* Brazillian CPF number (Cadastrado de Pessoas Físicas) is the equivalent of a Brazilian tax registration number.
* CPF numbers have 11 digits in total: 9 numbers followed by 2 check numbers that are being used for validation.
$.validator.addMethod( "cpfBR", function( value, element ) {
"use strict";
if ( this.optional( element ) ) {
return true;
// Removing special characters from value
value = value.replace( /([~!@#$%^&*()_+=`{}\[\]\-|\\:;'<>,.\/? ])+/g, "" );
// Checking value to have 11 digits only
if ( value.length !== 11 ) {
return false;
var sum = 0,
firstCN, secondCN, checkResult, i;
firstCN = parseInt( value.substring( 9, 10 ), 10 );
secondCN = parseInt( value.substring( 10, 11 ), 10 );
checkResult = function( sum, cn ) {
var result = ( sum * 10 ) % 11;
if ( ( result === 10 ) || ( result === 11 ) ) {
result = 0;
return ( result === cn );
// Checking for dump data
if ( value === "" ||
value === "00000000000" ||
value === "11111111111" ||
value === "22222222222" ||
value === "33333333333" ||
value === "44444444444" ||
value === "55555555555" ||
value === "66666666666" ||
value === "77777777777" ||
value === "88888888888" ||
value === "99999999999"
) {
return false;
// Step 1 - using first Check Number:
for ( i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
sum = sum + parseInt( value.substring( i - 1, i ), 10 ) * ( 11 - i );
// If first Check Number (CN) is valid, move to Step 2 - using second Check Number:
if ( checkResult( sum, firstCN ) ) {
sum = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) {
sum = sum + parseInt( value.substring( i - 1, i ), 10 ) * ( 12 - i );
return checkResult( sum, secondCN );
return false;
}, "Please specify a valid CPF number" );