* This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen, http://webcodingeasy.com
* Feel free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator
* Media Embed class allows you to retrieve information about media like Video or Images
* by simply using link or embed code from media providers like Youtube, Myspace, etc.
* It can retrieve embeding codes, title, sizes and thumbnails from
* more than 20 popular media providers
* For more information, examples and online documentation visit:
* http://webcodingeasy.com/PHP-classes/Get-information-about-video-and-images-from-link
<form action='' method='post'>
<p>Input link or embed code for media:
<input type='text' name='media' size='55'<?php
echo " value='".$_POST["media"]."' ";
echo " value='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs-rgXUu448' ";
<input type='submit' value='Get info'/>
$em = new media_embed($_POST["media"]);
$site = $em->get_site();
if($site != "")
echo "<h3>Getting information from ".$site."</h3>";
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr><td>Title:</td><td>";
echo $em->get_title()."\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Canonical url:</td><td>";
echo "<p><a href='".$em->get_url()."' target='_blank'>".$em->get_url()."</a></p>\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Thumbnail small:</td><td>";
$src = $em->get_thumb();
if($src != "")
echo "<img src='".$src."'/>\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Thumbnail medium:</td><td>";
$src = $em->get_thumb("medium");
if($src != "")
echo "<img src='".$src."'/>\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Thumbnail large:</td><td>";
$src = $em->get_thumb("large");
if($src != "")
echo "<img src='".$src."'/>\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Iframe code:</td><td>";
echo $em->get_iframe()."\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Embed code:</td><td>";
echo $em->get_embed()."\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Size:</td><td>";
$size = $em->get_size();
echo "<p>".$size["w"]." x ".$size["h"]."</p>\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<h3>Cannot get info from this source</h3>";