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File: texts-en.php

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File: texts-en.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Language texts : english
Class: Genealogy Classes
Manage genealogy trees for a family
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 5,619 bytes


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// janv 2011. Pierre FAUQUE,
// language file : texts-en.php (English. Of course, you can improve these texts :o)
// NB: Use this file as template for another language.
// Thank you very much to send me your translation into your own language to make it available for others

// Various errors
define(ERR_100, 'Scripts running only with PHP 4 and above');
define(ERR_199, 'Unknown error!');
define(ERR_200, 'Server unreachable!');
define(ERR_201, 'Database unreachable!');
define(ERR_202, 'Request error!');
define(ERR_299, 'Unknown SQL error!');
define(ERR_300, 'Date error!');

define(TXT_LUD, 'Last database update');
define(TXT_DPR, 'Display/Print');

// Buttons
define(TBT_PRN, 'Print the page');
define(TBT_LST, 'Show the people list');
define(TBT_PIC, 'See the pictures');
define(TBT_ALL, 'Show all');
define(TBT_GED, 'Download the GEDCOM file');
define(TBT_SHT, 'See the sheet');
define(TBT_MSG, 'Send informations about this person');
define(TBT_PDF, 'Detailed list in PDF file');
define(TBT_HLP, 'Help');
define(TBT_CLS, 'Close this window');
define(TBT_CBL, 'Choose this person');
define(TBT_NLS, 'Nominative list');

// Page: index.php
define(TIT_IDX, 'Families');
define(H1_IDX, 'Notice to visitors');
define(CNT_IDX, 'content-idx_en.txt'); // Content of the index page

// Page: showlist.php
define(TIT_ANL, 'Alphabetic nominative list');
define(TXT_PRS, 'people');
define(TXT_UNK, 'Unkn.');
define(TXT_DG, 'You are about to download \'"+gedf+"\' file.\\nYou can retreive these people and the links existing between them\\nby importing this GEDCOM file in a genealogy software.\\n\\nClick on [OK] to download it\\nClick on [Cancel] to not download it');

// Page: showphotos.php
define(TIT_PIC, 'List in alphabetic order of collected pictures');
define(TXT_PIC, 'pictures');
define(TXT_TON, 'from');

// Page: showpers.php
define(TXT_BTH, 'Birth');
define(TXT_DTH, 'Death');
define(TXT_FTH, 'Father');
define(TXT_MTH, 'Mother');
define(TXT_SPS, 'Spouse');
define(TXT_NOT, 'Notes');
define(TXT_AND, 'and');
define(TXT_CH1, 'child');
define(TXT_CHS, 'children');
define(TXT_HHD, 'have had');
define(TXT_HH0, 'haven\'t had any child');
define(TXT_FOR, 'for');
define(TXT_WK0, 'We don\'t know any child');
define(TXT_WK1, 'We know 1');
define(TXT_WKS, 'We know');

// Page: showall.php
define(TIT_ALL, 'Complete detailded list');

// Page: showsheet.php
define(TIT_SHT, 'Person, parents, grands-parents');
define(TXT_CRD, 'Card of');

// Class personne // English French
define(TXT_DON, 'on'); // "on" 02/03/1918 "le" 02/03/1918
define(TXT_DIN, 'in'); // "in" 1935 "en" 1935
define(TXT_CIN, 'in'); // "in" France (Country) "en" France
define(TXT_PIN, 'in'); // "in" Paris (Place) "à" Paris

// Page: msg_infos.php
define(H1_MSG, 'More informations about');
define(CNT_MSG, 'content-mail_en.txt'); // Content of the 'send infos by mail' page
define(TXT_CLS, 'Select your name');
define(TXT_SBJ, 'Subject');
define(TXT_ABT, 'About');
define(TXT_BUN, 'Unions');
define(TXT_NB, 'number');
define(TXT_EUN, 'End of union (ev.)');
define(TXT_IDT, 'date, place, zipcode, country');
define(TXT_IUN, 'type, date, place, zipcode, country');
define(TXT_IPS, 'last name, first name, birthdate, place, zipcode, country');
define(TXT_CC, 'Copy to');
define(TXT_OPT, '(optional. If you want a copy of this mail)');
define(TXT_BDY, 'Message');
define(TXT_YMA, 'Your mail address');
define(TXT_SND, 'Send');
define(TXT_CAN, 'Cancel');
define(TXT_UR, 'You are');
define(TXT_ANO, 'anonymous');
define(TXT_EXP, '');
define(TXT_NBM, 'All any information is welcome. Thanks for any further informations.');

// Page: famille.php
define(TXT_FAM, 'FAMILIES');
define(TXT_SUM, 'Summary');
define(TXT_GEN, 'Genealogy');
define(TXT_INF, 'Informations');
define(TXT_CHK, 'When the number of children of a family is known, that information is recorded in the database. So, the person card will can notice :');
define(TXT_CK0, '- Mr so-and-so and Mrs so-and-so haven\'t had any child');
define(TXT_OR, 'or');
define(TXT_CKX, '- Mr so-and-so and Mrs so-and-so have had X child(ren)');
define(TXT_CHC, 'In this last case, the recorded children are listed. So, it may be that 5 children are mentioned when only 3 are listed because those 3 children are the only who are known and recorded.');
define(TXT_CHU, 'When the number of children of a family isn\'t known, that information is computed counting the children recorded in the database. So, the person card will can notice :');
define(TXT_CU0, '- We don\'t know any child for Mr so-and-so and Mrs so-and-so');
define(TXT_CUX, '- We know X child(ren) for Mr so-and-so and Mrs so-and-so');
define(TXT_CUC, 'In this last case, the recorded children are listed. So, it may be that this family have had some children although it is noticed that we don\'t know any children for her or the real number of children is greater than the number of those who are listed.');
define(TXT_DLS, 'Detailed list');
define(TXT_ADR, 'Address');
define(TXT_TEL, 'Phone');
define(TXT_FLS, 'Families list');
define(TXT_PLS, 'Places list');
define(TXT_CPI, 'Collected pictures');
define(TXT_LP1, 'This document have been made up by a PHP script looking for the information held');
define(TXT_LP2, 'in the people database located at');
define(TXT_LP3, 'on');
define(TXT_2C, 'To continue...');
