PHP Classes

File: web/script/bites.js

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  Classes of Luke Rotherfield   Nibble PHP Framework   web/script/bites.js   Download  
File: web/script/bites.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Plug-in handling js
Class: Nibble PHP Framework
Web application framework based in plug-ins
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 1,269 bytes


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$(document).ready(function () { $( ".selector" ).sortable({ receive: function(event, ui) { runAjax({ action: 'activateAndDeactivatePlugins', id: ui.item.children("input").val(), module: window.location.pathname }, function(result){ $( "#working" ).dialog( "destroy" ); if(result == 1){ message('Success','Bite was woken up',5000,false); } else if(result == 0){ message('Success','Bite was put to sleep',5000,false); } else if(result == 2){ if(confirm('Removing this Bite will cause other Bites not to function, these Bites will also be put to sleep. Is that ok?')){ runAjax({ action: 'deactivateDependentPlugins', id: ui.item.children("input").val(), module: window.location.pathname }, function(){ location.reload(); }); } else { message('Cancelled',"Change to bite status has been cancelled",5000,false); $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel'); } } else{ message('Error',result,0,true); $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel'); } }); } }); });