PHP SQL Toolkit Documentation
The most current information regarding PHP SQL Toolkit can be found at
http://www.af-design.com/resource/sql/ including downloads, past versions,
support and general information regarding this toolkit.
ΚΚ bool database_close( database_connection )
Closes an open database_connection created with database_connect(). Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. See also database_quick_query()
ΚΚ database_connection database_connect( datasource )
Establishes a connection to the specified datasource and returns a database_connection class for working with the connection.
ΚΚ bool database_data_seek( database_result, int )
Seeks the specified int row value within the specified result set. If this is followed by database_fetch_row(), database_fetch_object() or database_fetch_assoc() that row will be returned. This will return TRUE if the function was able to set that row as next, FALSE if it was unable to. Common causes of a FALSE are trying to reference a row that doesn't exist.
ΚΚ array database_fetch_assoc( database_result )
Returns an associative array with the information from the next row in the database_result passed in. Sample access to this information would be in the format of array["fieldname"].
ΚΚ array database_fetch_data( database_result )
Returns a 2 dimentional array with the data as it is stored within the database_result class passed into the function. This should not be used in production code and is only provided for debugging purposes.
ΚΚ array database_fetch_info( database_result )
Returns an array of internal information regarding current position of the database_result passed in, such as current row, max rows and number of fields.
ΚΚ object database_fetch_object( database_result )
Returns an object with the field names as values. Sample access to this information would be row->fieldname.
ΚΚ array database_fetch_row( database_result )
Returns an enumerated array with the information from the next row in the database_result passed in. Sample access to this information would be in the format array[0].
ΚΚ bool database_free_result( database_result )
Attempts to free the memory associated with the database_result provided. Always returns TRUE.
ΚΚ database_result database_import_xml_packet( string )
Takes an xml packet for input and parses it into a database_result object for use with standard row fetching methods like database_fetch_assoc(), database_fetch_object() and database_fetch_row().
ΚΚ database_result database_import_xml_url( string )
Takes a URL string to perform an HTTP GET on and pulls the resulting XML packet into a database_result object. This is just a wrapper for the XML packet function. See also database_import_xml_packet().
ΚΚ int database_num_fields( database_result )
Returns the number of fields contained in each row of the provided database_result
ΚΚ int database_num_rows( database_result )
Returns the number of rows in the provided database_result.
ΚΚ database_result database_query( database_connection, string )
Returns a database neutral dataset in a class defined in database_result.php. This acts on a database connection established with database_connect() the query should be written as close to SQL99 Standards as possible to avoid vendor specific issues later. See also database_quick_query()
ΚΚ database_result database_quick_query( datasource, string )
Executes the provided string against the provided datasource and returns a database_result. The function handles all the database connection calls to quickly pull together a set of information. See also database_conect(), database_query() and database_close()
ΚΚ void database_result_dump( database_result )
Prints an HTML representation of the database_result passed in. See the sample page for a demo.
ΚΚ string database_result_xml( database_result )
Converts a database_result into a standardized xml packet for export to other systems, disk writes etc.