* The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is a Spanish tax identification number assigned by the Spanish
* authorities to any foreigner.
* The NIE is the equivalent of a Spaniards Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) which serves as a fiscal
* identification number. The CIF number (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal) is equivalent to the NIF, but applies to
* companies rather than individuals. The NIE consists of an 'X' or 'Y' followed by 7 or 8 digits then another letter.
$.validator.addMethod( "nieES", function( value, element ) {
"use strict";
if ( this.optional( element ) ) {
return true;
var nieRegEx = new RegExp( /^[MXYZ]{1}[0-9]{7,8}[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKET]{1}$/gi );
letter = value.substr( value.length - 1 ).toUpperCase(),
value = value.toString().toUpperCase();
// Quick format test
if ( value.length > 10 || value.length < 9 || !nieRegEx.test( value ) ) {
return false;
// X means same number
// Y means number + 10000000
// Z means number + 20000000
value = value.replace( /^[X]/, "0" )
.replace( /^[Y]/, "1" )
.replace( /^[Z]/, "2" );
number = value.length === 9 ? value.substr( 0, 8 ) : value.substr( 0, 9 );
return validChars.charAt( parseInt( number, 10 ) % 23 ) === letter;
}, "Please specify a valid NIE number." );