function () { $('body').addClass('show-spinner'); $('#login').prop('disabled', true); }, submitSuccess: function (res) { $('body').removeClass('show-spinner'); $('#login').prop('disabled', false); if (! $('#' + modalConf.formlogin.opt.formOpt.formId + ' #alert_danger').html(res.massage).show(); else { if ( == 'pembeli' || == 'pedagang') window.location.reload(); else if ( == 'admin') window.location.replace(path + '/admin'); } }, open: true, destroy: true, modalPos: 'right', saatBuka: () => { var token = $('meta[name="_token"]').attr('content'); $("#" + modalConf.formregister.opt.formOpt.formId + " #token").val(token); $('#daftar').click(function () { const { modalId, wrapper, opt } = modalConf.formregister; UiHelper.generateModal(modalId, wrapper, opt); }); }, saatTutup: () => { $("#daftar").off('click'); }, formOpt: { enctype: 'multipart/form-data', formId: "form-login", formAct: "/api/login", formMethod: 'POST', }, modalTitle: "Login", modalBody: { input: [ { label: 'Username atau Email', placeholder: 'Masukkan Username atau Email', type: 'text', name: 'user', id: 'user', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Password', placeholder: 'Masukkan Password', type: 'password', name: 'pass', id: 'pass', attr: 'required' }, { type: 'hidden', name: '_token', id: 'token' } ], buttons: [ { type: 'button', text: 'Daftar', id: "daftar", class: "btn btn-empty" }, { type: 'submit', text: 'Masuk', id: "login", class: "btn btn btn-primary" } ], }, } }, "form_tambah_barang": { modalId: "modal-form-add-barang", wrapper: ".generated-modals", instance: {}, opt: { rules: [ { name: 'batas', method: function (value, element) { return value <= $('#stok').val(); }, message: "Batas beli harus kurang atau sama dengan stok", field: 'batas_beli' } ], type: 'form', open: true, destroy: true, ajax: true, modalPos: 'right', saatBuka: () => { var token = $('meta[name="_token"]').attr('content'); $("#" + modalConf.form_tambah_barang.opt.formOpt.formId + " #token").val(token); $("#stok").change(function () { if (!$('#batas_beli').val()) $('#batas_beli').val($(this).val()); }); }, sebelumSubmit: function () { $('#add').prop('disabled', true) $('body').addClass('show-spinner'); }, submitSuccess: (res) => { $('#add').prop('disabled', false); $('body').removeClass('show-spinner'); if (res.err) $('#' + modalConf.formlogin.opt.formOpt.formId + ' #alert_danger').html(`<p>${res.massage}</p>`).show(); else window.location.reload(); }, saatTutup: () => { $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); }, formOpt: { enctype: 'multipart/form-data', formId: "form-add-barang", formAct: "/api/product", formMethod: 'POST', formAttr: '' }, modalTitle: "Tambah Barang", modalBody: { input: [ { label: 'Nama Barang', placeholder: 'Masukkan Nama Barang', type: 'text', name: 'nama_barang', id: 'nama_barang', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Deskripsi', placeholder: 'Masukkan Deskripsi', type: 'textarea', name: 'deskripsi', id: 'deskripsi' }, { label: 'Harga', placeholder: 'Masukkan harga', type: 'number', name: 'harga', id: 'harga', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Stok', placeholder: 'Masukkan stok', type: 'number', name: 'stok', id: 'stok', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Berat', placeholder: 'Masukkan berat dalam gram', type: 'number', name: 'berat', id: 'berat' }, { label: 'Kategori', placeholder: 'Masukkan Kategori', type: 'text', name: 'kategori', id: 'kategori', }, { label: 'Kondisi', type: 'select', name: 'kondisi', id: 'kondisi', options: { 'baru': { text: 'Baru' }, 'bekas': { text: 'Bekas' }, } }, { label: 'Batas Pembelian', placeholder: 'Masukkan Batas pembelian', type: 'number', name: 'batas_beli', id: 'batas_beli' }, { type: 'hidden', name: '_token', id: 'token' } ], buttons: [ { type: 'reset', data: 'data-dismiss="modal"', text: 'Batal', id: "batal", class: "btn btn btn-warning" }, { type: 'submit', text: 'Tambah', id: "add", class: "btn btn btn-primary" } ] }, } }, "formregister": { modalId: "modal-form-register", wrapper: ".generated-modals", instance: {}, opt: { type: 'form', open: true, destroy: true, ajax: true, modalPos: 'right', saatBuka: () => { $('#' + modalConf.formlogin.modalId).modal('hide'); setTimeout(function () { $('body').addClass('modal-open'); }, 1000); }, sebelumSubmit: