Functionality to display a data dictionary for any database on the server.
This defaults to displaying a webpage (index.php) and can also create
csv and xml files.
Developed and tested on a MySQL server; however, since it uses the PDO
library, this ought to be usable on any type of database server that a) is
supported by PDO, and b) uses the information_schema database as per the
ANSI standards.
This is for development use only. Do not use on a production server or
anywhere else publicly accessible. Like phpinfo(), this might give people
information that you don't want them to have. Use at your own risk.
files provided
displays information_schema's data dictionary as a webpage and
provides links to all the server's databases' data dictionaries and
provides functionality to convert displayed data dictionary to csv or xml
consider this as an example
colors used: blue, gray, #ddddff
Class: DataDictionary
__construct($dsn, $host, $dbase, $user, $pass)
creates a database connection using the PDO library and
uses three sql statements to get database information
from the information_schema database
public functions:
returns the names of all databases on the server as an array
returns table information for the tables in a database as an array
returns the names of all tables in a database as an array
returns column information for all the tables in a database as an array
returns column information for a specific table as an array
returns the array keys for an array
Class: DDConverter extends DataDictionary
__construct($type, $dsn, $host, $dbase, $user, $pass)
calls DataDictionary and
based on $type, returns a csv file or an xml document
no public functions
Class: DDPresenter
html helper functions for index.php
public functions:
creates list of databases as GET links
creates list of database tables as internal links
createTable($array, $headers)
creates a table to display information