function () { $('body').addClass('show-spinner'); $('#register').prop('disabled', true); }, submitSuccess: function () { $('#register').prop('disabled', false); $('body').removeClass('show-spinner'); }, saatTutup: () => { }, formOpt: { enctype: 'multipart/form-data', formId: "form-register", formAct: "/api/register", formMethod: 'POST', formAttr: '' }, modalTitle: "Register", modalBody: { input: [ { label: 'Nama lengkap', placeholder: 'Masukkan Nama lengkap', type: 'text', name: 'nama_lengkap', id: 'nama_lengkap', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Username', placeholder: 'Masukkan Username', type: 'text', name: 'username', id: 'username', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Email', placeholder: 'Masukkan Email', type: 'email', name: 'email', id: 'email', attr: 'required' }, { label: 'Password', placeholder: 'Masukkan Password', type: 'password', name: 'pass', id: 'pass', attr: 'required' }, { type: 'hidden', name: '_token', id: 'token' } ], buttons: [ { type: 'reset', data: 'data-dismiss="modal"', text: 'Batal', id: "batal", class: "btn btn btn-warning" }, { type: 'submit', text: 'Daftar', id: "register", class: "btn btn btn-primary" } ] }, } }, "editkeranjang": { modalId: "modal-form-edit-tr", wrapper: ".generated-modals", instance: {}, opt: { type: 'form', open: true, destroy: true, ajax: true, modalPos: 'right', saatTutup: () => { }, submitSuccess: (res) => { UiHelper.addNotifItem('#notificationDropdown', []); $("#" + modalConf.keranjang.modalId).modal('hide'); window.location.reload(); }, formOpt: { enctype: 'multipart/form-data', formId: "form-edit-tr", formAct: "/api/transaksi", formMethod: 'POST', formAttr: '' }, modalBody: { buttons: [ { type: 'reset', data: 'data-dismiss="modal"', text: 'Batal', id: "batal", class: "btn btn btn-empty" }, { type: 'submit', text: 'Simpan', id: "simpan", class: "btn btn btn-outline-primary" } ] }, } }, 'keranjang': { modalId: "keranjang", wrapper: ".generated-modals", opt: { size: 'modal-lg', type: 'custom', kembali: false, open: true, destroy: true, saatBuka: () => { }, saatTutup: (e) => { }, modalTitle: "Keranjang belanjaan anda", modalBody: { }, } }, "country-detail": { modalId: "country-detail", wrapper: ".generated-modals", opt: { size: 'modal-lg', type: 'card group', kembali: true, saatBuka: () => { }, saatTutup: (e) => { }, modalTitle: "Detail Country", modalBody: { cardDisplay: 'grid', card: [ { id: 'total_tests', styles: "background-color: #f2d411; color: white;", images: [ { src: '/src/images/blood-test.svg', alt: 'total test icon', position: 'left', styles: 'width: 70px;' }, ] }, { id: 'total_cases', styles: "background-color: #f74114; color: white", images: [ { src: '/src/images/patient.svg', alt: 'total cases icon', position: 'left', styles: 'width: 70px;' }, ] }, { id: 'active_cases', styles: "background-color: #eb265a; color: white", images: [ { src: '/src/images/hospital-bed.svg', alt: 'active cases icon', position: 'left', styles: 'width: 70px;' }, ] }, { id: 'total_recovered', styles: "background-color: #32cf0a; color: white", images: [ { src: '/src/images/recovered.svg', alt: 'total recovered icon', position: 'left', styles: 'width: 70px;' }, ] }, { id: 'serious_critical', styles: "background-color:#046e91; color: white", images: [ { src: '/src/images/critical.svg', alt: 'serious critical icon', position: 'left', styles: 'width: 70px;' }, ] }, { id: 'total_deaths', styles: "background-color: #910404; color: white", images: [ { src: '/src/images/death.svg', alt: 'total deaths icon', position: 'left', styles: 'width: 70px;' }, ] } ] } } } } // export default modalConf; // Script Penting // $(document).on('change', '.btn-file :file', function() { // var input = $(this), // label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, ''); // input.trigger('fileselect', [label]); // }); // $('.btn-file :file').on('fileselect', function(event, label) { // var input = $(this).parents('.input-group').find(':text'), // log = label; // if( input.length ) { // input.val(log); // } else { // if( log ) alert(log); // } // }); // function readURL(input) { // window.file = input.files; // var reader = new FileReader(); // reader.onloadend = function (e) { // console.log( // } // } // $("#inputFile").change(function(){ // readURL(this); // });